OK, try this one on for size. I'm trying to make sure he has a lot of room for other stuff, too. I want to make him good at Certamen but not focused on it, able to train an apprentice and do other interesting things. So I've left a bunch of points of Virtues (7 left) & Flaws (1 left) open. I'm also leaving 10 years unaccounted for to allow for spells, other initiations, etc. (And, looking at the other magus, he probably advanced more normally than the prescriptively slow pace in ArM5's character creation of older magi, but I'm using that here.) I think we can agree that, while I've tweaked things to make him really good at Certamen, he's really not built specifically against the other magus here and he is capable of doing a great many other interesting things outside of Certamen. Clearly if either Intellego or Mentem is chosen he'll ask for another Technique/Form.
Ursa Minor (The little man who becomes a mighty bear. Bear-Heartbeast Bjornaer of Clan Wilkis)
Age 58 (23 at gauntlet - several experience actually unspent, 25 spent on experience, 10 years of initiations, 10 left unspent for lab or more initiations or other Abilities)
Int +2, Per +2, Str 0, Sta 0, Pre 0, Com 0, Dex 0, Qik +1 (before Dwarf)
Cautious Sorcerer*, Heartbeast [free], Puissant House Bjornaer Lore [1], Puissant Parma Magica [1], Mystery of the Epitome*, Refinement: Enduring Constitution*, Refinement: Imposing Appearance x30*, Refinement: Keen Eyesight*, Refinement: Keen Sense of Smell*, Refinement: Perception +1*, Refinement: Sharp Ears*, Refinement: Stamina +1x2*, Refinement: Tireless*, Self-Confident [1]
Covenant Upbringing [-1], Deficient Intellego [-3], Deficient Mentem [-1], Dispassionate [-1], Dwarf [-3], Greater Malediction (Silver is Poisonous)*
Concentration (Certamen) 2 [15]
Dead Language: Latin (Hermetic) 4 [50]
Finesse (Certamen) 5 [75]
Hearbeast (Inner Heartbeast) 4 [50-5=45]
House Bjornaer Lore (Self-Initiation) 5+2 [75]
Living Language: ? (?) 5 [75-75=0]
Magic Theory (Heartbeast) 3 [30]
Organization Lore: OoH (Certamen) 2 [15]
Parma Magica (Certamen) 4+2 [50]
Penetration (Certamen) 2 [15]
Creo 11 [66]
Intellego 6 [21]
Muto 11 [66]
Perdo 11 [66]
Rego 11 [66]
Animal 11 [66]
Aquam 6 [21]
Auram 6 [21]
Corpus 11 [66]
Herbam 6 [21]
Ignem 6 [21]
Imaginem 6 [21]
Mentem 6 [21]
Terram 6 [21]
Vim 11 [66]
Spells: definitely The Voice of the Bjornaer Magus, but there are a lot of options. I'm just ignoring spells though since spells aren't being used to augment during Certamen.
Certamen Style: Hoplomachus
Start Certamen!
Ursa Minor always enters Certamen in his Inner Heartbeast form. Here are the relevant scores as a bear:
Int +2, Per +6, Str +6, Sta +9, Pre +30, Com -5, Dex +2, Qik +1
Confidence: 2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, 0/0, -2/-2, -4/-4, Unconscious
Spend a Confidence point to regain a Fatigue Point. (Mystery of the Epitome)
Initiative: lost, or +1 vs. another Hoplomachus
Attack: 30+Art-(up to 6) -> typically 24+Art
Defense: 6+Art-(double the Attack deduction) -> typically 18+Art
Weakening: +5
Soak: +16
How did I do? I'd be happy to run a few Certamen duels between them.
Edit: Oops, I didn't put anything in Concentration. I lowered Magic Theory by 1 to put some there.