Character sheets

Pirates and Townsfolk
These are all Non Player Characters, for the use of whomever is wearing the storyguide hat at the time. The principle figures; Fred Fischer, Betty & Johan VanHalen, Reginald Montclair, and Walter & Veronica Eyke; are treated as Lesser Companions in status, having up to +/- 5 points of Virtues and Flaws and a confidence score. The reason I do this is so that they can have the Outlaw or Dark Secret Flaws or the Wealthy Virtue. There are also roughly a dozen or more pirate rabble plus a dozen or so other townsfolk. These are treated as Grogs, though some of the pirates may be allowed up to +/-5 points of Virtues and Flaws so that they can take the Outlaw Flaw plus two minor Flaws, but they still have no Confidence score and must abide by other restrictions for Grogs.

Fred Fischer the New Pirate Leader
Characteristics: Int +0, Per +0, Com +1, Pre +2, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +1, Quik +2
Size: 0
Age: 21
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 2 (5)
Virtues: +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Lesser Immunity (undisturbed by the Gift), +1 Self Confident, +1 Social Contacts (pirates), +1 Well Traveled
Flaws: -1 Ambitious, -1 Carefree, -1 Outlaw Leader, -1 Overconfident, -1 Poor Student
Personality Traits: Ambitious +1, Confident +2, Cheerful +2, Brave +1, Loyal -1
Reputations: New Pirate Leader 1 (local)
Fistfight: In +2, Atk +4, Def +5, Dmg +1
Knife: In +2, Atk +6, Def +6, Dmg +3
Longknife: In +1, Atk +7, Def +7, Dmg +6
Soak: +1
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Athletics 2 (climb), Awareness 1 (trickiness), Bargain 1 (friendly haggle), Brawl 3 (knife), Carouse 2 (hold his liquor), Channel Area Lore 3 (local coast), Charm 2 (wit), Dutch 3 (seamen), Flemish 5 (cuss words), French 3 (merchants), Folk Ken 3 (criminals), Profession-Fisher 2 (nets), Leadership 3 (attract followers), Navigation 1 (loadstone), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (Novus Mane), Profession-Seaman 3 (pirate), Single Weapon 3 (short sword), Stealth 1 (ambush), Strategy 1 (naval), Swim 1 (in the channel)
Equipment: knife, long knife (short sword), loadstone
Encumbrance: none
Description: Fred’s parents were covenfolk of Novus Mane and he grew up here. His father was a fisherman that provided the covenant’s food, and dwelled in a little shack (that washed away a long time ago). The reason he did this is because Fred’s mother was a severely unpleasant woman that harped and nagged and beat him constantly. They have both been dead several years. Fred is the archetypical charming crook. His father taught him to be a seaman and a fisherman, but he found it more profitable to work as a sailor and rob his employers. That’s how he met Johan VanHalen, Ulrich, Ugly Pete, and Reginald Montclair. He knew Betty since they were kids (she used to baby sit him).

Betty VanHalen (wife of the pirate Johan VanHalen)
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Com +1, Pre +2, Str -1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 25
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +1 Gossip, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Intuition, +1 Educated
Flaws: -1 Branded Criminal, -1 Busybody, -1 Compulsion (stealing little things), -1 No Sense of Direction
Personality Traits: Nosey +3, Gumption +2, Klepto +1, Loves Husband +3
Reputations: Blabbermouth 2 (local), Busybody 1 (local)
Catfight: In +1, Atk +5, Def +4, Dmg -1
Knife: In +1, Atk +7, Def +5, Dmg +1
Soak: +1
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (grammar), Awareness 3 (anything that is none of her business), Brawl 3 (knife), Carouse 2 (hold liquor), Charm 2 (wit), Dutch 2 (swears), Flemish 5 (euphemisms), French 4 (girl talk), Folk Ken 3 (rabble), Intrigue 4 (gossip), Latin 3 (prayers), Legerdemain 4 (filching), Profession-Serving wench 2 (acting like that’s what Profession-Housewife really is), Profession-Prostitute 2 (hey, she was young, and its just as easy as stealing), Stealth 2 (hide), This Area Lore 4 (who is up to what, especially pirates)
Equipment: kitchen knife
Encumbrance: none
Description: Betty has also lived here her whole life. Her father built this house and was a farmer. He died when she was a baby, and she was raised by her widowed mother. Betty took to playing with boys at a young age. She was sent to a convent school where she learned Latin, but was kicked out for stealing. She has also had less reputable professions, and has a brand on her cheek from when she was caught stealing bread from a merchant in another town. Betty is pretty; blonde hair, blue eyes, and pouty lips. She used to baby sit Fred when he was a lad, and taught him other things when they were older. He introduced her to Johan, and it was a perfect match. Fred still kicks himself. She and her husband both have True Love, but since they are both NPC’s, it is neither a Virtue nor a Flaw.

