Chapter V (1238 to 1245)

Bogus keyords. I tested "king linnorm" and a bunch of Pathfinder stuff turned up. It turns out that "The Lindworm Prince" is a famous 19th century Nordic fairy tale, with modern renditions and parody versions and a comic strip. That tale involves two roses, and is also known as Bride of the Rose Beast. However, it turns out that tis tale is based on a much older story called King Lindworm. This is the version I read and was using. That one involves the onions. I found this original online under "Pink Fairy Book: King Lindworm".
Whatever ideas or inferences I may have and/or you have, the original germ of inspiration is simple. The story involved some sort of fertility magis and a dragon.
Unity of purpose and motive. Vibria and Jacsik have connections in the social circles of Eropean Draconian Nobility. Perhaps a visit to the King of the North is in order?

[i]Aldero of Mercere
Harco Covenant

7th of January
Year of Our Lord, 1242


I hope this letter finds you well. I'm pleased to say that I saw your grandson Marco just last month, and he's doing quite well. My son Stephanus is serving alongside Marco in his Redcap training, and I was able to join both of them for a meal during a visit to their covenant.

I'm writing to you for two reasons, both relating to the good of the House.

First, I have recently been to Iberia where I spent a few days at the Six Pillars Hermitage in Sierra de Gredos in central Spain. It is a quiet and secluded hermitage, not a covenant proper but a well hidden retreat used by magi for sabbaticals and retreats. It's currently controlled by Cesar ex Criamon, an elderly magus who feels he is not long for this world. He has consented to allow the hermitage to be used, now and after his death, as a residence for any retired Redcaps who wish a life of seclusion and quiet. Now, I know that a monastic life is not well suited to all retired Redcaps. But I'm also aware that, largely due to the effects of Warping, there are some who would prefer a life of quiet solitude in their final years. For those Redcaps, this may be just the retreat that they are seeking. To that end, I wished to let you know of the availability of the Six Pillars Hermatige for such purpose.

Second, I wanted to make you aware that a maga in my covenant, Fleur ex Bonisagus, has been making great strides in the area of fertility magic. As this could be of great interest to the House, I wanted to bring it to your attention. I also wanted to make a request. I know that the House has a number of geneological records and notes on rudimentary fertility magic. Such notes might be of great use to my sodales, allowing her to make greater and greater breakthroughs*, which could benefit House Mercere, as well as the Order of Hermes in general. I would therefore request that she be granted access to these notes to aid in her research. I should be happy to ferry the notes personally should my request be granted.

Cecelia and I will be in Harco on the 23rd of January to dine with Elegans and Velox. I can easily arrange to arrive early if you wish to discuss either of these matters in greater detail.

Please give my regards to Marguerite.

Yours in service,
Lucas [/i]


    • I was thinking that these notes might be considered a source of insight for fertility magic.

better yet, they may be lab texts from someone else's previous insights being explored.

Potential hook/foreshadowing/whatever.

For those characters visiting Heracleion during, say, 1235-1240 and again in 1240 - 1245, there seems to be increased nervousness from the guards and Citizen. More vigilance on the walls, too.

what of the year 1242? Roberto spends the Summer there on Vacation, healing up after the injuries suffered in Paris during Ancient History. He brings Carlos with him and anyone else that wants to go. No adventures, just vacation.

Sounds good.

(Leaving, gonna lie somewhere. Have a nice day)

In case it was missed, there is a question about Cecelio fostering Vera, and the potential that Vera may be an inspiration source for Fertility magic...