Character Creation for Gaxxian (OOC)

Year 2 - 1202

1202 - Spring: In Fengheld
I was expecting to be able to finish the Herbam book this season. But as I was searching for the book I was asked by a senior magus to extract some vis, since after renewing the Hearth we have a shortage of Vim.
It was really discouraging to have to invest the season in this way... but there is no other option since I must collaborate.
On the bright side, after a few weeks working in the lab I discovered that Adelman was still using the book. So I still wouldn't have been able to use my time for what I wanted.

Extracting vis from lab
Magic Theory 4+2exp +1 exp → 4+3exp
Vim 0 + 1 exp → 1

1202 - Summer: In Fengheld
At least I was able to finish that Herbam book!
Also, since reading leaves me a lot of free time, I was able to enjoy the summer and visit my parens a few times. Its weird, but I miss my time with him in his small sanctum.
Yes, now I have my own room (its a guest room, but its just for me) but it feels too empty. My day to day is so different too... I live more closer to people than ever and I feel more alone than ever. If nobody needs me, nobody talks to me...
Do ghosts feel like this?

Study from Herbam summae L15Q14
Herbam 13 + (14 x 1.5) exp → 15

1202 - Autumn: In Fengheld
This season has been short for me... I would have liked it to be longer.
There was one book about Rego that I had already looked at in the past, and I wanted to give it a new reading this season, but again I was required.
It seems that a nearby magus has found a gifted girl and he entered Twilight. Since a week had already passed since the event, presumably there will be at least one season... if not more.
The girl has not yet been opened in the Arts, so technically she isn't her apprentice. But the magi want to honor his master, so I was asked if I could continue to teach her Latin meanwhile, so that there would be no wasted time.
Looking at her I couldn't bring myself to refuse, and I'm grateful for it. Since it was a very funny and pleasant experience. Audeline is very cute, and once she got past the starting shyness it was very friendly.
I tried to apply my parens methods to teach her well. His master had already taught her the basics in the language before, so I spend the entire season with her speaking only Latin.
This slowed her down at first, but using games, songs and walks in the woods to encourage her to use the language more and more willingly, and being with her at all times, and at the end of the season she was already able to read even simple books.
After his master's reappearance, he was so pleased with Audeline's progress that he gave me a few vis pawns for my service. I must confess that I had not thought that I was going to receive a payment... but at least I knew how to keep my mouth shut and accept what he offered me.

Teaching Latin
Teaching 0 +2 exp → 0+2exp
Reward: +3 pawns of Vim

1202 - Winter: In Fengheld
I still need to learn a lot, and I don't want to stay and abuse hospitality forever, so now that I have free time I've spent the season in the library, reading the Rego book that I couldn't read last season.
The rest of the time I spend in the nearby forest, just walking around and enjoying the weather. Life among humans is much more comfortable, but sometimes I miss being able to feel the passing of the seasons.
The last thing that I knew about Audeline was that she already had her Arts opened. So she is formally a maga apprentice now. I miss that kid...

Study from Rego summae L12Q15
Rego 8 + 15 exp → 9+6exp


Good job, I hate Adelman already. :+1:

Would you like for our two Merinita to encounter one another in Fengheld, or somewhere else (if you maga plans to travel), in 1203?
We can establish a relationship between them before they get to Tugurium.

Hey! It would be cool, i like a lot the idea.
Rn i was writing how Alba is travelling to Irencillia in 1203 xDD (im going so slow because im uncapable to write short and concise stories T__T I've also lost a lot of time studying the geography of the zone, but i will never confess that) But i could delay it if you want (unless Celeste would want to go to Irencillia too) :slight_smile:
If not, the idea was to have Alba studying in Irencillia until early 1205 and then go to Durenmar. She would remain there until it cames the actual season in-game and she travels to Tugurium.

Don't hate him, he isn't so evil... For him its my own fault for not being able to confront him :stuck_out_tongue:

When in 1203 did you plan to have her go to Irencillia? Maybe they could meet in Fengheld in Spring 1203, and then go off together to irencillia? Maybe Celeste's stories of life there would be part of why Alba would want to go there.

