Simon the Firedrake: The largest and strongest of the three, yet also the friendliest and most human in personality. Also a bit dopey.
Magic Might: 33 (Animal) (Base Might 36, Reduced Might x3)
Season: Summer
Characteristics: Int -3, Per +2, Com -2, Pre +0, Str +7, Sta +5, Dex +3, Quik -1
Size: +3
Confidence: 2 (5)
Virtues: Magical Animal (dragon kind); Magical Champion; Affinity with Brawl, Arcane Lore, Enduring Constitution, Gift of Speech, Gift of Tongues, Great Stamina, Hermetic Experience, Homing Instinct, Improved Power (scent magic), Intuition, Keen Sense of Smell, Large, Magic Sensitivity, Tough, Personal Power (scent magic), Unaffected by the Gift, Variable Power (scent magic);
Flaws: Compassionate (Major), Servant of the Land (Featherbottom Rock); Greedy (Minor), Incomprehensible, Oversensitive, Simple Minded
Qualities: Greater Immunity to Heat & Flames, Greater Power (x2), Shapeshifter; Great Stamina (x2), Improved Abilities (x3), Improved Attack-Claws, Improved Characteristics (x2), Improved Confidence, Improved Damage-Teeth, Improved Fatigue (x2), Improved Initiative-Claws, Improved Powers (x3), Improved Soak (x5), Piercing Gaze, Personal Power, Puissant Brawl, Variable Power x5
Inferiorities: Obese, Reduced Might (x3), Susceptible to Deprivation
Personality Traits: Glutton +4, Simpleton +2, Loyal +2, Brave +1
Essential Trait: *Dragon +5
Reputations: Always Hungry 1 (Hermetic)
Claws: Init +1, Atk +17, Def +12, Dmg +9
Large Teeth: Init -1, Atk +18, Def +11, Dmg +13
Soak: +21
Fatigue: OK, 0, 0, -0, -0, -2, -4, ko
Wound Penalties: -0 Lt (1-8), -2 Med (9-16), -4 Hvy (17-24), Incap (25-32), Dead (33+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 2 (owlbears), Athletics 4 (pouncing), Awareness 3 (alertness), Brawl* 8+2 (bite), Catalan 5 (questions), Charm 2 (wit), Concentration 3 (scent), Dragon Ken 3 (fire-drakes), Finesse 4 (spit), Folk Ken 2 (sense fear), Guile 3 (hiding guilt), Hunt 5 (mountain goats), Leadership 2 (intimidation), Magic Lore 3 (dragon kind), Magic Sensitivity 6 (vis), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Vibria), Penetration 4 (spittle), Pyrenean Wilderness Lore 3 (Featherbottom Rock), Pyrenees Area Lore 5 (Andorra), Shapeshifter 3 (owlbear), Stealth 2 (stalk), Survival 4 (mountains)
Spittle of Fire: 0 points, Init 0, Ignem
R: Special, D: Mom, T: Ind
_____Simon can spit cabbage sized globs of flame to inflict damage upon whatever it strikes. For Simon, the combined Damage and Range (in paces) equals a maximum of his Might score of 32. So typically up to +16 Damage and a Range up to sixteen paces.
CrIg5 (Base 4, +1 Rego for projection)
Greater Power (5 levels)
Improved Power (-1 cost, +1 Initiative)
Variable Power
Gout of Fire: 0 points, Init 0, Ignem
R: Special, D: Mom, T: Ind
_____Simon can breathe a gout of flame that shoots out about 32 paces and is about five paces wide, inflicting +32 fire damage. The fire comes from within his lungs (R: Per), so subtract the number of paces distant from the damage inflicted. As a variable power, the range/size/damage of the gout is adjustable. They may be as little as desired, the maximum Range &/or Damage equals his Might score, and the width may be up to one-fifth his Might score.
CrIg10 (Base 5, +1 Rego for projection):
Greater Power (10 levels)
Improved Power (-1 cost, +1 Initiative)
Variable Power
Torrent of Fire: 1 point, Init 0, Ignem
R: Special, D: Mom, T: Ind
_____Drawing from deep within Simon can belch forth a mighty torrent of fire, creating a fiery sphere of fire encompassing him and those close by. The diameter is up to ten paces and inflicts +32 damage to all within (save for Simon, who is immune to fire). As a Variable power fire may be adjusted from as little as an aura to a Radius equal to one-fifth his Might. The effect can be as low as heats and light or a torrent inflicting damage up to his Might score.
CrIg25 (Base 5, +1 Rego, +3 Size)
Greater Power (25 levels)
Improved Power (-2 cost, +3 Initiative)
Variable Power
Gastronomy of the Voracious Dragon: 0 points, Init -6, various
R: Bite, D: Chew, T: Ind
_____Through a combination of burning and chewing, Simon can eat and digest anything.
PeTe50 (Base 3, +2 Metal, +2 Requisites for anything else, +2 for size of anything he can bite and fit in his mouth, +1 Touch with his Bite, +1 Part for bite size pieces, +3 further elaboration for particulars of the effect)
Greater Power (50 levels)
Improved Power (-5 cost)
Scent of Magic: 0 points, Init -1, Vim, Variable Power
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Smell
_____Grants Simon the power to smell magic linked with his Supernatural Ability of Magic Sensitivity. His score is 6, specializing in vis, and he can use this Ability in six different ways.
