character design and development

one on one Gaston has a teaching SQ of 18, and 15 with a shared class, so Danae's score in bow should not be under 3 at the end of 2010
This is an issue in part because Gaston is so busy training magi that he is not having time to train the next generation of archers... which may necessitate taking a grog from active duty to provide training...

Hi, silveroak:

I counted his Teaching as 8 (7+1 Martial abilities spec.) + 2 Comm + 6 (2 students)= 16. Danaë's trained with him technically just once, because her first try was interrupted by 3 adventures in 1109, and she took the 25+3 xp generated there rather than the 16/19? x ⅔ she would've earned otherwise. So she has 5xp she started with in Bow, + 16 more this season = 2(6)

Question: Is the Failed Apprentice Minor Social Virtue compatible with the Gentleman/Gentlewoman Minor Social Virtue?

As it's not explicitly allowed in the text for either Virtue, I think this precludes it.

Was going to bring a former Apprentice who had lost the Gift and embraced her noble family life back, and who, for a number of reasons, was going to join the Covenant as a Companion, but if it's not possible for her to be both, have to shift some Virtues and Flaws around.

The issue would seem to me to be not that these histories are incompatible, but rather that the two social statuses would be difficult to hold at the same time- in other words when you leave the community of the order and embrace your noble heritage you no longer fill the social niche of failed apprentice, because you no longer rely upon the sympathy, goodwill, and opportunistic greed of the magi of the order to support yourself.
That being recognized I will allow you to take failed apprentice as a general virtue which is identical to failed apprentice in every way except as a reflection of your current circumstances.

That's excellent! Will try to post the character tomorrow.

I have a question about magic theory as it relates to training. Basically, can you learn magic theory by training? And if you can it be gotten from training, can it be gotten from someone doing lab work, lab set up, or both?

magic theory can be learned from training, teaching, exposure (though you can't assist in the lab until you have it at 1), and reading

I'm updating Evan!
Time to do 10 aging rolls. With his LR of 17, twin healthy features, and his living conditions he doesn't get any aging except on an explosion. So let's begin!
two explosions Note:

Okay, time to do the explosions! I accidentally forgot to change from ten rolls before hitting the roll button. Linky. If we use the first two there, its a 8 and 4 for the final result. Neither cause problems. However, I'm assuming I should just ignore them. More chances to age Evan!

Explosion One: 7*2-17LR-2 Healthy Features - 2 Living Conditions+10 age=3 APPARENT AGING!
Explosion Two: 5*2-17LR-2 Healthy - 2 Living Conditions +10 Age = No apparent aging.

So the totality of the Evan changes: A bunch of xp that isn't enough to get him over the limit. Enough xp to increase MT. The new circle of stamina spell, and one year of apparent aging. Also 10 warping points.

I posted the new Noble Companion, Lady Agniezka, in the wiki for examination and approval, This was a reward and solution to the Quaesaitorial inquiry in 1110 of Praesidium Orae's holdings in Siderno.

She's also a Failed Apprentice and can currently provide a +9 to lab totals to whomever wants to negotiate with her; she will generally be available to help in these endeavors 1 season/year, and would charge the equivalent of 1 pawn of vis for her assistance, although future favors are also acceptable. She is Wealthy, so she supports herself, and should have a number of grogs as servants, warriors, advisors; don't know if I'll detail them, though!

Feel free to critique, point out errors or suggest different takes!

A couple of points-

  1. the character should have a total of 505 points, but I count 495. You may have forgotten that the first level for the supernatural abilities is free.
  2. the persona maintain your essential nature- the mute girl would not be able to be mute but merely have a personality trait of silent

The husband and daughters should, due to station, be companions but they are at grog (or lower) level of importance to the game. The only thing worth keeping track of for the husband seems to be stats and decrepitude to determine when he dies. As for the daughters, given the family history I would like to offer one of them up as a reward to a takeover player that she would be made at her current age then apprentice at another covenant to return in 15 years as a full magus coming home to her family. The other can either be a companion child with heir (will take over the town from her mother someday) or we can assume she will be married off and simply add her as a dependent if she is staying at the covenant.