She would depart in Summer (but i could delay it to Autumn if its better for your story). She wants to go to Irencillia to learn more about mysteries after all... i was calculating around 4 seasons studying and another 3 for adventures/helping there.

So, as i wrote it: In spring she was studying one season more that Rego summa (with the kid, she must start her studies after all xD).
Then in summer she would do her travel. She would learn that Bonsimon is jew, and then adventure into the human world and, after reaching the Ore Mountains, lose a little her objective and start doing other things and getting into dangerous situations xD

I can copy what I have written so far. I think that you have a place in it if you want (its pretty easy to add Celeste and make changes as needed :slight_smile: In fact, your stories could be the final straw that helps Alba to make the decision to go to Irencillia this year).

Unfinished blob of text about year 1203

Year 3 - 1203

1203 - Spring: In Fengheld
I didn't expect to have company this spring, but it looks like I will have Audeline as a reading partner.
Her parens seem to have commissioned her to read a book on Magical Theory (the same one that I myself had to read at the time), so the first day I met her with a surprise and she received me with a big smile.
Between her company and helping her solve some doubts that arise, the days go by very quickly, and before I know it, summer is coming... and also my decision.

If I stay this summer in Fengheld, I should wait until next year to travel, taking advantage of the good weather. In addition, its in summer when my parens will send the money to Merseburg, so I could be accompanied during the first days by people from the covenant before we part ways. They also could lead me into the good road.
The thing is that I really don't want to leave... I know I would miss Bonsimon a lot... also Audeline, even though I've only known her recently. Besides, here I am safe, and comfortable.
But as a magician, and as a person, I must take the step. If I keep putting it off it will cost me more and more... it already does now.

Writing this down has helped me decide. I'll say goodbye to everyone and get ready.

Study from Rego summae L12Q15
Rego 9+6exp + 15 exp → 11

1203 - Summer: In travel
I first bid farewell to all of the Fengheld magi. Even from Adelman, who I think took it as a kind of provocation that I said goodbye to him... I don't understand that man. And yes, he is a magus already, he made the Gauntlet of him during the spring... maybe that's why I was able to be so calm with Audeline.

I also said goodbye to her, by the way. It surprised me that she began to cry when she found out that I was leaving. I hugged her and promised that I would write to her when I could.

My parens weren't quite as effusive, but an hour of advices and warnings from him made it clear that he appreciated me, too. I don't think I understood half of the things he explained to me, but I agreed on the key points while I was listening so he wouldn't worry.
As I foresaw, he advised me to accompany the covenant servants who were going to Merseburg before continue on my own. I took the opportunity to ask him for the first time who the money was intended for, but he just told me that I would see if I wanted, and added with a serious look that if someone asked, he was only sending twenty coins, not one more. He even made me swear that this would be my version, although I know that many times there were more than twenty coins in those bags... but I'm sure there is a good reason not to say it, so I accepted.
He also gave me another bag of money for my travels and a couple of laboratory texts.
It wasn't an easy goodbye… not as hard as the one I remember when I was taken from my mother, but sad in a different way.

The journey to Merseburg was an easy three days, with some breaks in villages. It all seemed so interesting... There are so many humans everywhere!
As I hadn't been farsighted enough, I had to wear a kerchief to cover my hair and hide my flowers (if my parens hadn't reminded me, I confess I would have completely forgotten about it). It wasn't a perfect disguise, but if I managed to didn't attract attention, the Gift would work in my favor so that people would ignore me (as I write this from Irencillia, I must say that it did).
My two grog companions were quiet to me, but having the Gift didn't seem strange to me either, so I tried to bother them as little as possible.

The city of Merseburg was quite an experience in itself. I made it clear to me that I don't like cities. Too many people. And the smell... ugh. But even so, to the despair of my companions, I wanted to see everything and constantly slowed them down. And, by the way, the cathedral is impressive... I still remember how it felt to look up into that open interior. Unfortunately my companions could not answer my questions about how such a place could be built.
Continuing with our journey in the city, we passed through some doors that seemed to lead to another area of the city. I imagined that more important people should live, to keep them separated with their own wall. And there I also discovered something that surprised me a lot. I had never asked Bonsimon, but I always assumed that the metal wheel he carried with him was his sigil... but the place we went to, everyone had a similar one.
The grogs explained to me that it was a symbol of the Jews, and that my parens sent them money to help them, since apparently they were not very loved. I did not understand the details, but in broad strokes it is what I remember.
I stayed away during the exchange, but at least so I could know who the people were in case I had to come with the letter from my parens in the future. And after that the grogs guided me to the south of the city, where they gave me directions to continue on my own.

