Chapter 2: A Study Break

He'll control the fire, stopping it once he has some breathing room. Then he will watch the thicketfor signs of movement or growth.

[Sorry for the delay--busy weekend.]

OK, he manages to control the fire. He doesn't detect any movement or growth--at least not while he's watching.


He'll take a breather, and examine his situation again. Examine the surroundings for further insight. He contemplates, idly and without any real intent, what it would be like to die here -- inside an Infernal regio, so far away from the ashes of his beloved.

He still has no understanding of what might have caused this regio to form in the first place. It seems to have happened without human aid, which seems to suggest direct demonic intervention. Yet, why would a demon act here, of all places?

Infernal Lore roll for how infernal regios form: Int +2 + Infernal Lore 1 (demons) + die roll 2 = 5/6 if specialty applies. Will spend a Confidence Point, if that would make a difference.

Patrick recalls reading, or maybe hearing from a Quaesitor, that infernal regiones can form in a variety of ways, including, yes, direct demonic influence. As you say, it's unusual for such a thing to form in the seeming middle of nowhere, far from humanity. But then, demons are inscrutably devious.


"Well, it stands to reason that anything inside an Infernal Regio is tainted by the, no need to worry about collateral damage, really." Patrick thinks to himself.

He'll make his way back to the regio border, burning a path back the way he came.

One there, he'll do the thing he should have thought of in the first place - block the regio border with his Ward vs Demons (ReVi 25, -5 with FFM down to standard Ring/Circle = ReVi 20, CT29 -Aura 3 + 4 book + die if stressed).

It's a not a stress roll, unless you think Patrick is especially frustrated at the moment. He sets the ward in place successfully. What next?


Inside that ward, he'll set up a few more ward circles covering the boundary -- his Beasts of Legend formulaic (ReAn 20 vs CT 40 - Aura 3), and sponts versus the thickets and fire.

Rego 14 + (Most forms 5) + Ward Focus 5 + Sta 2 - Aura 3 + Circl/Linear Figs 3 + Numerology 4 (1rd) + 4 Talisman = 34/2 = 17

Then he'll set the gorram regio on fire and try to smoke out any bad guys. He'll pray to the appropriate saints as he does this, weapon drawn and ready.

(skipping the addiction rolls, because he is basically giving in to his addiction to throw magic at this problem).

OOC: I'll note that he has the flaw Visions, if you think this is a colossally stupid idea.

Just a quick note: I haven't forgotten you, but I'm still working on my reply.


[Sorry for the delay--I had writer's block for a few days.]

Nothing comes out of the fire, but while Patrick waits and watches the foliage burn, he sees in the flames a hazy vision of demons--demons he senses are moving towards what he loves.


Patrick inwardly scoffs at the implication that there is anything left in the world that he loves. Clearly, this is some kind of mental attack...

Some small part of him takes grim satisfaction in watching the world before him burn.

And after it's all burned down, then what?


(Patrick spends at least some time staring suspiciously at the now-burned field. He was really expecting to get attacked, and is a bit at a loss, as am I).

Double checking that his demon wards are still intact, he'll step out of the circle carefully and then explore the burnt wasteland he has just created.

[Sorry about the delay--I've accidentally fallen asleep early the past two nights.]

Well, it's pretty burnt...and still infernal, though now more strongly so.


After searching around for a bit, if he still finds nothing, he'll return to the entrance, double check his wards (inside and out), and then go back to the covenant to seek assistance from the other magi.

OK, all of that proceeds without incident--the wards are still in place, apparently undisturbed.


Head to the covenant. Whose around?

(OOC: That's you, players!)

[This is spring 1228, right? In which case, Gregorius is actually in his lab, for pretty much the first time since he arrived. I'm not sure quite how much use he'd be to Patrick, other than possibly his second sight (which will be hit by the infernal aura), though.

Is Patrick looking for him? If so, what's he saying to him?]

In Spring 1228 Fray would be around too, if that changes any potential outcomes. Even when amid research he would still take a meal or two to be chatty and observe the covenant. Certainly available.

Patrick will stop off at every magi's sanctum, spont a CrIm spell, "As If a Knocking Upon Thy Door" (*) because he's learned never to touch a sanctum door, and say, "Hey, what do you know about Infernal Regios? I found one."

(*) (Base 1: single sense, +1 touch, Cr 9 + Im 5 + Sta 2 + Aura 3 = 19/5 > 2)