Chapter IV (1234-1240)

Is he a fool? Or trying to deceive us? Unless deprivation is taking its toll?

All the while, she leads Tertio towards the kitchen
We need a spymaster. Someone who's an expert on our order. And someone who's a good judge of character. Someone like the TremereOf course, there's always the risk of magical tampering, so she'll need to be covered by a Parma.

Once inside the kitchen, she order that... Whatever is available in short notice be brought to Tertio. She'll let him eat, while keeping an eye on Montazin, try to get an idea of them and their behavior.

This is inspiring a story idea. A tantalizer for Fredrika, tales state that Val-Negra had a legendary library that rivaled that of Durenmar. And for Arachne, remember Carmen had stated a plan to lure Valten into a trap there, and Metron gave you Lab Texts for Magic Realm magic spells.

I'm game!


I had some ideas on how to trap him and all, but I lacked the time to write them down. I remember barrels of oils, that kind of things... Argh, gotta think again.

Tertio is oblivious to Arachne's distrust as he perdoes the food with his jaws, displaying great mastery at making it vanish.
Those who can see Montazin perceive his ghostly form as thin and rather smallish, but with dark eyes. His poise is dignified, but still betrays his curiosity, and he eyes Arachne with some caution.

ooc: Can people with second sight hear him?

(afaik yes, but I think it requires a roll)

Fleur happens into the dining room at this point and sinksinto a chair "Another one?"

Yup, like Marko said. It's actually Second Perception, although sight is better^^

This is something I'd wanted to raise before my hiatus, but didn't mange to before life exploded. So here it is now.

Sometime prior to departing for the City of Brass, when Lucas is on one of his regular trips to Andorra, he takes some time to talk to Solomon about miscellaneous matters. But during the course of the discussion, he raises an unrelated topic.

"I've been thinking about backroom diplomacy possibilities," he says, changing the subject. "I mean, I know most of the Redcaps who pass through the covenant, I'm friends with many of them, and I'm even married to one of them. I see them around the covenant when I'm here. Cecelia and I often invite members of the Mercere staff over to the house for dinner or to stay for a weekend. And the Redcaps have a regular card game on the last Friday of the month that I usually go to. All in all, I get a good amount of face time with the local members of House Mercere, and in a fairly casual setting."

"Now I know that this is all unofficial communication. But it strikes me that if there were issues the covenant had with House Mercere, I'm in a great position to sound them out and put the odd word in their ears. Diplomacy takes many forms, and sometimes it can be as simple as a conversation after dinner or a word dropped during a friendly card game. What I wanted to know from you, and the rest of the masters, is whether there's anything I should be saying to the Mercere Redcaps stationed in Andorra or anything I should be trying to find out from them. I'm going to be seeing them and talking to them anyway. If I can help the covenant by saying the right thing or asking the right question, I'd like to know."

Bump - (for reply from Solomon)

(Heading out for a weekend of camping...will reply on Monday)

Solomon nods, "This was one of the biggest reasons we asked you to join the covenant. We recognize that having a Gifted Mercere as a member of our covenant as well as having a Mercere House here, gives us a...unique position in ensuring our positive relations with your House. With that being said, I'm unaware of any particular issues which we would like you to bring up right now. But I will be sure to let the other Master's know of your willingness in these endeavors."

"Well, so far I've heard no negative comments about the covenant from the Redcaps," Lucas replies. "And I speak highly of the covenant in general when we talk about it. I'll keep doing that, of course. But if something specific comes up, please let me know and I'll do my best to press our agenda." He leans back in his chair, his question having been asked and answered. "In any case, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't falling down on the job and failing to lobby the Redcaps on any particular issue."

Then, if the master has nothing further to discuss, Lucas bids him goodbye and takes his leave.

"Thank you very much for your time Solomon."

Sometime between the rescue the princess adventure and the City of Brass, Lucas would make a trip to Harco to get his son Stephanus and his daughter Elinor assigned to Redcap training. The boy would be 12 at the time, which is a bit on the old side. But Lucas can say that he kept him at home a little longer, hoping he'd show some sign of the Gift. Elinor would be 10, which, as I understand, is when Redcap training usually starts.

Following the covenant of Dopplegangers Fleur will approach Roberto, head bowed. She is wearing more clothes than anybody has ever seen her in, she probably had to borrow some to make sure she was completely covered. "About what happened at Bellaquin, I apologize. I was way out of line, and Vulcanus' magic does not excuse all of it. I try to present myself to everyone, I a way, as I'm sure you have noticed, in part to avoid making a fool of myself and offending individuals. I did not intend to cause you any discomfort there, and I apologize for offending your faith. If there is any service I can be to you, please do not hesitate to ask, as I feel I owe you this in apology."

