Character Creation for ROFROF (OOC)

Oops! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That's what I get from trying to calculating things quickly.

That is actually a helluva lot of water/ice

Ya, even if it's "natural liquid" rather than "water," it's still a fair amount. 65 cubic feet is enough to encase someone with over a foot of ice on all sides. Meanwhile, a foot of ice is enough to drive over on a lake, so it's pretty strong.

I edited post nr 32

Floor of Slippery Ice: with the size of an individual amount of water/ice a magus gets from the base of Aquam I chose to remove the +1 on size as a circle of 15 feet radius of about 3 inches thick is a lot less than an individual amount of ice.

Wall of Winter: needed the most - I changed range to Sight, and Base to 4 - ice in an unnatural shape. With the amout of ice being 650cubic feet as per the mathematical calculations, I removed the +1 size. as well as the +1 for flexibility as the wording of "up to" in terms of the size is used in other wall spells.

Sculpt the frozen statue: Target is now individual, and not part

White Rose of Deceit: Duration is now adjusted to Diameter.

This uses up 115 of 120 spell levels. Added "Cloak of the Duck's Feathers ReAq5"

Regarding removing "nocturnal" so I do not have three personality flaws, I was wondering if "Devoted parent/child" from Grogs p.79 would be appropriate, but reskinned for Past, Present and Future - her magical animal companions. Her bond with them would become so symbiotic that she physically needs them or she gets uneasy and worried?


Marcella filia Ultimor ex Flambeau, born 1146, gauntlet 1171; current age 59 in 1205

Marcella studied in Provencal with many a great Flambeau master which made her a wellrounded generalist with a penchant for the School of Sebastian mastering not just one, but two forms for combat – Aquam and Herbam. This left her extremely prideful though, and with more than a few enemies.

She saw great potential in cooperation between magi and covenants, but her particular haughtiness did not mesh well with the cordial nature of Provence. Her parens thus indebted himself to save the face of his lineage and had her move to the Greater Alps at an unusual young age. Understanding she had to keep a low profile, she was quickly taken with the gifted Roswitha, and tried to teach her as much of her particular brand of magic as possible.

Proud of her protegé's revival of old Flambeau war stances as part of her magic, and her acumen with Aquam, she thinks Pluvia is too much of a dreamer. Currently resides at the chapterhouse Pluvia was born at.

Ferrum filius Hadrian ex Bonisagus, born 1175, gauntlet 1195, current age 30 in 1205

Pluvia's brother, born Santo, Ferrum was snatched up by a Bonisagus in the Greater Alps. More cerebral than his sister, he is less charming and more distant with other people, both magic and mundane. He specialises in metals and their potential. After his apprenticeship he moved to the Roman Tribunal, though he has kept corresponding with his sister and occasionally visited their parents.

Ferrum thinks Pluvia's connection to this new covenant so oddly set up is worrying and he has expressed his distaste, and asked if maybe she should just take up residence at one of the many covenants she has visited.

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Gently easing into the first of the 10 years post gauntlet...

Summer 1196

Revelling in her new freedom, Pluvia journeys to the Cave of Twisting Shadows to see the covenant most people only whisper about. Being as much a tourist as an entrepreneurial maga, Pluvia meets a pleasant librarian named Volata, whom genuinely likes her reverence for the dark caves and the odd culture of the place.

As Pluvia's personal Rego source can be harvested during Summer – 1 scale each from Past, Present and Future, she trades the 3 Rego vis for a Tractatus on Aquam and one on Etiquette (I may have misinterpreted the Technique vs Form cost for books, but if Techniques are worth twice, aren't the price of books mentioned in covenants based on Form? Meaning I have 6 pawns worth of ”Bookbuying” with my 3 Rego).

Read the Etiquette Tractatus ”A Wholesome Conversation”, Qua 13 +3 (Booklearner) experience points

Get Volata as an Agent (Based on her two Social Contacts virtues, she will gain the Agents over the 10 years, as I don't find it likely that she'd get them as an apprentice)

Autumn 1196

Travelling to another capterhouse of the Icy North, Pluvia talks with a travelling Redcap – Miro. Having seen him from afar at other times during her apprenticeship, she has a nice earnest conversation with him and shares some tales of his travels. He finds her curiosity refreshing and they ”compare notes” on all they know.

