Chapter III (1230-1234)

"Great!" he says with a sigh of relief. "But... I just want to be sure. You've got at least four or five years left to bear children, right?"

[color=blue]"At least six. I'm only 29." Fédora gives a half-hearted smile. [color=blue]"I take it you want to get married as soon as possible so we can get started?"

"Well. I'd really like to be a father. I hope Semyon will let me be a father to him, too." He smiles down at the little boy with genuine affection. "But I won't stop getting bi..." he glances at Semyon guiltily as he realizes he was about to swear in front of a child, "bi... big letters from my mother, until she gets some grandchildren. Do you want to head over to the church right now? Egon can carry all three of us."

[color=blue]"Give me a moment, please, Vulcanus," Fédora says, then kneels next to her son. She gives him a big hug and then starts talking to him in Russian. Vulcanus hears his name being dropped once or twice, and a few times she glances over at the Flambeau. Every now and again, Semyon does as well, and Semyon asks a few questions.

Semyon then goes to Vulcanus and looks up at him. "Mama govorit, chto vy sobiraetes' byt' moim novym otcom. Zabot'tes' o nej," he says with as much seriousness as a seven-year-old can muster, then sticks out his hand.

[color=blue]"He told you to take good care of me," Fédora says with a smile. [color=blue]"He only speaks Russian and a little bit of French.

"But, yes, let us get ourselves to a priest." She nervously extends her hand to Vulcanus.

Vulc gets through the whole ceremony without a single tear, or any expression of emotion whatsoever.

Weddings, iirc, need two witnesses, and I don't think Semyon is old enough to count as one. So Fédora has her as-yet-unnamed-or-statted-out maidservant grab Random Extra #26 and meet them at the church door for the wedding.

Fédora also makes it through the ceremony without tears, although she does seem nervous. After the ceremony, and out of earshot of the priest, Fédora asks, [color=blue]"Where should we...consummate the marriage? Do you wish to retire to your sanctum? Or go back to mine?"

Regardless, Fédora will send Semyon off with the maid and go with Vulcanus wherever.

Vulc would ask Bernhard to be his best man (also witness).

Are you two serious?!? You got to be kidding me! OmG. I, honestly, I feel so much better about myself right now. Ryu, you did this on purpose, I know it :smiley:
So, yeah, Solomon and Vibria are gone at the time (maybe thi should be in that thread?), but I don't see how you would keep it secret from the rest of the covenant. We have a church, but the nearest priest is a monk (with priestly authority, I forget the term) that lives down in the villiage.
I don't see how anyone would be motivated to stop you. Carmen would be quite perplexed and curious, but figures Fedora knows what she is doing and has the upper hand. And is just to amused to interfere.
So it is up to Vocis, if anyone at all.
Otherwise just let it ride :smiley:

Arachné has seen the attraction between Vulcanus and Vibria. She just doesn't understand it on Vibria's part. The girl must be daft!
She would try and do something, if it was someone she liked. But she doesn't like vulcanus, and doesn't know vibria much.

Now, she thinks it may bring dissension, and thus trouble for the covenant, which inspires her to do something... Yet, she's sure of one thing: Should she try to stop this, Vulcanus would, again, react harshly.

So she'll sit this out, and observe from afar, more and more convinced that the man is just a jerk.

I'm not looking for anyone to stop me :slight_smile: I came across the "Unhappily Married" flaw a couple days ago, and thought, "Hey, that sounds fun!"

...Art imitates life.

This all moved too quickly for me to keep up, but Vocis did follow Vulc to Fedora's door. Once Vulc came out he asked what was going on, then stood in stupified silence as Vulc answered and went to retrieve Bernhard. He eventually returned to his sanctum and spent a hour or so just staring at the wall, wondering how Vulcanus survived his apprenticeship without being strangled by his parens.

For his next trick, he's paying Carmen a visit. Assuming she's around and willing to answer her door, he says We may have a problem. If you've not heard, Vulcanus slept with a few local girls last night and married Fedora this morning. Don't bother asking for more details - the story won't make any more sense. My concern now is how Vibria will react upon her return. I know first-hand how destructive a mundane girl can be when she's betrayed by a man she loves. Hell, I still have a scar from the plate Amada threw at me when she thought Liberto was running around on her. This is a much more serious betrayal and Vibria's destructive potential is much higher. I'm considering traveling to Sigmundo's cave to tell her what's happened, but it occurred to me that she may take it better if the news come from you. What do you think?

I'm just not sure who Vibria's going to kill when she finds out. Or who she's going to kill first.