It's strange, because those grogs were practically strangers, but when they left I felt like a huge stone in my stomach. I think it was at that moment that my journey felt real, until then it had been like one long hike, not unlike going to the woods to find herbs for Bonsimon.

I just followed the roads south towards the Ore Mountains. In smaller towns my reception was more hostile, but in larger towns I was simply ignored.

In general, I did not encounter problems on the way. But even so, I preferred to be cautious and during the day I advanced with active defensive spells, and at night I formed a circle of thorns to sleep in the center.

When I started going up the mountains and leaving the villages behind, that's when I started to feel more secure. It's strange, from what I knew, other people felt the opposite, but personally I feel more insecure around humans than around wild animals. At least the seconds are predictable.
It was when I reached the top of the mountain range and saw the forested valley spread out before me that I stopped worrying so much about getting to Irencillia and thought I'd focus more on the journey itself.
It occurred to me to practice my mother's faerie sympathy, try to find a familiar, or vis, or just enjoy the experience.

Year 3 - 1203

1203 - Spring: In Fengheld
I didn't expect to have company this spring, but it looks like I will have Audeline as a reading partner.
Her parens seem to have commissioned her to read a book on Magical Theory (the same one that I myself had to read at the time), so the first day I met her with a surprise and she received me with a big smile.
Between her company and helping her solve some doubts that arise, the days go by very quickly, and before I know it, summer is coming... and also my decision.

If I stay this summer in Fengheld, I should wait until next year to travel to Irencillia to take advantage of the good weather. In addition, its in summer when my parens will send the money to Merseburg, so I could be accompanied during the first days by people from the covenant before we part ways. They also could lead me into the good road.
The thing is that I really don't want to leave... I know I would miss Bonsimon a lot... also Audeline, even though I've only known her recently. Besides, here I am safe, and comfortable.
But as a magician, and as a person, I must take the step. If I keep putting it off it will cost me more and more... it already does now. And I'm sure that in Irencillia I will learn a lot about being a Merinita.

Writing this down has helped me decide. I'll say goodbye to everyone and get ready.

Study from Rego summae L12Q15
Rego 9+6exp + 15 exp → 11

1203 - Summer: In travel
I first bid farewell to all of the Fengheld magi. Even from Adelman, who I think took it as a kind of provocation that I said goodbye to him... I don't understand that man. And yes, he is a magus already, he made the Gauntlet of him during the spring... maybe that's why I was able to be so calm with Audeline.

I also said goodbye to her, by the way. It surprised me that she began to cry when she found out that I was leaving. I hugged her and promised that I would write to her when I could.

My parens weren't quite as effusive, but an hour of advices and warnings from him made it clear that he appreciated me, too. I don't think I understood half of the things he explained to me, but I agreed on the key points while I was listening so he wouldn't worry.
As I foresaw, he advised me to accompany the covenant servants who were going to Merseburg before continue on my own. I took the opportunity to ask him for the first time who the money was intended for, but he just told me that I would see if I wanted, and added with a serious look that if someone asked, he was only sending twenty coins, not one more. He even made me swear that this would be my version, although I know that many times there were more than twenty coins in those bags... but I'm sure there is a good reason not to say it, so I accepted.
He also gave me another bag of money for my travels and a couple of laboratory texts.
It wasn't an easy goodbye… not as hard as the one I remember when I was taken from my mother, but sad in a different way.

The journey to Merseburg was an easy three days, with some breaks in villages. It all seemed so interesting... There are so many humans everywhere!
As I hadn't been farsighted enough, I had to wear a kerchief to cover my hair and hide my flowers (if my parens hadn't reminded me, I confess I would have completely forgotten about it). It wasn't a perfect disguise, but if I managed to didn't attract attention, the Gift would work in my favor so that people would ignore me (as I write this from Irencillia, I must say that it did).
My two grog companions were quiet to me, but having the Gift didn't seem strange to me either, so I tried to bother them as little as possible.

