Character Development

Excellent. Will do.

Just to check, but do you mean 1226, or 1228? My understanding was that we'd just all advanced to the beginning of 1228.

It doesn't really matter--it could happen any time after the previous activities, as long as the characters involved aren't involved in other stories.


A thread on general discussion has a side-point on creature size and magnitudes needed - if it is correct it would greatly change the size of the Muto spell I created recently. Tellus and Lasse Rohde have refs which link ruling on size to spell magnitude.

Should raise it here, or raise it as a new thread on the general forums?

[url]Frightening Munckinism - #68 by ironboundtome]

Why don't you raise it on the forums and then link to it from here? That way we can maybe get some input from people who have some experience dealing with the issue.


Done, and appears that a slightly updated version complies with the forums thoughts.
Url: Confirm clarification on size ranks in spell effects

OK, so what was your final version?


There was two side questions raised about the effect, which I'd like you to clarify as being OK before finalizing. I'm planning on re-working the spell to suit the judgements of this troupe, and if that means i have "left over" magnitudes then maybe making the effect quicker or some such.

(a) is it outside the saga setting to allow magic to increase the size of a creature by such a large proportion? i.e. would a size 11 Lion be out of the saga style. I disagreed with it being raised as not possible with the spell mechanics, but can't dispute that a story guide might see the spell as being too jarring in a low fantasy setting.

e.g. A moderate dragon is size 7, a bluewhale is up to around 150 tons which is size +10, and a creature of +13 is around 1500 tons.

Now sizes larger than around size 7-8 are larger than I intended anyway, as I wanted the creature to be scary and impressive, but not totally insane.

(b) how is the cost for transformation magic "paid for" from the original to the destination.

I'm happy that the answer to (b) is to require the magic to pay for the final form, based from the starting material size and form. It seems fair, and in line with the other Muto guidelines for other forms.

What do you think?

There was two side questions raised about the effect, which I'd like you to clarify as being OK before finalizing. I'm planning on re-working the spell to suit the judgements of this troupe, and if that means i have "left over" magnitudes then maybe making the effect quicker or some such.

(a) is it outside the saga setting to allow magic to increase the size of a creature by such a large proportion? i.e. would a size 11 Lion be out of the saga style. I disagreed with it being raised as not possible with the spell mechanics, but can't dispute that a story guide might see the spell as being too jarring in a low fantasy setting.

e.g. A moderate dragon is size 7, a bluewhale is up to around 150 tons which is size +10, and a creature of +13 is around 1500 tons.

Now sizes larger than around size 7-8 are larger than I intended anyway, as I wanted the creature to be scary and impressive, but not totally insane.
You can make a creature that large if you want, but, unless you have no witnesses, doing something like that is likely to have some consequences.

I"m not clear what the consensus of the forum was on this question. What did you get out of it?


The final wrangling came down to saga choice on impact, so the version I'll put forward is:

This version applies limits to the upward and downward size change consistent with the max size change upwards (+10 size ranks), and also keeps to the upper limit of the size 11 which came out of the discussion in the forums. This is a small change from the size +13 in the original, but really is here nor there. Desired flavour is the same.

Is this ok for you, and the setting?

I think so. Just to make sure I understand it, you're paying magnitudes both for target size and for the size the target becomes, right?


Yep. Base is up to Size 1. So I added an extra mag to affect creatures up to Size 4. Then added additional x3 mags for the final target size from base +2 up to size 11.

  • cheers IBT

Right. OK, sounds fine. Go with it.


Gah. Post your completed character sheet in the appropriate thread, IBT, so I can reference it faster.


The concept I am toying with is a magus whose gift manifested later than most, and is strongly linked to the fall of Constantinople.

I think of him as a student at a university in Constantinople, having just achieved the rank of Magister in Artibus. He is actually giving his first lecture as the crusaders begin their sack of the city in 1204. At this point his gift manifests with a vengeance (blatant gift), and with some sort of spectacular magical effect. In the audience was a senior Jerbiton magus who recognizes what is happening, spirits my character away, and takes him as an apprentice. Now, after the apprenticeship, my magus travels to Nova Castra. It is relatively isolated, so he hopes his blatant gift will be less harmful, but it is also proximate to the city that so changed him.

From what I can glean, the saga has just begun the year 1228. Presuming he was 21 at the start of his apprenticeship in 1204, he would have 8 years post gauntlet.

Welcome to the forum!

Sounds good, with a little bit of tweaking as to exact details (even the Jerbiton were trying to defend the city, albeit mostly by playing with both sides minds by the point the Crusaders were outside the walls, rather than being in the middle of a lecture, and similarly the lecture would probably have been cancelled). I don't know if you have The Sundered Eagle for details of the canonical magi in Constantinople at the time? If you want, I can dig some details out of there, although there's also always scope for a few extra undeveloped magi in the city.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I don't have Sundered Eagle. I would be curious if there were any appropriate magi that might be my parens. The backstory I'm working on has the two of them go to Valnastium, where my magus meets Carmine, a Flambeau and wife of Andru the Jerbiton primus. Due to the destructive circumstances under which his gift emerged, I'm going to say he has a talent for Perdo magic. Carmine ends up facilitating a fosterage at a Flambeau covenant, perhaps even Val Negra, where my magus has an opportunity to study the school of Apromor.

It's only a small point for his backstory, but there's a good chance your magus might have met Viola, who was in the Tribunal while he was an apprentice.


The Iberian tribunal? That's interesting. Perhaps they struck up occasional correspondence and ultimately this is how I found out about Nova Castra.