Chapter 1bis (Spring 1013) Arrival in Calais

Benedict will stick around, planning to make sure the carts and their contents (and the grogs) make it safely out of the city.

Ruedi, unfamiliar with the local language, puts his finger to his lips, hoping the man will keep silent, and tries to make his way out.

The worker shrugs indifferently, and Ruedi heads after others who have already turned a corner and escaped out of view from the workshop. No screams or shouts disrupt the three fugitives as they make their way between the stalls towards the edge of the fairground. The Sun is closest to its highest point off to their left. You can see the road winding gently uphill. Ahead of them, there are croplands, with some light woods in the distance, probably 200 paces away. A narrow trail goes through the crops towards the woods. To their right, they can follow the edge of the fairground for 30 or 40 paces before it ends. Beyond there is more farmland towards the North, where you were headed.

At the front of the workshop, Betula and Obstetrix still have to decide how to act. Only a couple of minutes have passed. Flynn is still telling stories. The crowd is not at all at ease even if most seem to want to hear him out. Something is brewing.

Cath'rinne exhales a breath of fresh air upon getting away from the fair. She heads towards the lightly wooded section through the cropland. "We'll wait there until we can rejoin the group. What should I know about you, boy?"

«What did she say?» The voice is back in Ruedi's headÂč. Cath'rinne hears nothing. The boy looks questioningly at both Cath'rinne and Ruedi, but does not speak.

Âč I assume that he went with Cath'rinne. If not, please correct and we rewind.

Ruedi will translate between the boy and Cath'rinne while keeping them hidden a short distance from town.

There's many questions he'd like to ask, but his priority is first to keep them safe, so he will look out, and translate between them while doing so.

Meanwhile, Obstetrix will look at Betula, and say "Looks like the others have gotten away, how do you want to get ourselves out of town?"

“We can make a show of ourselves, or at least I can, lead the soldiers south then evade them by going north in the woods? I can conspicuously put one to sleep, hopefully that will lead the others away from the wagons when we run.”

Cath'rinne set the direction through the fields, and she and Ruedi and Mordred make it into the woods without any sign of pursuers. Nobody works the fields today, and there is nobody to bother you, but squirrels and songbirds, and even they leave you in peace. The path continues into the woods, but is not very wide or obvious. How far into the woods do you go? Do you do anything other than waiting?

Obstetrix and Betula discuss what to do. Flynn is telling stories, but the crowd is uneasy and is blocking the view towards the men-at-arms and the soap seller.

Obstetrix smiles "I can make a show, yes, but nobody will know it was me casting." She turns back towards the soldiers, and in her best imitation of a troubled, distraught woman, she calls out, in latin "what is that?" as she points slightly to their side, where a wall of thorns starts to sprout.

OOC: She has Subtle Magic and Quiet Magic x2, and got a +21 to cast wall of Thorns before Aura modifier and die roll. (total 30, before Aura modifier, CrHe20 spell)

The wall of thorns sprouts up with no issue, but at voice range, so what kind of noises does she make to reach out and put it away from herself?

The wall is four paces high and twenty paces long, and one pace thick. Where exactly does she put it?

And what do you both do next?

OOC: that is why she shouted, so that there is a voice to carry the spell. The idea is to place it close to the guards, but to appear to grow to the side, so their attention will be drawn to the wall, and when they're not looking at them, they will start walking away.


Guard Guard wall

A number of people look at Obstetrix, and then where she is pointing. Then, all of a sudden, the crowd screams and scatters, as the wall of thorns sprout into existence across the square. You think you can see a few innocent bystanders being caught between the thorns. Nobody listens to Finn anymore. In spite of his firm voice, used to addressing a crowd, he cannot be heard over the screams of panic.

Awareness+Perception 9+ is needed to see anything at the Iberian soap stall. Otherwise, all you see is the panicking crowd, and the thorns which rise a full man height above the heads of the crowd.

What do you do?

Obstetrix will grab Betula by her arm, and run, like rest of the crowd, but their flight will be more calculated, outside of town, to meet up with the others, and then send Ruedi or someone else, to recover the carts.

Obstetrix and Betula rush through the narrow passage between the wheelwright and the next stall. Obstetrix' two grogs follow, watching their tail to keep others away. The magÊ almost run into the workers who are emerging to look at the commotion. One of the grogs mumble something about sorcery in the square and «save yourselves», and the workers are left in bewilderment as the group rushes past and finds themselves at the edge between the fairground and the fields. It takes an awareness+perception of 3+ to see Cath'rinne and Ruedi fleeing through the fields.

What does Finn do when the crowd erupts in panic?

Flynn becomes one of the crowd and flee towards the town exit, obviously someone made a much better dear action than he could.

The exit is not well defined, since the fairground is outside the palisade. On awareness+perception 6+ he sees where Betula and Obstetrix flee, that is to the West. You came from the South, but that would mean going against the flow, past the vertex of the mayhem. I guess that if he cannot see the magĂŠ, he goes with the flow towards the town entrance.

That is fine, Finn has area lore so will soon catch up with the group as they travel north. There are not that many road options.

That's fine. If the vulture makes a scouting trip, she may find Finn sooner. If she cares.

Thus it is up to the big group, consisting of three magĂŠ, Ruedi, and two grogs.
Two specialists, a cart, two wagons, and their horses are left behind at the fair, with some valuable luggage.

Betula allows herself to be led by Obstetrix. While she is obviously slower than her companion, with her ungainly movements, she is not out of breath when they arrive at the edge of the forest.