The city of Merseburg was quite an experience in itself. I made it clear to me that I don't like cities. Too many people. And the smell... ugh. But even so, to the despair of my companions, I wanted to see everything and constantly slowed them down. And, by the way, the cathedral is impressive... I still remember how it felt to look up into that open interior. Unfortunately my companions could not answer my questions about how such a place could be built.
Continuing with our journey in the city, we passed through some doors that seemed to lead to another area of the city. I imagined that more important people should live, to keep them separated with their own wall. And there I also discovered something that surprised me a lot. I had never asked Bonsimon, but I always assumed that the metal wheel he carried with him was his sigil... but the place we went to, everyone had a similar one.
The grogs explained to me that it was a symbol of the Jews, and that my parens sent them money to help them, since apparently they were not very loved. I did not understand the details, but in broad strokes it is what I remember.
I stayed away during the exchange, but at least so I could know who the people were in case I had to come with the letter from my parens in the future. And after that the grogs guided me to the south of the city, where they gave me directions to continue on my own.

It's strange, because those grogs were practically strangers, but when they left I felt like a huge stone in my stomach. I think it was at that moment that my journey felt real, until then it had been like one long hike, not unlike going to the woods to find herbs for Bonsimon.

When I was doing night close to Naumburg, I was attacked by a furious ghost. It was invisible and I only saw him though my fairy eyes.
I felt my parma blocking a whole bunch of interferences, and the ghost was clearly mad and unable to think and answer my questions. Since my spontaneous magic is so weak and I don't know any Mentem spells I was unable to affect him, and he started to follow me. It was a very upsetting situation.

But I was lucky, a man and a big creature-animal (that it seemed from the Faerie reign) came and with a simple hand-wave the ghost got hit and disappeared. He introduced himself as Celeste of Merinita.
Feeling my face getting red, and somewhat flustered, I thank him and I introduced myself. I also asked about him and his companion and I told a little about my own travel, hoping that he would give me some directions towards Irencillia, or he could give me some advice against ghosts for the future...
To my surprise, he offered to guide me to Irencillia. He was also a she, I've listened about that type of spells, but now that I see it for myself I cannot stop to think how weird must feel to change your body so much. She seems used to it anyways, so she is good.
Anyway, surely because of her feeric blood, but she is looks good both as a male or as female. It more than purely physical looks, but her personal aura. Must be so easy to make new friends for her... and thats me makes feel even more lucky (she is very patient with me too.. she is too perfect, that must be the destiny).
Lencor, the giant faerie-creature, it seems like a great companion too. He is scary-looking, but it's a very intelligent and brave.. dog? Celeste says that he is a dog, I'm not so sure to e honest. But he is great once you ignore his looks.

We followed the roads south towards the Ore Mountains. If her presence weren't enough, it seems like she is gentled gifted, so if I don't attract attention, we are welcomed everywhere. I can see too how useful is to seem like a man, since people take her even more seriously.

So, thanks to Celeste and Lencor we didn't encounter any problems on our way to the mountains. With both I felt so much safer and I've saved myselft from casting my defensive spells everyday.

When we reached the top of the mountain range and saw the forested valley spread out before ourselves, I stopped worrying so much about getting to Irencillia and thought I'd focus more on the journey itself. To my surprise, Celeste agreed, and offered to explore the area with me.
Maybe that could be my chance to find a compatible familiar, or vis, or just enjoy the experience in good company while I practiced my mother's faerie sympathy, since that was always something that I wanted to try.
Thats was my chance to prove myself useful too, and put my years living in a forest and my magic into some use.
Celeste told me many stories from Irencillia, and I shared my own from the Black Forest. We also had several troubles with some creatures and fairies, I found various possible familiars... that sadly weren't compatible with me, and I still remember our travel to the Boii springs and the celtic ruins nearby.

