Chapter 1: Touching Down in Helgeland

Bernhard is sitting quietly on a rock while the magi are investigating the area, looking nervous as usual. At one point he asked one of the grog to keep an eye out for any shepherd that might come this way.

Hjalmar nods at Bernhard and then stands with his back towards the hills and the tree looking inward the Oberland for anyone approaching.

When everyone is back on the ground and in human shape Japik says Let's go back down to the town. There is plenty of time left of this day so we can get more done. I would like to get a view of this site from below and then I would like some of our ungifted friends to find out who is the senior leader in the village up here. Maybe they have already found something interesting down in the town.

Prochorus shifts to human form and strides to his clothes unfazed.

No cave. Closest beaches are over there. It would take magic to land a boat right down below here.

Sure, I'm done here. Let's see if we can find someone to negotiate with in the town.

Well, magic is what we do, so we'll get around to it sooner or later. As for negotiating... we need to, that's obvious but, hmm, perhaps we should stay out of it, personally ?

Pytheas looks at his hands sadly, then call to his grizzled companion.

For some reason I seem to really rub people the wrong way. Better for all, I believe, if I for one am safely out of sight. Benarec can represent me.

((Do I understand that the magi are packing up and returning to town?))

[i]Yup. This was a first contact trip. We just made sure this is a god place for us and the vis source is there.

Investigating the tree in depth requires downtime, since playing out all experiments et al that we will do in order to ensure that we can harvest it without damaging the source et al requires time, unless the SG says otherwise. I will come later (maybe today, or in 2 days) and harvest a sample of the vis using gathering the essence of the beast, but we did not bring suitable recipients, so that is postponed as well.[/i]

Yes I think that is the plan.
To locate our grogs and see if they have found out something talking to the locals. Then Japik and perhaps Pytheas, maybe some more would like a sea trip around the island to have a look at the waters below the site with the tree. Japik would like to swim there as dolphin but if others are joining we should take one of our boats.

The group walks around the two hills bracketing the oak and back into the relative shelter from the wind, provided by the line of low hills along the western edge of the plateau. As they walk back onto the path that will bring them back to the village and the stairs, they notice that a shepherd has moved his small flock close to said path, such that he will be within hailing distance when come abroad him.

Bernhard you do the talking for us if he calls to us. Just say we have been checking out the old tree if he asks. Pytheas you might keep a distance to both the shepherd and his sheep in case they get too nervous. Japik says in Latin before they come too close to where the shepherd is.

Quercus nods and secures his hood. Now he misses not having brought Fresse with him. His cousin tends to know what to say to the mundanes.

Bernhard looks at Japik nervously, "And what should I tell him if he asks about you?" The redcap has slowed his pace, delaying the moment when they get within hailing distance with the shepherd. Then he squints and shades his eyes, "Hmmm... I think that is Kleis. He came to me a few times over the years, asking me what I was doing here and telling me stories about the oak." Bernhard is sweating again, "Now I'm sure he will ask questions..."

((Changed text color for Bernhard, as the previous one was too similar to that used by Quercus.))

We are scholars (that value their privacy) that have come to investigate the tree. We already discussed that in the ship, Bernhard, and you agreed to it. You have ample experience talking in the name of magi and are a worthy member of this covenant. You just need to play your part now.

Japik smiles at Bernhard If he knows you and have told you stories about the tree, then so much better and easier. Like Quercus says tell him we are very interested in studying the tree and the hills surrounding it and will come back again, but we will not interfere with the villagers life so they have nothing to fear from us. You, Benarec and Hjalmar take the lead so we can stay behind.

Bernhard nods shakily at the instructions and resume walking at a normal pace while the magi drop back to the end of the group. Soon enough, the group gets close to the shepherd and, sure enough, the man moves closer to the path, leaving his sheep to munch the spring grass.

"Hoi! Back aggin, are ye? Who's the crowd?" The man speak Friesian with a thick accent. Even Japik has some trouble understanding him at first.

"Mag... I mean, err... scholars! Yes, scholars! I mean, learned man that are interested in the oak. They come to harv... err... study! Yes, study it! Never seen anything like it, they haven't. So... so they want to move here to... to study its ma... I mean its... properties! Yes, properties!" Bernhard is in full nervous wreck mode, heavily sweating and speaking to fast. He keep glancing at the magi to the back of the group all the while, wincing each time he has to correct himself.

Even Pytheas, who doesn't understand the language, can tell this is not going well...

(Let me know if anyone interrupts him at this point.)

Japik takes a few quick steps forward and says with a low but distinct voice Benarec! and gives him a look and a slight nod with the head to recover the conversation.
He realizes that Hjalmar won't make a better impression than Bernhard so Benarec is their only other option.

"Sum'thing the matter, fella?" The shepherd looks at Bernhard with a quizzical air, "ye hav'not been tied up un knots lik'is ever sinc' we first met." He looks at the rest of the group suspiciously.

"No! I mean, no, nothing wrong! I just... err... get nervous when I introduce mag... err... my friends to munda... I mean new people!"

Benarec steps forward and interpose himself between Bernhard and the .

((Language: Low German (Flemish))If I may, Master ? Master Bernhard ((presumably the only one who looks old enough to claim the scholarly title of Master)) and his students have come here to study this island, particularly that mossy oak over there.

Benarec genially takes the shepherd by the shoulder and leads him a few paces away, lowering his voice.

"Between you and me, Master Bernhard, while a very learned man, isn't a great speaker, he gets all tongue-tied. So his only chance to get a place at a University is to write something new, and he has chosen that oak over there. His students are there to assist him, officially, but... how shall I say... they are of good, wealthy families who have requested that they spend a few years away. Good boys, you understand, just a little wild. Well, a few years here should settle them down, and Master Bernhard got the funds to study here in exchange for looking after them.

So we'll build them a house up on the plateau and they'll study their books and spend a few years planting cabbage and counting seagulls and not drinking wine because there isn't any, and that should settle the young ones all right. And Master Bernhard will write his papers and be a proper Master. But..."

Benarec looks around, as if to check the rest of the party is out of earshot, and whispers.

"Don't spread the word too fast, right ? Because Master Bernhard still need to get permission to build the house, and it won't help if people know he really wants that land. Particularly the Danish lord, if it's him who has title. And... just maybe, if you have a sister, you tell her not to go up there selling eggs or offering to do the cleaning, he ? Just between you and me, of course. They'll try to talk her into more, otherwise."

"What's wit' th' master business? He go an' got hisself a sarvant? Noble sons?" He spits on the ground, "That for nobles, dunno wanna have an'thing ta'do wit' em." He spits again, "An' that for th' Danish pigs who says he rules us. They eat our sheep an' cabby, but dun'even take care of th'stairway! We've to do that our fracking selves. Pah!" He looks at Benarec with a belligerent air and, just for good measure, spits a third time.

"Master in Arty something, that's what those scholars call themselves. Although I must say, Master Bernhard isn't too stuck on it. And the others aren't nobles, just merchants' sons. Don't worry, we've got the silver to pay for whatever we need."

"Been hold'in out on me, that ol' goose? That why he came here ev'ry few months? Dun'not make sense. But what does, these days? But silver's always good. Don't see much of it around here, though." He cackles, "And a hav't had a sister fer years, nor a proper woman. Ya' gat a nice one there. Would ye share?" He grins lecherously, before turning back towards he sheep. After a few steps he stops and turns back, still adressing Benarec, "What's yer name, son? Me, I'm Kleis. Call me the mad, they do," he taps his walking stick against his head, "but I havn't gone all madder-like, I tell ye. Still can raise sheep like none other."