Big magic - a Major Hermetic Virtue in search of a more impressive name

considering that I made it up at 3 am, that was the best name i could come up with. But your suggestion for a name sounds better.

What about making Magic of the Titans a variant of ArM5 p.42 Flexible Formulaic Magic, which replaces

You may raise or lower the casting level of the spell by five to raise or lower one (only) of Range, Duration, and Target by one step, as long as this does not
violate any of the normal limits on formulaic magic.


You may raise or lower the casting level of the spell by five or ten to raise or lower the Target Size by one or two steps (resulting in size factors 10 or 100), as long as this does not violate any of the normal limits on formulaic magic.

This looks safe to me as a Major Hermetic Virtue - but as it becomes your house rule anyway, you can fiddle with it further.

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