Re: persona and Sense H/U - Once again, you are right, I keep forgetting that first level. Will fix.

Re: the mute girl - this is just a general description of a transformation. Agniezka doesn't get extra virtues or Flaws or change them, it's just what this particular Persona has established/presents to the world.

Re: Daughters/husband - go right ahead, agree with it all! Sounds awesome. I did not add Dependent or other Story Flaws, as she already has the Favors flaw.

also worth noting- the weavers have a little hedge tradition for the ungifted... what they currently initiate requires craft ability to use, but they would love to include Lady Agniezka, both for her temporal influence and to develop initiation scripts for her supernatural abilities...

Weaving seems like a very Lady-like endeavor. Perhaps as soon as she gets the lay of the land she can get to know these magical weavers.

Quite Possibly a Cat:
I see on Spring 1112, Evandrus will teach Camilla "Circle Of Stamina" (Yay, Master!). Any chance he could also teach her these other spells in the same season (doesn't take any additional time)?:

Sustaining the Demanding Spell ReVi30 (Camilla's Lab Total will be ReVi13 + 11 MT + 3 Int +5 Aura + 5 lab= 37)
Unraveling My own Weaving PeVi20 (Camilla's Lab Total will be PeVi12 + 11 MT + 3 Int +5 Aura + 5 lab= 36)
Bind His Wound CrCo 5 (Camilla's Lab Total will be CrCo49 + 12 MT (Creo) + 3 Int +5 Aura + 5 lab= 74)

By Core, his highest applicable lab Total would apply to total levels that can be taught, near as I can make it, that's CrCo 61 + 3 Int +13 MT (spells) + 5 Aura + 5 Lab + 30 mmf (Healing), don't know if her help in the Lab would count in this instance (another +15 if so) = 117

Total levels would be = 115
Circle Of Stamina CrCo60
Sustaining the Demanding Spell ReVi30
Unraveling My own Weaving PeVi20
Bind His Wound CrCo 5

Seems reasonable enough. Let's go with that then.

Excellent! Thanks!

1112 Updates:

Danaë has no adventures, will advance, with 2 Warping in 1111, and +2 Stamina, and no pregnancy! Danaë will trade her Faerie Herbam vis for Faerie Auram and Faerie Ignem vis (equal amounts), or just regular Auram/Ignem vis, if such can be found at acceptable rates.

Camilla [strike]+1 Warping from botch, +1 extra from susceptible to Warping in 1111[/strike], +2 Sta, advanced through Spring 1112, pregnant! Silveroak, give us some guidelines for this, please (interruptions to study, whole seasons gone, etc)! Wait, the warping is absorbed by Evandrus alone, the spell is tailored to not warp Camilla. Did not go on adventures, bah! Will advance for 1112

Lady Agniezka +4 Warping, +3 Stamina, advanced through Spring 1112, pregnant! Oh my! So...1112 is done, and there's a little lad or lass in the Fall (silveroak tell us which!. There may be much speculation, as the rumor is that Severinus's manly parts don't work that well anymore, but Lady A. makes sure that he's seen in her quarters (Persona skill) to make it seem plausible. Her other daughters are 12 and 14. Will advance for 1112. Severinus's aging roll is another disaster: +5-2 Wealthy -2 Healthy Feature - 1 food (assuming Lady Agniezka purchases victuals and food from the Covenant) + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1 insane! _: 1D10 = [9] = 9 yeah ok, 18 total, 1 Aging point in Str and Sta

Andros, +3 Warping, +2 Sta, advanced through Spring 1112, ready to have a son...really, don't think he's sexually active, now have to think about this! Adventures done for 1112, will advance. Hmm, Andros might have a fling with Colette, she went on an adventure with him, is alluring to magical beings, and if she's not linked to anyone else...
Andros's aging Aging roll: _: 1D10 = [3] = 3 + 5 Age -6 LR -2 Healthy Feature - 2 Magi standards = -2 , no change

*edited for 1112.
*edited for vis disbursement for 1112, even year, "1 pawn of creo vis, 1 pawn intelligo, 1 pawn perdo, 1 pawn rego, 1 pawn corpus, 1 pawn herbam, and 1 pawn terram" for both Andros and Danaë.