Practice Area Lore: Greater Alps; Qua 5 +2 (Independent Study) experience points

Winter 1196-1197

Staying at the chapterhouse, she can hold Miro no longer, and he bids her farewell. They promise to meet up every few years. A young lad at the chapterhouse is suspected of being gifted, and the busy magi there ask Pluvia to keep an eye on him. Frustrated they can't just cast a spell to discern it, Pluvia observes the boy, who is very interested in Past, Present and Future. The sageous carps find the boy precocious, but offer no opinion, so Pluvia shares her time between reading a hefty old tome on Muto, and observing Gerhard – the boy

Don't know if this division is a possibility but:

Read Muto Summae ”Chrysalis”; gain Qua 9+3 (Booklearner)/2 experience points

Practice Teaching; gain Source Qua 4+2 (Independent Study)/2 experience points


Finally being able to tell the magi that Gerhard has an ability to commune with animals, but not the gift – to the best of her knowledge – Pluvia makes a quick trip to meet Jacinta at her chapterhouse. As a fellow Flambeau, she is greeted fair and square and asked if she wants to receive training in Ignem. A bit baffled that Jacinta would offer this, Pluvia asks what the price is?

Jacinta explains that she wants to have a favour from her. Pluvia thinks about this and agrees, though graciously asks for the favour to be a ”minor”. Jacinta agrees if it has no limit in time. She also mentions an interesting newer magus named Wolfgang that Pluvia might meet one day.

Taught Ignem by Jacinta; teaching source 14 Qua experience points

Personal items, books, Vis, pound etc owned at end of year

Aquam Tractatus "The Nereid's Dreams" Qua 13
Etiquette Tractatus ”A Wholesome Conversation” Qua 13

Xp for the year in total (bar virtues): 38,5
Warping points gained/warping score: 1 / 0 (1)
Vis stock: 3 Ignem (a gift from Marcella after her Gauntlet)

Summer 1197

Pluvia feels the pressure of being a young gauntleted maga in the Greater Alps Tribunal. She travels to The Motherhouse of the Icy North and requests a meeting with Athena Alpina. Brought before the stern looking woman, Pluvia steels herself and asks if she can have a special position with the Quaesitors.

When asked what this would entail, Pluvia tells of her idea for greater cooperation with the Alpine covenants, and extending their influence into the nearby Tribunals. Interested, but ultimately having to reject her on the grounds of Alpine law, Alpina mentions that she should travel to covenants in the tribunals she mention, and gather information, set up alliances and lay the groundwork for what she wants to offer, then return in 5 years and have a talk with her.

Incensed, she contacts her brother and asks if the new covenant he formed with a few others would be willing to accept her. They accept, and Pluvia becomes a member of ”Lago di Como” - a small covenant set in a villa on an island in the Como Lake.

As she is ”late to the party”, she donates 1 pawn Rego vis to gain full rights as a founding member, keeping 2 pawns for herself.

Practice Area Lore: Northwestern Roman Tribunal (Lago di Como), Qua 5 +2 (Independent Study) experience points

Autumn 1197

The covenant of Lago di Como has good need of an Aquam maga, and asks for Pluvia to explore the lake for any supernatural issues, creatures etc. She hires a few fishermen to row her around, and pays them well to ”look away” as she uses her abilities. She spends most of the season on the lake, and find a small school of semi-intelligent fish that calls themselves ”The Swarm” - friendly but skittish, they accept Pluvia's presence with the help of Past, Present and Future.

If possible to divide again:

Practice Italian (Lombard) Qua 8 (standard Qua for languages)+2(Independent Study) /2 experience points

Practice Magic Lore, Qua 4+2(Independent Study) /2 experience points

Winter 1197-1198

Letting her sodales know that she will be travelling to Arelat and Burgundy, they ask her if she would be willing to take two tractatii with her and trade for two other. A bit confused at this as she is no redcap, a fellow covenant member Asclepius ex Verditius mentions that he pissed off their local redcap and they need her to do this.

Asking if she can get a small payment for this, the covenant agrees to pay her 3 pawns Herbam vis for this.

She arrives at Atramentum Renatum and manages to trade the two tractatii. She also speaks with Leonardo Attilmar the covenant's Turb captain, a flourishing and dashing swordsman and he finds her exotic and intesting.

Glad with the trade, the magi of the covenant allow her to read a Tractatus on Vim as a bonus, as well as having her stay the autumn and engaging in talks of hermetic diplomacy with her.

Read ”Winds of Magic” Vim tractatus, Qua 8 +3 (Booklearner) experience points

Get Leonardo as an Agent

Spring 1198

Moving onwards to Cunfin, Pluvia arrives early spring here, having hired a grog from Atramentum called Loviér, a handsome fellow that reminds her of the knight who once courted her. A rougher woodsy type though, Loviér seems unaffected by her gift and very apt at making good progress with travelling.