When we reached Irencillia, the summer was nearly over, and I found surprised about how fast the time flew. Even the worse moments felt good when I think about it.
I also learnt about Celeste's quest to find her mother killer, so I couldn't help but offer my help if she wanted.

Adventuring into the unknown and the wilderness (10 exp source)
+2 Warping
Sympathy (Living trees) 0 + 5 exp → 1
Area Lore: Bohemia (Wild areas) 0 + 5 exp → 1
- Bag with coins
- White linen kerchief
- Laboratory texts:

  • Freeing the Striding Tree (ReHe 30)
  • Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15)

1203 - Autumn: In Irencillia
Irencillia is great. Not because the looks, I know that those change from person to person, and in fact was very fun to compare the differences with Celeste.
I mean with the culture. The way how humans and faeries coexists peacefully. It's lovely (albeit there are too many people for what I'm used to) and in a way I feel like at home. If it just were closer to the Black Forest...

During our previous travel, Celeste offered to teach me some of her spells. Maybe because I asked her a lot. In return, I offered her to teach some of mine. Since she was interested too, I asked to teach her first and I wouldn't take no for an answer.

So, I have spent this season teaching Celeste some spells and getting used to Irencillia and its inhabitants.

Teaching spells
Teaching 0+2exp + 2 exp → 0+4exp

1203 - Winter: In Irencillia
The winter has come and Celeste learnt all the spells quickly. I'm starting to find fun and rewarding to teach others.
But this season was my turn, so she taught me a lot. Each day I feel more grateful for having crossed paths with her.

Oh, and it seems like I already have my own caricature! Now I have my own nymph following me all the time. I still don't understand why they do this caricature thing, but it's kinda cute seeing that faerie trying to imitate me.
I try to talk with her, but for now she seems more concentrated into learning about me than talking with me.
But I still ask myself, does she really need to follow me even when I go to pee or I'm sleeping? What she expect to discover there? I asked to Lencor but he just answers without really explaining nothing, so...

If I remember well, next season she will stop following me as much. Maybe she will be more talkative?

Learn spells
- The Succubus's Trick (MuCo 5): HoH:S, pg.97
- Step Sideways (ReCo 15): TtA, pg.79
- Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit (PeMe 5): ArM5, pg.150
- Unseen Hand (ReTe 5): ArM5, pg.155

Magic Theory 4+3exp + 2 exp → 4+5exp

Seems a bit wide for a Sympathy trait. According to RoP:F p.102, it may cover a concept like a Minor Magical Focus, but "Trees" is listed as a Major Magical Focus.

So I suggest limiting it in some ways. It could be a kind of trees (like Oak Trees), or a state (Living Trees, or Mature Trees), or specific ways of affecting trees (Controlling Trees).

Ok, then "Living trees" seems appropriate. I just took the one recommended for Nymph Blood (that was related with nature, i mean) and I didn't paid attention to that.

(When I update the sheet i will change that too)

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There was something bugging me (dont ask why i though about it today... it just popped in my mind) and after looking the dictionary, it seems like i was bamboozled by a false friend when i was adding the personality traits to Alba :open_mouth:

So... It seems that in English, "sensible" has a very different meaning than in Spanish, even when both are written the same ^^!

Since what I was looking to express something closer to a romantic and sensitive personality, I think that I will replace the word with "sentimental". Unless somebody propose a better word :sweat_smile:


Since Itzhak is busy lately to continue with our yearly advancement, and also now it seems like the familiar topic is on the table on other threads, i thought of taking advantage of and advancing the sketch of my familiar a bit.
This way i can start receiving feedback and changing things with time :slight_smile:

Its a tortoiseshell cat with 9 as the starting Might, and powers and abilities focused in Herbam and forests.

