Chapter 1bis (Spring 1013) Arrival in Calais

"I understand your concern about nourishment. I could try and spontaneously cast it at Moon duration, so it will have the desired effect. It would be limited to 10 apples per casting, but I might manage to do it once or twice while we're in this Aura."

“It would not hurt if it’s one apple, just for a taste, and we don’t give the idea that we can solve their supply problems.”

"Ghosts you say? Interesting. Do you know who made the sacrifices, and who were the sacrifices?" she turns to Mordred if Malhad makes his exit.

«The ancient kings made the sacrifices, a thousand years ago. I don't think anyone knows who they were. Since Gwyennayed was caught nobody speaks to the ghosts any more.»

"Who was this Gwyennayed? Why did he speak to the ghosts?"

«He was our seer. He could see the ghosts. It can be quite terrifying when the ghosts scream at night. I used to have nightmares when I was little and we camped here. It was a comfort when Gwyennayed could talk to them. Sometimes they were just insulted because we came a little to close.»

Cath'rinne will wait for the return of the elders at this point.

After an hour of waiting Betula’s curiosity gets the better of her. She stands and walks towards the lake, attempting to see what can not normally be seen she walks to the edge of the wood near the lake.

OOC: Second Sight toal of 13, +1 if Spirits spec applies and +Aura for faerie-aligned second sight.

The lake is black, as if the water reaches all the way to the centre of the Earth. You do not see any sign of life, or even unlife, but then you would not see down to the Earth's core with either your first or your second sight. The edge of the lake is marsh-like and overgrown with weeds. You feel your feet sinking into marsh-like ground at the treeline, ten paces from the shore.

What next?

Betula watches the lake from the edge of the woods contemplating the meaning of a sanctuary in a place of sacrifice before returning to the rest of the band to hear what has come of the deliberations.

Cath'rinne looks back at Betula after she returns. "Found anything interesting?"

“I saw no ghosts
 perhaps they come out at night.”

The councillors return sun after Betula, and Malhad turns to you. «We shall be moving North for a time, into the hills. You are welcome to travel with us, if you want to. We will stay away from other people.» He pauses to see if you replies.«We'll clean up the camp and leave in an hour or two. Then we should be able to reach a long-term camp site tomorrow evening, with fishing and other supplies. What do you think?»

Obstetrix will be happy to accompany them, and to use her skills to help them. It would be a good use of her Wilderness Lore to find resources and food for them to use on the way, and when they get there, in addition to the occasional conjuration of a Moon duration apple for the kids.

Adventure XP: 4 in Herbam, 4 in Rego, and 4 in Creo

Cath'rinne will ask Malhad: "What do you call this place, here? How often do you move like this?"

«This is called it Blackpool. We move as often as we have to to stay safe. Sometimes we move every week or more. When things are quiet, we can stay for months.»

"And you use many such sites of power?"

«A few, but sometimes we have to stay where the fishing is good, or the hunt.»

Cath'rinne will spend xp as follows: 5 towards heartbeast, 3 towards Intellego, 1 towards Corpus, 1 towards Vim, 5 towards Magic Lore (Total 15 due to Independent Study)

She is likewise happy to accompany them, keeping an eye out for magical resources as they explore new sites.

Cath'rinne will encourage her covenfolk (Bookbinder & Illuminator) to teach some Latins to those who would learn among the group while they travel, with priority to Malhad and Mordred.