Bjornaer Magi and Longevity

I really like the Mystery Option :smiley: IMO, it fits very well with the dual nature of the house's members.

Which leads me to the question of what would happen if an evil and powerful old Verditius with the Bind Mythic Creatures mystery under his belt were to capture poor Ferretz Bjornaer Otter (disregarding the code altogether obviously) and bind its animal longevity to his Gift (along with his own CrCo longevity benefits)?

Would one get a phenomenally long-living evil enchanter with a fondness for water and tendency to preen himself at the most inopportune moments? lol.

Hum... Thing is, the otter is a non-magical one, and it's longevity isn't an innate power, so I guess this wouldn't work.

I know, it was a feeble attempt at munchkin humour. :wink:

Is munchkin humour choleric or sanguinic? :smiley:

Well it has nothing to do with being short tempered so I guess it must be sanguine :wink:

Oups! My bad :blush:

And I fact, I think munckins would love sanguine humors

Well, the way we did it the lab total was still CrCo, it's just that the vis can come from other forms if apprpriate to the recipient. And appropriate meant things like their highest form or something they had an associate virtue. In play it didn't really change a whole lot other than color and to make longevity potions a little chepaer.

Main book, page 101:

In other words, no problem.

As for the specific case of Bjornaer, there's a case for arguing that longevity for the Animal side doesn't help the human side. That's because a Bjornaer who falls into final Twilight ends up forever trapped in heartbeast form, with the mind of the animal, and no magical abilities other than form bonuses. The hearbeast is unaging.

That said, I see no reason that Animal vis would be off limits to a Bjornaer's Longevity Ritual, as long as other specialty-appropriate types of vis were allowed to other magi. I'd also rule that the Bjornaer would have to be an Animal specialist, not just a magus with a Heartbeast ability.

Also, I'm only talking about using other types of vis in the Longevity Ritual. I wouldn't allow other magical Forms to be used for creating the ritual without special circumstances.