Might: 8 (Animal)
Confidence: 1(3)

Size: -2

Personality Traits

  • *Cat +3
  • Timid +2
  • Curious +4
  • Gruff +2


  • Int: +2
  • Per: +1
  • Pre: -2
  • Com: -4
  • Str: -7
  • Sta: +1
  • Dex: +3
  • Qik: +5

Faerie Blood: Goblin (1), Forest Regio Network (1), Second Sight (1), Large (1), Magic Animal (0), Perfect Balance (1), Puissant Awareness (1), Sharp Ears (1), Unaffected by the Gift (1)

Anchored to the Forest (1), Busybody (1), Covenant Upbringing (1), Magical Friend (1), Missing Eye (1), Nocturnal (1), Social Handicap: Gruff (1), Visions (1)

Natural Qualities
Ambush Predator, Crafty, Good Jumper, Skilled Climber, Thick Fur

Magical Qualities
Focus Power: Crafter of Herbam (3), Gift of Speech (1), Major Virtue: Ways of the Forest (3), Lesser Power: Master of the Undergrowth (1), Lesser Power: Pass the Unyielding Portal (1), Minor Virtue: Increased Characteristics x 2 (2), Minor Virtue: Voice of the Forest (1), Personal Power: Cat Like a Shadow (1)

Magical Inferiorities
Susceptible to Deprivation (1), Reduced Might x 3 (3)


  • Area Lore: Bohemia (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Central Germany (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Swabian (Forests) 2
  • Athletics (Jumping) 3
  • Awareness (At night) 4+2
  • Brawl (Claws) 2
  • Charm (Faeries) 1
  • Concentration (Powers) 1
  • Hunt (Mice) 4
  • Language: Latín (Insults) 4
  • Organization Lore: Order of Hermes (Covenants) 2
  • Penetration (Herbam) 2
  • Second Sight (Invisible things) 4
  • Stealth (Stalking) 4


  • Master of the Undergrowth (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 3 Mastery Points remaining, 2 used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0, 1 used for a +5xp to Penetration
  • Pass the Unyielding Portal (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 4 Mastery Points remaining, 1 used to reduce the Might cost from 1 to 0, 2 used for a +10xp to Penetration, 1 used for a +5xp to Concentration
  • Cat Like a Shadow (Qik - 1, Pen 8, Imaginem, Personal) --> 2 Mastery Points remaining, used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0
  • Crafter of Herbam: Spont CrHe / ReHe up to 5th magnitude (Mag points, Qik - 5, Pen 11 - (Cost x 5), Herbam)

You both have already taught each other. Is there anything else you are planning? If not, 1205 is around the corner. =9

So, a companion? Who is going to play it?

Summer character, right? Just making sure. I think you have an extra 5xp unspent (I counted 380 points. 20 are coming from mastery points. But Second Sight starts at 1 for free, so you should have 385 if the cat is a Summer character).

Humm... Just saw Faerie Blood in the suggested list for the tortoiseshell cat, but it really shouldn't be there. No creature belonging to a realm can be affiliated to another realm.

Humm... Maybe it's just me, but I find it weird for the cat to have picked up Latin, but not a living language.


Yeah, we had 1204 nearly done when he got busy (or busier :P). We just need to talk a few things and do the 1205.

Its less than 9 Might D: I forgot something else?

Yeah, a base cat needs 195 skill points, so....

:man_facepalming: Completely true... sigh, i always forget something... ty ^^ You know if a magic creature can have Magical Lore by default?

I think that those virtues just "transform" to the aligned realm or something like that... but im not sure.

I found it funny xD
I could pick whatever (the efficient way would be not picking anything tbh), since when it turns familiar it autolearns the maga languages, but since it had Covenant Upbringing i though... why not? Extra fluff

If the cat is a grog-level character, isn't it limited to 3 points of virtues and flaws? And no Story flaws?

In case of Magical creatures... idk, tbh xD

I looked at the only finished familiar in the Saga (Kiefskala the Linnorm) and i saw that it has 4 points of Virtues and Flaws and also has Major Flaws, so i though that it was ok :open_mouth:
(Btw, i also saw that Kiefskala has a Magical Inferiority that does not apply for a Familiar: Acclimation Prone. Since Familiars cannot suffer Acclimation at all)

Then, also i saw that the base cat already has more than 3 virtues ^^!

Base Virtues: Magic Animal (0), Perfect Balance (1), Puissant Awareness (1), Sharp Ears (1), Unaffected by the Gift (1)
Base Flaws: Magical Friend (1), Nocturnal (1) (requires 2 Flaws to balance Virtues).