I had in my mind how Vibria was going to react when she came back and found out that Vulcanus shagged the first woman he could get a hold of...then the first two, then the first three, and then "Are you frelling kidding me?"

But then this gets thrown into the works...and all I know is she's going to be devastated, and depressed, for a good while. shrugs We'll see how it plays out.

For his next trick, he's paying Carmen a visit. Assuming she's around and willing to answer her door, he says We may have a problem. If you've not heard, Vulcanus slept with a few local girls last night and married Fedora this morning. Don't bother asking for more details - the story won't make any more sense. My concern now is how Vibria will react upon her return. I know first-hand how destructive a mundane girl can be when she's betrayed by a man she loves. Hell, I still have a scar from the plate Amada threw at me when she thought Liberto was running around on her. This is a much more serious betrayal and Vibria's destructive potential is much higher. I'm considering traveling to Sigmundo's cave to tell her what's happened, but it occurred to me that she may take it better if the news come from you. What do you think?
[tab][/tab]I heard. My brother Alexandro just had to deal with some homely girl's father all freaked out and making accusations of Vulcanus using magic to manipulate and coerce his daughter against her will. Luckily, she let it slip that her and her friend were cooperative and that she is in love with Vulcanus. She also claims she is pregnant, which is absurd because there is no way to tell after only a few hours. If she is pregnant, I am sure it was a pre-existing condition.
[tab][/tab]As for this wedding, I must say that was quicker than I expected. I don't know. Not a fan of marriage and baby's or any of that. I am of two minds on this. I am well aware of the internal strife this could cause. I am also aware of the tendency of Vulcanus to create strife in general. But they are free individuals, and this their life decision. Vulcanus and Fedora are grown adults and may wed whom they choose.
[tab][/tab]Maybe they need to depart for a season on a honeymoon, and not be here when Vibria returns. And still, this covenant may be too small for these "inflamed" personalities. Perhaps we need to start a Chapterhouse?

This elicits a good eye-roll. :slight_smile:

Oh, I'm not suggesting we interfere with the marriage. For all its foolishness, they're certainly free to make all the mistakes they like. All I'm concerned about is either tempering Vibria's reaction or ensuring it happens far from the covenant. I thought it might be better if the news came from you, but I'm perfectly willing to be the one to break it to her. He smiles. I wouldn't object to a fire warding spell before I leave, though.

Is this the best time for it? We're less than a year removed from the near-destruction of Andorra.

"Well, my place is somewhat spartan. Yours is probably better. And, uhh, you can move in with me if you want to."

Vulc is an attentive and surprisingly gentle lover. He nuzzles Fedora's neck and whispers "Gemma" in her ear before falling asleep, and snoring loudly.

[color=blue]”I would like that,” Fédora says. [color=blue]”We can have people start to move my things over and put a shared sanctum marker on the door on the morrow...or whenever we get around to getting out of bed. And in a couple of days, we can see if we can find a place for Semyon and Jehanne.”

Fédora will not initiate intimacy, but she will never refuse him, either.

When Vul awakes, whether in the middle of the night or at the break of dawn, he sees Fédora sitting in a chair, looking out the window, wearing nothing but a shawl and a thoughtful expression (which he may or may not notice).

When she notices him stirring, she rises and drapes the shawl over the back of the chair before returning to the bed and snuggling up to her husband. [color=blue]”Did you know you snore?” she teases.

He looks indignant. "I do n--" he pauses, and his face softens. "I suppose you would know better than I would," he says softly.

A strange look crosses his face, and he sounds almost shy as he asks, "So... how long does it take to get pregnant?"

[color=blue]”I don't depends. I've never actually tried to get pregnant before. Semyon just happened.”

Fédora seems thoughtful for a moment before she lays her head and hand on Vulc's chest. [color=blue]”I suppose we just keep trying until it happens. You don't mind, do you?” It almost seems like she's holding her breath waiting for his answer.

He grins. "You're a lovely woman, of course I don't mind." He opens his mouth, then closes it again, looking panicked. "Why? Do you mind?"

[color=blue]”I have only been with one man in my life, before last night,” Fédora says, her voice little more than a whisper. [color=blue]”I'm not entirely sure what I expected, to lay with you...but I didn't expect to enjoy it as I did.” Fédora blushes and looks down, blinking back tears.

[color=blue]”Semyon's father...was not as muscular as you, in every way. And it was foolish of me to expect that it would be the same. You are my husband, Vulcanus. My present, my future. Our present, our future. Whatever happened before yesterday is in the past. If the past should return to greet us, we shall face it together, as husband and wife. And I would love nothing more right now than to lay with you again and again, as often as it takes before we're sure that your seed has taken root.”