- 1 Nutritious Smells: Simon can automatically detect vis in his presence. To track vis or find hidden vis, he makes a roll of a Stress Die + Perception + Scent Magic, +3 for Keen Sense of Smell. The Ease Factor is based on how distant the vis is located; Close (6+), Near (12+), or Far (18+). A Penalty may apply if the vis is hidden or other factors, ranging from -1 to -6. The quantity of the vis adds as a bonus to the roll; +1 for every five pawns. Simon can distinguish between different scents and flavors of vis (different Arts), though he doesn’t use the same terminology a magus would. His favorite is Spicy (Ignem), and he hates Bitter (Perdo).
- 2 Pungency of Magical Prey: Simon can detect the scent of magical power in beings of the magic realm. He may substitute his Scent Magic score for Hunting when it involves creatures of Magic Might. Further, one-fifth of the subject's current number of Might Points adds a bonus of +1 to rolls using either ability. This use of Scent Magic detects species (magic odor) after leaving the subjects body, and thus there is no Magic Resistance involved.
- 3 Scent of Supernatural Air: Simon can smell the power of Supernatural Auras, each having a distinct scent. Magic Auras smell Savory and Faerie Auras Sweet; and can gauge the level by how strong their smell is. Infernal Auras smell rotten, and he cannot tell the strength because it overwhelms his senses. A Divine Aura has a subtle smell of sea salt. He cannot gauge the level but he knows his ability to smell magic is drastically reduced (aura penalty).
- 4 Fragrance of the Frontier Wind: Simon can detect the boundaries of magical and faerie regiones, determined by the strength of the scent and whether he is up or down wind. Simon uses his Scent Magic Ability to roll the same way another would using Second Sight.
- 5 Scent of Active Magical Power: Simon can detect Active Magic emanating from spells, enchanted items, and magical powers. The base Ease Factor depends on how close the magic is; Close (6+), Near (12+), or Far (18+). Every ten levels of the effect adds a +1 bonus to the roll to detect it, the strength of the odor giving some indication of its power. He cannot tell anything of the Arts, though he can become familiar with the scent of the magic of a particular person, creature, and/or object.
- 6 Lingering Scent of Magical Power: Simon can sense when magical power has been used recently in the immediate vicinity. The ease factor depends on how recent it actually is, the base time being within the past Day for magic of the third magnitude or lower, the past Week for magic of the fourth through sixth magnitudes, the past Month for the seventh through tenth magnitudes, or within the past Season for the eleventh magnitude or higher. Add three magnitudes to the timed determination for rituals. The Ease Factor is 6+ for Very Recent (half Base Time), 9+ Recent (Base Time), 12 for Stale (twice Base time), and 18+ for Old (three times base).
InVi10 (Base 1, +2 Smell, +3 Constant, +3 Enhanced effects)
Personal Power (25 Levels)
Improved Power (-3 cost, +2 Initiative)
Variable Power
Shapeshifting of the Rotund Drake: 0 points, Init -1, Animal/Corpus
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
_____Simon has learned the family trick of shape changing and pretending to be human. He takes on the guise of a large fat man, slightly bald and unkempt. This is a variable power linked to the Shapeshifter Ability, and Simon can adopt a number of additional forms equal to that ability score. So far at a score of two, he can also adopt the guise of an owlbear. Because of the linked nature of the power and the virtue, Simon does not have to roll to change forms (he may change at will according to his initiative), and each shape is considered natural. Virtues & Flaws & such carry over between forms, so Simon is always one point larger than a normal example of a being of that type (as a human he is Size +1). Positive attributes carry over as well, so he still has a Protection bonus from Tough and Improved Soak.
MuAn25 (Base 10, +2 Sun, +1 Constant
Personal Power (25 levels)
Improved Power (-3 cost)
Variable Power
Natural Weapons: Claws (Init -1, Atk +2, Def +3, Dmg +2), Large Teeth (Init +0, Atk +3, Dmg +1, Def +1), Thick Scales (Protection +3)
Encumbrance: 0
Vis: 4 Ignem in heart, 1 Intellego in nose
Description: Simon is the largest of the three rogues, and though he is an intelligent drake, he is a dim-witted simpleton. He acts tough and is naturally aggressive, but he is friendly with those who treat him nicely. However, if he thinks he is being tricked or picked on he reacts with anger. Since he is stupid, he might get this impression falsely and overreact. After the death of Lord Featherbottom and the dwindling of the Owlbear population, Simon feels guilty and has switched to a vegetarian diet. Which means he only eats herbivores. Simon is currently working with his nephew Artur, son of Vibria, tinkering in the ruins of Featherbottom's shack, attempting to hatch a clutch of owlbear eggs.