There is a bit a leeway, to account at least partly for the V&F that the mundane animal would have, but right now your design has 8 points of virtues and flaws. The Cat Character Template (RoP:M p.70), for example, has 3 virtues that are from the mundane animal, and 2 that are added and must be compensated through flaws.

If you want to work from that template, for a grog-level familiar you could select 1 more virtue and 3 flaws. Additional virtues can be purchased through Magical Qualities.

There may be some descrepencies on Kiefskala. It is designed as a Spring character, for one, so in other ways it may be a bit more powerful.

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What about now? Im unsure about the Magical Lore ability and the Visions flaw. What do you think?

Might: 8 (Animal)
Confidence: 1(3)

Size: -3

Personality Traits

  • *Cat +3
  • Timid +2
  • Curious +4
  • Gruff +2


  • Int: +2
  • Per: +1
  • Pre: -2
  • Com: -4
  • Str: -7
  • Sta: +1
  • Dex: +3
  • Qik: +5

Forest Regio Network (1), Magic Animal (0), Perfect Balance (1), Puissant Awareness (1), Sharp Ears (1), Unaffected by the Gift (1)

Busybody (1), Covenant Upbringing (1), Magical Friend (1), Nocturnal (1), Social Handicap: Gruff (1)

Natural Qualities
Ambush Predator, Crafty, Good Jumper, Skilled Climber, Thick Fur

Magical Qualities
Focus Power: Crafter of Herbam (3), Gift of Speech (1), Major Virtue: Ways of the Forest (3), Lesser Power: Master of the Undergrowth (1), Lesser Power: Pass the Unyielding Portal (1), Minor Virtue: Forest Regio Network (1), Minor Virtue: Second Sight (1), Minor Virtue: Increased Characteristics x 2 (2), Minor Virtue: Voice of the Forest (1), Personal Power: Cat Like a Shadow (1)

Magical Inferiorities
Minor Flaw: Anchored to the Forest (1), Minor Flaw: Visions (1), Susceptible to Deprivation (1), Reduced Might x 3 (3)


  • Area Lore: Bohemia (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Central Germany (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Swabian (Forests) 2
  • Athletics (Jumping) 3
  • Awareness (At night) 4+2
  • Brawl (Claws) 2
  • Charm (Faeries) 1
  • Concentration (Powers) 1
  • Hunt (Mice) 4
  • Language: Latín (Insults) 4
  • Magical Lore (Magical Forests) 1
  • Organization Lore: Order of Hermes (Covenants) 2
  • Penetration (Herbam) 2
  • Second Sight (Invisible things) 4
  • Stealth (Stalking) 4


  • Master of the Undergrowth (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 3 Mastery Points remaining, 2 used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0, 1 used for a +5xp to Penetration
  • Pass the Unyielding Portal (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 4 Mastery Points remaining, 1 used to reduce the Might cost from 1 to 0, 2 used for a +10xp to Penetration, 1 used for a +5xp to Concentration
  • Cat Like a Shadow (Qik - 1, Pen 8, Imaginem, Personal) --> 2 Mastery Points remaining, used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0
  • Crafter of Herbam: Spont CrHe / ReHe up to 5th magnitude (Mag points, Qik - 5, Pen 11 - (Cost x 5), Herbam)

Usually need a virtue to have access to Arcane abilities, such as Magic Lore and Penetration. I see that you purchased Penetration using mastery in the powers, so it bypasses it for that one. I am inclined to let it slide.

I find the Organization Lore a bit more questionnable, but it can be explained away due to Covenant Upbringing.

Not fond of Forest Regio Network, since the cat is supposed to have been brought up at a covenant. Doesn't really makes sense that it would have travelled much, considering the Covenant Upbringing flaw?

Virtues purchased through Magical Qualities should also be listed in the Virtues (marked in some way to make it easier to see where they come from).

Seems nice overall. :slight_smile:

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Yep, i didn't use any base exp points to increase those abilities.
Edit: wait, yeah, i used 5xp for Magic Lore... i will change that with Survival :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea here was to play a little with the fact that there are one tortoiseshell king into the Rhinelands. So we can expect that, in a way, this cat lineage mimics human society. And at the same time, since magical animals are very valuable to magis, they are intrinsically tied to the Order of Hermes too (thats why the Schism War affected tortoiseshells too and break up into 2 "reigns", with another king in Scotland).