Cunfin are surprised to see her, and not too happy, as she is too otherworldly for their front with the Cistercian monks. They scold her and keep her in a small cottage for a week – only when she threatens to bring this before the Quaesitors do they allow her outside, but only at night.

Another week passes thusly, and Pluvia tries talking to Celeres – his stern approach to chivalrous behaviour is her way in and when she reveals herself to know quite a bit about how to behave with integrity and honour, he says he will test her with a mission deep into the caves where Angelus used to live.

In here Pluvia and Loviér find an entrance to a magical regio that is inhabited by weird stonelike creatures with no discernable features except a wide mouth filled with round teeth. Cunfin has experienced tremors, and Celeres believes they might be linked to the caves. When asked about this, the stonecreatures say that they have made the ”mountains sing” at times because they love the song, and one of their young ones has come of age and is a very talented stonesinger. Pluvia manages to convince the people to let this young one, Flint, go with her to Celeres and maybe strike up a companionship (ie become a familiar to him, Angelus, Eloi...). A gentle race, the stonefolk agree and she returns with Flint who is very interested in the way the monastery has been hewn and made. He accepts living there (discreetly) and the magi accept Pluvias presence. As she has stopped the mountains from singing, they allow her to read a book from the library.

Read ”Foundations of the Earth” Terram Summae ; gain Qua 13 +3 (Booklearner) experience points

Gain Flint as an Agent (if it is possible to get a familiar as an agent?)

Personal items, books, Vis, pound etc owned at end of year

Aquam Tractatus "The Nereid's Dreams" Qua 13
Etiquette Tractatus ”A Wholesome Conversation” Qua 13
Vis stock: 2 pawns Rego vis, 3 pawn Herbam vis, 3 pawns Ignem vis

Xp for the year in total (bar virtues): 32
Warping points gained/warping score: 1 / 0 (2)


Let us review and comment before proceeding further. I wouldn't want you to have to rewrite everything if things don't proceed as you expected.

Sure I was just in the mood...

Edited the seasons, added XP within the frame of about 40/year, added warping (though no explanation for it, since it is the standard 1/year), and added the Vis she earned and kept from source as well as the books she has bought for her personal library - no BP spent yet.

If anyone has any feedback pls let me know.

Summer 1198

Trekking back over the Lorraine landscape, Pluvia enters the Greater Alps Tribunal and visits the Rorschach chapterhouse at Lake Constance. Here she meets up with Mary and Rotigien ex Mercere, the two Gifted Mercere of the Tribunal. She presents herself, and find that both are rather busy, but open to have her stay a season.

Pluvia hints to them that Athena Alpina need not know she is here, and taking the hint, the two Mercere engage her in pleasent conversations in the evening. She learns of the two magi's interests and politely asks if there is anything she might be able to do for them, in return for reading one of Mary's Imaginem Tractatii? The pair have a think, and tell her that if she will spend a season within the next couple of years creating a magical item for the redcaps, they will allow her to read a tractatus – they will also provide the vis for the item, and pay her 2 pawns Vim vis for the season itself.

She accepts and starts thinking of what to create. The pair also has a ”handler” at the covenant, who appears to be more than meets the eye...Pluvia cultivates a budding interest with him – to Loviér's chagrin.

Read ”Sensory Overload” Imaginem Tractatus ; gain Qua 9 +3 (Booklearner) experience points

Gain ”Handler” as an Agent

Autumn 1198

Finally returning to Lago di Como, Pluvia hands over the tractatii she traded and unwinds with her brother. She speaks of his interesting research with metals, and she regales him with her travels. Loviér is welcomed too, and is asked to take control of a few men and be the covenant's turb captain.

Asking how the last year has been for the covenant, Santo mentions that Claudius Secundus ex Criamon is rather angry with her absence, seeing her as gallavanting off and doing whatever strikes her fancy. Taking umbrage at this, she brings up the matter at Council, where the covenant is split between her and Claudius – some see her as unreliable, while others see her as an asset.

Trying to remain courteous and diplomatic, Pluvia asks how this can be resolved? Claudius suggests relieving her of her Vis stipend for 3 years. However even his supporters find this too much and suggest for the year of 1198 she receives no stipend. To hold the peace Pluvia accepts, but in return she tells them that she wants to use the already established laboratory that a friendly Quaesitor gave them and had installed by his apprentice.

Claudius tries to oppose, but finding his arguments a bit trite, the rest of the covenant grants her access to it during Winter 1198-1199.

The rest of the season Pluvia spends her time honing her ability to read her sodales, and tune in to the minutiae of their actions, thoughts and feelings.

