Case 12: The Springs of Carcassonne

In Summer 1209 the Albigensian Crusade arrived outside the Trencavel city of Carcassonne, fresh from the terrible massacre of the population at Beziers. They demanded the surrender of the city, and of the Cathar perfecti ('priests') within for execution. Raimond-Rogier Tencavel refused, and closed the gates against the crusaders, and a siege ensued. However the cisterns of the city ere almost depleted after weeks of little rain, and it seemed the city would be forced to surrender imminently.

It was during this period of increasing desperation that three fresh springs were discovered in the caverns below the city, giving a continual supply of fresh water. Pierre de Compiegne, Magus of Tytalus, who rode with the Crusaders claims that subsequent to the capture of the city (outlined below) he discovered these springs to have been created by Creo Aquam rituals by Adam Capentier, an Ex Miscellanea magus of Provence who maintained a town house within the city, and was present during the siege. Adam does not deny the charge, but claims his creation of the springs was simply self defence, and defence of his self, home and magical resources within the walls.

Pierre has travelled from Normandy to bring a charge of "Interfering with Mundanes" against Adam. Adam claims that while his actions could theoretically have prolonged the siege, he did nothing to feed the city, and that fresh water was needed to keep him and his staff alive. Defence of his sanctum and the city where he lives does not constitute a Hermetic Crime.

(Carcassonne actually fell after a week, making the springs irrelevant in determining the outcome of the siege. Count Raimond-Rogier Trencavel was taken prisoner by the crusaders during a supposed parley, and imprisoned. Faced with threats of his execution, the city surrendered. Trencavel died of bloody flux in his dungeons after the surrender, though the southerners claim he was poisoned. Simon de Montfort became lord of Carcassonne and took over the domain).

So is Adam guilty of a crime? Opinions please!

cj x

No. No ruin brought on his sodales at all, so no crime committed. Even if the siege was unsuccessful due to the presence of he springs, there would still no crimes committed at all. Quite a clear (non) case, in fact

What was Pierre de Compiegne doing with the Crusaders?


Aqueum of Tytalus rises and speaks, relishing the opportunity to discuss the "merits" of his House brother's complaint. "This may be how they do things in Normandy, but then it's a lawless Tribunal, where covenants can raid each other's mundane resources with impunity, even to the point of bringing a covenant to ruin, never having to worry about being accused to have deprived another member, or members, of the Order of their magical power. Do we really, as a Tribunal wish to listen to an outsider of this Tribunal as to what interference is? And if so, do we really want it to be someone such as our esteemed sodalis from Normandy, with their odd preconceptions of what determines interference with the affairs of mundanes or deprivation of magical power? If this is truly a matter of such great import, I submit that Pierre submit this to the Prima of Bonisagus for consideration at the next Grand Tribunal."

How was Pierre's magic used in support of the Crusaders? Indeed, time for some counter-charges against Pierre and his carpet-bagging ways, perhaps? :smiley:

I can even envision someone enlisting Mathieus of Constantinople for assistance in this matter, either to defend the charge of interference against Adam Carpenter, or to be involved in the prosecution of a charge against Pierre de Compiegne.

Pierre says he was just riding along with the Crusade, minding his own business by not using magic, but having taken the Cross to help fight heresy. However a maga (Antoine of Criamon) who was at Beziers immediately before the massacre there in 1209 (when Arnaud Amaury famously said "Kill then all; God will know his own") claims to have seen him casting magic outside the gates immediately before the sally which led to the cities capture (a party of knights from Beziers rode out to attack the besieging crusaders, and while the gate was open the Crusader's camp followers rushed the gate and threw it open. The crusaders entered and massacred everybody they found - 15,000 people died.) Given Antoine's known Cathar faith and immense distaste for crusaders however, her testimony could be doubtful.

cj x