This is why i took Covenant Upbringing, since it have sense to me that those cats are welcomed in a covenant.
And since they mimic human society, it seems natural that they also follow some type of teachings or traditions too. There is where it enters abilities like Latin or Organization Lore: OoH, since they are an easy and accesible source of familiars. And also Forest Regio Network, since that knowledge let's them to travel and spread though far away covenants (thats also why that Virtue comes from the normal pool, and not the Qualities, since its something that it learn).

Also, thats also for when the cats appear at the year 1204 in Alba's background, but this cat comes from a group that was expelled by their king and they have been roaming for a time now.

If Forest Regio Network can be a problem (either because background, or because people consider that can create conflict in any way), i can remove it an recover Faerie Blood (if it comes from the base Virtue pool has sense, but no from the Qualities pool, thats why i removed it) or just lower in 1 the amount of Magic Qualities. Its not so relevant tbh.

I added them with a (Q) :slight_smile: Btw, i noticed that i had a duplicate of Forest Regio Network, so i changed the Quality one with Large.

For now i would look something like this (i've changed a few specializations too):

Might: 8 (Animal)
Confidence: 1(3)

Size: -2

Personality Traits

  • *Cat +3
  • Timid +2
  • Curious +4
  • Gruff +2


  • Int: +2
  • Per: +1
  • Pre: -2
  • Com: -4
  • Str: -7
  • Sta: +1
  • Dex: +3
  • Qik: +5

Forest Regio Network (1), Increased Characteristics x 2 (Q), Large (Q), Magic Animal (0), Perfect Balance (1), Puissant Awareness (1), Second Sight (Q), Sharp Ears (1), Unaffected by the Gift (1), Voice of the Forest (Q), Ways of the Forest (Q)

Anchored to the Forest (Q), Busybody (1), Covenant Upbringing (1), Magical Friend (1), Nocturnal (1), Social Handicap: Gruff (1), Visions (Q)

Natural Qualities
Ambush Predator, Crafty, Good Jumper, Skilled Climber, Thick Fur

Magical Qualities
Focus Power: Crafter of Herbam (3), Gift of Speech (1), Major Virtue: Ways of the Forest (3), Lesser Power: Master of the Undergrowth (1), Lesser Power: Pass the Unyielding Portal (1), Minor Virtue: Large (1), Minor Virtue: Second Sight (1), Minor Virtue: Increased Characteristics x 2 (2), Minor Virtue: Voice of the Forest (1), Personal Power: Cat Like a Shadow (1)

Magical Inferiorities
Minor Flaw: Anchored to the Forest (1), Minor Flaw: Visions (1), Susceptible to Deprivation (1), Reduced Might x 3 (3)


  • Area Lore: Bohemia (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Central Germany (Forests) 2
  • Area Lore: Swabian (Forests) 2
  • Athletics (Jumping) 3
  • Awareness (At night) 4+2
  • Brawl (Claws) 2
  • Charm (Humans) 1
  • Concentration (Magic Powers) 1
  • Hunt (Mice) 4
  • Language: Latín (Insults) 4
  • Organization Lore: Order of Hermes (Rhine Covenants) 2
  • Penetration (Herbam) 2
  • Second Sight (Invisible things) 4
  • Stealth (Stalking) 4
  • Survival (Forest) 1


  • Master of the Undergrowth (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 3 Mastery Points remaining, 2 used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0, 1 used for a +5xp to Penetration
  • Pass the Unyielding Portal (Pen 11, Herbam) --> 4 Mastery Points remaining, 1 used to reduce the Might cost from 1 to 0, 2 used for a +10xp to Penetration, 1 used for a +5xp to Concentration
  • Cat Like a Shadow (Qik - 1, Pen 8, Imaginem, Personal) --> 2 Mastery Points remaining, used to reduce the Might cost from 2 to 0
  • Crafter of Herbam (Mag points, Qik - 5, Pen 11 - (Cost x 5), Herbam): Spont CrHe / ReHe up to 5th magnitude