I think Roberto has a lab project that season. So you can easilly find him in in San Miguel de Portmany where his lighthouse is. He is also in charge of security and may become covenant Marshal. So in his off hours he is likely in the exercise yard observing and working out a training schedual with Fausto and Armando.
Which is to say Fleur can easily locate him in either of those two places so I will let you pick the scene.
Anyway, Fleaur has her say and Roberto listens.
[color=red]Don't worry about it. I long ago came to grips with the fact that the Order attracts and encourages alternate lifestyles and ethical standards. I also understand that I am the oddball, for I have observed that being a conservative Catholic places me in the minority. Maybe I should have been a Jerbiton magus.
You are who you are. And what you are, well I have not wrapped my head around that. But what you are is your own damn business. Not mine. You abide by a Code we all agreed to, swore the same Oath to Order and Covenant as did I. As long as we both abide by these, then we are square.
Understand it has taken me a long time to become this tolorant. I am still embarrased by some of the ways I reacted to things at Mons Electi. I should not have been so mean to that tranny. And I could have tried harder to get along with Marcus, but I just have an inherit distrust of Tytalus magi.
Wish I would have killed that one guy. But the Tribunal got him good.
It is what it is.
I will try to be more understanding of who and what you are.
I just want you to understand who I am. I didn't choose any of this. I never wanted to not be normal. But I am not at all normal. I am a freaking wizard, like it or not. I never wanted to be a warrior. A life of violence was forced upon me and I cannot seem to escape it. I don't like killing. I have done a lot of it, especially as an apprentice. But I really have come to dislike it and hold it as a last resort.
As for sexuality. Violence is my thing, sexuality is your thing. And unlike me, you actually like your thing. Can't say that I blame you.
It isn't that sexuality makes me uncomfortable or that I am against it. I am no monk. Bus see. It is just a matter of propriety. It is supposed to be about love and romance. My buddy Carlos says I am uptight because I grew up with the Gift hindering me. I say that is BS, because I have the example of my parents and I know what True Love is.
Say, did you hook up with Carlos? He denies it but Cidito says you did. That guy...
Anyway. I am sorry I yelled at you. I wish I could say it was the Mentem magic, but I resisted it. I am just a dk. Always have been, always will be. Yo soy un pinche cabron. Lo siento.

I'll assume she met him at the exercise yard "Carlos? I'm not sure I should say. I mean it is one thing to put myself out there ad another to, um, boast of my conquests as it were. Yes sexuality is my thing, but I do realize it can harm as well as bring pleasure, and I regret what I did to you the same way you would regret wounding an unarmed man. I presume" she smiles" it's hard to be certain without mentem magic prohibited by the code. If you decide not to ask anything of me that is your call, though given that I am a healer and you a warrior, my service is there should you wish it."

[color=red]Your non-answer says it all. And you are greatly exaggerating the power of sexuality. If you didn't hook up with Carlos, you should. He talks like that. Sings songs about it too. Known the guy twenty years and he keeps on with the same ten songs.
As for striking an unarmed pperson, I suppose it depends on who they are and what they have done. Some people simply need a good beating.

When Robert says "some people just need a good beating" Fleurs mouth flies open as if she is about to say something, then snaps shut, she puts a finger to her mouth, failing to contain the smile, then nods. "I think you understand my meaning, and I'm sure we both have things to get back to, but I wanted to, well, communicate what has been said."

Roberto shrugs his shoulders at hat he perceives as shock and not understanding.
[color=red]I mean, look. If we had Davnavalous or Lewellyn or Rassus at our mercy, the only proper thing to do would be to execute them on the spot. Even if they were unarmed and helpless. Those guys are both deal already, presumaby. But if they wern't, people like that are to grave a threat to the Order and society to risk allowing to live. It would be irresponsable not to kill them.
As for projects, I don't know what you are up to. But this season I am workibg on learning how to cast Aegis of the Hearth starting at 4th Magnitude. Since I easily Master all spels, I figured it is my responsabiity to learn it. Look at what happened at Bellaquin. They botched a tablet casting, the Aegis failed and they could not tell, and I bet the botched Aegis was actually helping that Vulcanus guy mess up the party.
That guy really screwed them over I tell you what.
After that, I am not sure what to do next. My Arts are to low and I need to study. But I just want to invent more spells! I like spells, especially Mastered spells. But I am not as specialised in Ignem as I should be at my age, and I am not yet ready to train an apprentice. Though I would prefer to Mentor before I Master.
There are some Lab Texts for some weapon enhancing Terram spells I want to learn. And I want to invent my own higher level version of an Invisible Sing.
The Inquisition spell that I (will have by now) invented. There is anotherone like it out there that's better. I want to upgrade.
And making a ship fly! I did that once with a lucky spont. Never been able to pull it off again.
And I spoke of age. Fifty is creeping up quick and I have yet to start Longevity. Been putting it off. Want to keep Warping low and I want kids some day. Been depending on my Bronze Cord.
Say, there's an idea for you. Invent a variant Longevity that does not impede fertility. Or find a way to restore fertility to those on Longevity.
What is your big project anyway?