Character creation

Ok agreed.

OK, I can live with this as well.

I was looking at companions and grogs and the possibility that some might have longevity rituals. (Vis is more common in Thebes.) That got me thinking about Warping and what flaws are appropriate for being under the effect of an LR. You get one minor flaw at 5 years, another minor flaw at 30 years, a minor virtue at 75 years, and then major flaws at 105, 140, 180, etc. (You should get so far!) The rules also say that the flaw should "reflect the predominant source of the Warping Points." But what does that mean for an LR? Well, I made a pass through the list of flaws and came up with some proposed flaws that seem like they would work. I'm sure I've missed some, and I'm not entirely sure that my reasoning is solid on all the ones I pulled out. But here they are.

Minor Flaws
Afflicted Tongue: The LR could be keeping you alive but at the expense of your ability to speak clearly.
Ambitious: You've been given so much extra time, you should do something with it.
Arthritis: The LR could be keeping you alive but at the expense of some joint pain.
Carefree: You're living longer and just generally less worried.
Clumsy: The LR could be keeping you alive but at the expense of some of your coordination.
Compassionate: Just as the LR purifies the body., maybe it also purifies the soul, making you more compassionate.
Craving for Travel: If you spent much of your time traveling, you might develop an intense craving for it.
Delusion that you're immortal: Having your life extended might make you think that it's been extended forever.
Disfigured: The warping could have a physical aspect, disfiguring you.
Environmental Sensitivity: A person who spends much of their time in one environment might find that they are less tolerant of another.
Essential Flaw (varies): The LR could emphasize some aspect of your person beyond all others.
Faerie Antipathy: Something about the LR has made you less sympathetic to Faeries.
Fear of disease and the dying: With so much more to lose, the thought of disease or death fills you with fear.
Fragile Constitution: The LR could be keeping you alive but at the expense of some of your constitution.
Hunchback: The warping could have a physical aspect, disfiguring you.
Jinxed: The power of the warping could have transformed you into a nexus for unluck.
Lame: The LR could be keeping you alive but limit your ability to walk.
Lecherous: You're filled with life and wanting to celebrate it.
Low Tolerance: The LR could be keeping you alive but limit your ability to withstand fatigue and pain.
Missing Ear: Not properly "missing," the LR could leave you blind in one eye.
Missing Eye: Not properly "missing," the LR could leave you deaf in one ear.
Missing Hand: Not properly "missing," the LR could leave you unable to use one hand.
Necessary Magic Aura for (Ability): So much exposure to magic over time has made it a necessary part of some key activity in your life.
Nocturnal: Turns a person who was a night owl into a full on nocturnal person.
Obsessive care for health: Having been granted so many extra years, you become obsessed with keeping healthy.
Offensive to (Beings): So much time with magic infusing your being has given you a partial magical air.
Offensive to Animals: So much time with magic infusing your being has given you a partial magical air.
Optimistic: Everything has gone well so far, why shouldn't it continue?
Overconfident: You've found a way to dodge death (at least for a while). What else could you achieve?
Oversensitive to dirt or disease: Having been "purified," you want to keep yourself from losing that state of being.
Palsied Hands: The LR could be keeping you alive but leave you with palsied hands.
Pious: A mildly pious person might have that piety amplified, viewing the LR as a gift from God.
Poor Concentration: Being slightly divorced from the real world by your LR, you might find it hard to concentrate on things.
Poor Eyesight: The LR could be keeping you alive but limit your ability to see properly.
Poor Hearing: The LR could be keeping you alive but limit your ability to hear properly.
Proud: Having an LR places you above most people. Maybe you really deserve it?
Short of Breath: The LR could be keeping you alive but take away your wind.
Slothful: You've got a ll the time in the world, so why hurry?
Slow Reflexes: The LR could be keeping you alive but take away some of your coordination.
Uncontrollable Strength: A strong person might find themselves unable to control their strength.
Unlucky: The power of the warping could have transformed you into someone unluckier than most.
Unruly Air: Magic has turned you into a catalyst for good and for bad.
Visions: With so much of a focus on your future, you start to get visions of that future.
Weakness for flattery: You've gotten used to looking younger than you are, and like to be complimented on it.

Major Flaws
Blind: The LR could be keeping you alive at the expense of some of your sight.
Compassionate: Just as the LR purifies the body., maybe it also purifies the soul, making you more compassionate.
Crippled: The LR could be keeping you alive but leave you unable to walk.
Deaf: The LR could be keeping you alive at the expense of your hearing.
Enfeebled: The LR could be keeping you alive at the expense of making you incredibly weak.
Essential Flaw (various): The LR could emphasize some aspect of your person beyond all others.
Faerie Antipathy: Something about the LR has made you less sympathetic to Faeries.
Frail: The LR could be keeping you alive at the expense of making you incredibly weak.
Hunger for Corpus/Vim Magic: Warped by an LR, the subject needs Co/Vi vis to stay strong. (Pick one)
Lecherous: You're filled with life and wanting to celebrate it.
Magical Air: So much time with magic infusing your being has given you a magical air.
Optimistic: Everything has gone well so far, why shouldn't it continue?
Overconfident: You've found a way to dodge death (at least for a while). What else could you achieve?
Pious: A mildly pious person might have that piety amplified, viewing the LR as a gift from God.
Proud: Having an LR places you above most people. Maybe you really deserve it?