You should probably avoid adventuring in the third trimester, but beyond this nothing really- well...
from art and Acadame - The onset of labor is treated as a medium wound to the mother, except that wound recovery rolls are made every 2 hours (a chirurgeon can assist) once the mother reaches an unwounded state the baby is born. However every time the other's wounds worsen the baby looses a fatigue level, and if it loses 5 levels it dies. If the mother dies before the baby is born, it dies as well, unless a surgeon is able to perform a cesarian section (which will result in permenant damage)
it should be noted that spells to help in childbirth are different (though of the same level) compared to spells to help with wounds or disease in giving a bonus to recovery rolls.

Even if Andros is not sexually active now, who knows in a few years...

also note for male characters there are NPC female servants who can bear these children. Some may wind up with multiple pregnancies!

Ok, just did all of the aging rolls for the Knight Severinus, Lady Agniezka's husband, and he died age 36! Since he is background stuff, I am assuming he survived (else her story changes mightily), but just for the ridiculousness of it all:
Severinus's aging rolls, assume 35-40 is -2 Wealthy, 45+ is -2 Wealthy, -2 healthy feature
_: 1D10 = [3] = 3
1D10 = [1] = 1
1D10 = [4] = 4
1D10 = [10] = 10
1D10 = [3] = 3
1D10 = [4] = 4

So 35 is 5, apparent aging only ,
36 is _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, oh boy, _: 1D10 = [1] = 1 what!!! _: 1D10 = [7] = 7, so that's 56 + 4 -2= 58, gain enough aging points in one characteristic to go to the level of Decrepitude (1) + Crisis, simple die for Crisis _: 1D10 = [10] = 10 God hates him! + 1 Decrepitude + 4 Age = Minor illness, Sta 3+ to survive. _: 1D10 = [10] = 10 this guy definitely has horrible luck, _: 1D10 = [10] = 10 of course, botch...
37 is 6 apparent aging only
38 is 2 no apparent aging
39 is 5 apparent aging only
40 is 6 apparent aging only

Rolls 41-44
_: 1D10 = [6] = 6
1D10 = [7] = 7
1D10 = [10] = 10
1D10 = [5] = 5

41 is 5+ 6 -2 = 9 apparent aging only
42 is 5 + 7 -2 = 10, 1 Aging point in any Characteristic
43 is 5 + 0 - 2= 3 apparent aging only
44 is 7 total, apparent aging only

Roll 45 +5 Age - 1 -2 Noble lifestyle - 2 Healthy Feature + : 1D10 = [8] = 8 = 10 9, 1 Aging point in any characteristic. Well, now I have to write him up! And do all those Aging rolls. *edited, Wealthy gives a -2, not a -1, 9 it's apparent aging and nothing else.
46 +5-2 Wealthy -2 Healthy Feature - 1 food (assuming Lady Agniezka purchases victuals and food from the Covenant) + [url=]
: 1D10 = [1] = 1[/url] insane! _: 1D10 = [9] = 9 yeah ok, 18 total, 1 Aging point in Str and Sta

So yeah, while ridiculously appropriate to his gaining a wound (I had written he was wounded in the battle of Ramla in 1102 and had never fully recovered :open_mouth: he was 36 then!!!!!) I certainly did not intend for him to die before play.

I'll write him up, if only to put the Decrepitude on him.

There is the viaticarus flaw that would explain even more why his wife pretends to be him...