Practice Folk Ken, gain Qua 4+2(Independent Study) experience points

Winter 1198-1199

In the laboratory, here Pluvia designs a cloak that will keep the traveller dry and warm. (Will write it up later). She keeps the labtext and gets a visiting apprentice to copy it for Lago di Como's library.

At the end of the season she ships it off with a redcap (Aesclepius has made restitutions to house Mercere) and also encloses what she hopes is the beginning of a correspondance with Mary on Imaginem. With her meager knowledge of the Art, she encloses a letter that she writes on how she would appreciate an open and earnest conversation and that she would love to visit Rorscach again.

Exposure xp, gain 2 experience points in Magic Theory; receive 2 Vim vis for her work from the Mercere.

Spring 1199

Wanting to finally read the Aquam tractatus she bought at the Cave of Twisting Shadows, Pluvia spends time at her lakeside sanctum and reads. However her relationship with Loviér also deepens, and when he is hurt on a hunt, she stays at his bedside for many a night.

Mary ex Mercere writes Pluvia thanking her for the item and her service, and acknowledges that despite her knowledge of Imaginem, there could still be things to learn and know. She agrees to correspinding on the Art, and has sent the first of what will hopefully be a fruitful insight to both magas.

Read ”The Nereid's Dream” Aquam Tractatus ; gain Qua 13 +3 (Booklearner) experience points

Correspond on Imaginem; gain 1 experience point in Imaginem

Personal items, books, Vis, pound etc owned at end of year

Aquam Tractatus "The Nereid's Dreams" Qua 13
Etiquette Tractatus ”A Wholesome Conversation” Qua 13
Vis stock: 5 pawns Rego vis, 2 pawns Herbam vis, 3 pawns ignem Vis, 2 pawns Vim vis

Lab Text

Xp for the year in total (bar virtues): 29
Warping points gained/warping score: 1 / 0 (3)

Going back a while, I realize that I haven't answered some of your questions.

Indeed, Technique vis is worth more. In this case, if the Aquam tractatus is of high quality, it would be worth 3 Form pawns by itself. A tractatus on Etiquette wouldn't be normally purchased using raw vis, just a few pounds of silver. So you may have purchased both only using 2 pawns of Rego. Normally a tractatus on Etiquette would only be worth a few pounds of silver, but Criamon magi are unlikely to have offered silver for the remaining of the value of your raw vis. You could convert the Etiquette tractatus to a L3Q13 summa instead and it would be fair value. The result would be the same for advancement purposes.

Don't make a habit out of splitting a season on two activities, but I'm fine with it in this instance.

Am I correct in thiking Lago di Como is in the Rome Tribunal? It is near the border, so I'm just making sure.

You can drop the "Northwestern" part of the lore. Just "Rome Tribunal" will do.

Idle questions here. What mode of transport does Pluvia use? If going by land, some practice about Survival, Athletics and other mundane abilities touching on travel would seem appropriate. Does she have grogs with her?

I'd say no this time. Pratice for Magic Lore doesn't really makes sense. If this was described as an Adventure instead, it might work. it would also be a good opportunity to explain gaining a point of Warping.

Storywise, 3 pawns of Herbam sound like an overlarge reward for doing a bit of trading to improve the library of her own covenant, during a trip she was already doing anyway. She could always just find a small source near Atramentum. She keeps the initial harvest and get a warm welcome when she reports the source to them -- they offer her access to the tractatus as a reward.

I'm not sure where you are going with all of those "agents" you are recruiting. They are so scattered that she won't be able to keep in touch with them (Maintaining them), and they are not really doing anything for you at the moment.

That sounds much more like Adventure material than a season spent reading a tracatus. Travel time to Cunfin, cooling her heels for 2 weeks, then exploring the caves. All that wouldn't leave enough time to properly study a tractatus. Maybe she was able to obtain a copy of the tractatus at a good price (like 1 pawn of Herbam) instead?

I'll stop here for now and let you decide if you want to adjust a few things before reviewing you latest post. :smiley:

Neglecting any particulars about what can be practiced, Practice is explicitly divisible. However, the core book says you use the lowest of the Source Qualities. So that would be 4+2=6, divided between the various things practiced as you see fit. Here is the rule:

Experience points from practice may be split between several Abilities. If the Source Quality would be different for the different Abilities, the total number of experience points gained is based on the lowest of the Source Qualities.

You're not supposed to be able to divide between types of learning, but I don't have a problem with it.

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Considering that I'm offering an alternative that yields more xp, I don't feel bad about my comment. :smiley:

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