I'm curious what people think. It's not an idle exercise either. If I do have a grog or companion with an LR, it might have gone on for more than 5 years and I'll have to figure out what kind of Warping has happened.

I would definitely include monstrous blood under minor flaws. Since it has amongst its effects a -1 bonus on aging rolls it seems to ne a logical conclusion that warping from a LR could trigger it. Or from spending too much time in some magical auras, though I don't know that it would fit the aura in our regio...

Am I correct that we have decided that mundane servants can set up the lab and we do not need to take 2 seasons for this?

That is my understanding.

Good catch.

I fear this and at last next week I probably wont be able to continue building my magus. I manage to follow our discussions here and have a look at the main Ars forum but that's about it what is possible with my free time right now.

I'm sorry to hear that. Do you think things will calm down at all soon and let you get back to finishing your magus?

Isn't the -3 from "Anchored to the Land (minor) olive groves and vineyards, agricultural areas" a bit to problematic when our covenant is inside a big coastal city and for the visit of the tribunal meeting each 7 years a longer ship trip is needed?
At last I suspect the Tied to ... is actual Anchored to from RoP:M 47
Sure because our labs are in a regio to have a olive grove around it is no problem.
Because we took the Urban hook our living quarter should be inside the city and not in the regio also the combination of covenant hooks we have means at last some of our adventures where the magus have to join are in the city.

Technically, anchored to the Land only gives the penalty when "travelling through" another environment. Once the character settles into a new environment, even if different from the anchored environment, they lose the penalty. I"m not exactly sure how that would work in a city-based game where you'd be mostly in the city. When would she "be traveling" and when it she not?

I assume this means that you intend to spend 4 childhood years learning Academic abilities.

Are we allowing that? It is in accord with the way Thebes works, i.e., teaching potential apprentices before the tribunal meeting. But I hadn't assumed that with my character generation. I'd assumed all childhood time had to be spent on General abilities, per the basic rules.

For my magus I assumed the same that unless education or something similiar is taken only general ability are allowed pre apprentice time.
The big advance Tebes have is that once you take the educated virtue it also allow you to replace your mother language with Classical Greek.
We made a special exception for our Grog but not for the magus or companion we start with.

In general I would say traveling is when you stay away from home for more then 1 day but here is the problem that with her minor flaw all land travel trough farmed land is exluded so only a ship trip would realy make her problems.
Unless there other times when the flaw come into play I would say she is at the -3 during the full Tribunal Meetings after all from my reading the isle have no single farm on it and the meeting should be to short to settle down.

Presumably you'd figure things out by technique, something like this.
Creo: plants grow
Intellgeo: plants fruit
Muto: plants change color
Perdo: plants wither
Rego: plants bloom

I'm guessing that you intend plants to wither only for Perdo technique. However, Warped Magic states that

Does having plants grow, fruit, bloom, or change color really qualify as unpleasant? The withering part, yes. In fact, that's an example given in the description. But the growing, blooming, and fruiting seems more pleasant than unpleasant. And color change is at best neutral.

Does this really qualify as an unpleasant side effect?



I"m not saying we shouldn't. I'm just noting that I didn't. If we want to allow a few years of academic work prior to apprenticeship, I think that fits Thebes perfectly. I just wanted to get a buy in from everyone on whether we should do that or not.

Ok. I still haven't used her full allotment of virtues and flaws. I am debating enchanting music and/or second sight and/or animal ken, which would be taught by her mother. Wilderness sense could be an option as well, but it looks so awful for a Maga. It's a lot of experience for minimal effect. Really all of them are. Enchanting music has at least an effect on the faerie realm that isn't duplicated hermetically, all the other effects are sub par with hermetic spells.

Which makes me wonder why they're so hard to preserve when opening the arts. Like if a character wants to spend say 50xp times 3 supernatural abilities to talk to animals, not get lost in the woods, occasionally see a spirit or regio, etc. That's 150xp that if spent on the arts that would net an intellego of 16. Anyway...

I can't seem to shake the desire for enchanting music. Tell me it's not worth it lol.

The more I look at the Nature mysteries of Merinita I question how it's useful... exposure, practice, and adventure are the only ways to raise it. 2,4, @7 xp respectively per season activity, barf. No wonder Merinita has been missing for centuries, at 4 xp per season my guess is she died in the woods of boredom.

Do you mean Envied Beauty from HoH:S?

If so, Envied Beauty and Animal Companion are both Story flaws and you're only allowed one Story flaw.

Envied Beauty is also just a minor flaw.