[i]Over the next couple of days (and weeks for the detailed strength of each aura), Quercus completes his initial survey of the island and its immediate surroundings. He discovers the following auras:
- The northwestern half og Oberland is covered by a magical aura. It is weak for the most part (+1), only becoming stronger (+3) around the oak for a bit more than a hundred paces in an elliptical shape.
- The base of the cliff falling down into the sea, as well as most of the shore, seems covered by a weak magical aura (+1) forming a narrow band all around the island. Its width varies, but is never more than ten paces.
- The swamp in the northeastern part of the island seems covered by a slightly stronger magical aura (+2). It extends for about three quarters of a mile in a roughly circular shape, although that circle has a crescent cut into it in the northwest, in the direction of a monastery that was built along the river leading to the sea.
- Small but stronger magical auras (+3) cover the two pillars rising out of the sea.
- Divine auras exist where one would expect them to be. Around the religious communities of St. Ludger Church (+2), Buis Monastery (+3) and Oster Church (+2). In the town of Meden with its own two churches (varies from +2 to +4 depending how close to the churches you are). Weaker auras (+1) are also present at Ubbe Castle and Rod Castle, presumably because of the chapels there. Finally, Ober village is also covered by a weak (+1) Divine aura, which is slightly stronger at its small church (+2).
- Quercus finds no obvious signs of faerie or infernal auras.