Johan VanHalen
Characteristics: Int -2, Per +1, Com -1, Pre +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +0, Quik +2
Size: 0
Age: 28
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +1 Puissant Carouse, +1 Affinity with Brawl, +1 Affinity with Profession-Seaman, +1 Puissant Profession-Seaman, +1 Well Traveled
Flaws: -3 Outlaw, -1 Compulsion-Drinking, -1 Simple Minded
Personality Traits: Loyal -2, Brave +1, Drunkard +2, Loves wife +3
Reputations: Drunkard 1 (local)
Wrestle: In +2, Atk +6, Def +8, Dmg +2
Knife: In +2, Atk +8, Def +9, Dmg +4
Soak: +2
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Athletics 3 (climb), Brawl* 6 (knife), Carouse 3+2 (power drink), Channel Area Lore 4 (Pirates), Dutch 5 (swearing in general), Flemish 1 (swearing at wife), French 4 (swearing at sailors), Folk Ken 3 (pirates), Guile 3 (straight faced lies), Profession-Seaman* 6+2 (helmsman), Stealth 3 (ambush), Swim 3 (with burden)
Equipment: knife
Encumbrance: none
Description: Johan is a complete drunk, but he is a gifted helmsman. He steered a ship through the Devil’s Teeth Rocks while utterly blitzed. Fred met him a few years back, and Johan introduced him to the pirate game. Johan’s method of operation has usually been to out sail his prey, board them and rob them. Hijacking and hostages is not really his style, but he goes with the flow. Johan and Betty have the perfect rogue’s romance going on. He and his wife both have True Love, but since they are both NPC’s, it is neither a Virtue nor a Flaw.

Reginald Montclair
Characteristics: Int +1, Per -1, Com +2, Pre +2, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Quik +1
Size: +0
Age: 26
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Wanderer, +1 Luck, +1 Privileged Upbringing, +1 Puissant Charm, +1 Puissant Guile, +1 Social Contacts-other pirates
Flaws: -3 Dark Secret, -1 Lecherous,
Personality Traits: Lecher +3
Reputations: Pirate 2 (local)
Wrestle: In +1, Atk +3, Def +4, Dmg +0
Knife: In +1, Atk +5, Def +5, Dmg +2
Soak: +0
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Athletics 1 (climb), Awareness 2 (alert), French 5 (proper speech), Charm 4+2 (seduction), Brawl 3 (knife), Carouse 3 (games), Channel Area Lore 4 (French Coast), Dutch 2 (pirates), English 4 (pirates), Folk Ken 4 (pirates), Guile 4+2 (con game), Profession-Seaman 3 (shirking hard work), Stealth 3 (hide), Swim 1 (tread water)
Equipment: knife, nice clothes
Encumbrance: none
Description: Reginald went from France to England, England to the Netherlands where he met Johan and Fred, back to England where he met Pete, back to the Netherlands, then to Novus Mane. Though he is a criminal, no one knows he is an Outlaw, so he is a Wanderer instead. He has pirate contacts in other ports.

Walter Eyke
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +0, Com +1, Pre -1, Str -1, Sta -1 (1), Dex +0, Quik +2 (2)
Size: 0
Age: 42 (42)
Decrepitude: 0 (3)
Warping: 0
Confidence: 0
Virtues: +0 Merchant, +3 Wealthy, +1 Educated, +1 Social Contacts-other merchants
Flaws: -3 Low Self Esteem, -1 Apostate, -1 Judged Unfairly
Personality Traits: Feels Pathetic +3
Reputations: Apostate 2 (local)
Dodge: In +2, Atk n/a, Def +2, Dmg n/a
Soak: -1
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 3 (mathematics), Bargain 4 (financial negotiations, Channel Area Lore 3 (merchants), Civil and Cannon Law 3 (business law), Concentration 3 (work), Dutch 5 (business), Etiquette 3 (business), Flemish 5 (family), French 5 (business), Guile 4 (sincerity), Hebrew 3 (torah), Latin 4 (classic), Profession-Accounting 6 (receivables), Profession-Moneylender 6 (calculating interest), Profession-Scribe 6 (forgery), Teaching 3 (mercantile abilities)
Encumbrance: none
Description: Walter Eyke is the son of a Dutch merchant who married a Flemish Jewish woman and converted religions. Walter in turn converted to Christianity when he married Veronica. Both marriages were social climbing. His last name should properly be VanEyke, but he never bothered correcting it. Walter has a defeatist attitude. For example, he knows his wife is cheating on him, but has given up caring about it. He can’t prove it, is in denial, and the only man he trusts is the one that she is cheating with. Though he is very much the stereotypical pipsqueak, he is very much underestimated. He is very intelligent and shrewd, and he is merely biding his time until he can play his best hand in his favor. For example, he is an agent of many, put to his point of view, he is well connected. He is also somewhat of a drama queen. Yeah, Ulrich picks on him, but they have also been partners in shady schemes that profited both of them.

Veronica Eyke
Characteristics: Int -1, Per -1, Com +2, Pre +3, Str -1, Sta +0, Dex +0, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 25
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Merchant’s Wife, +1 Privileged Upbringing, +1 Temporal Influence (clique leader), +3 Wealthy
Flaws: -3 Dark Secret (Cheating on husband), -1 Lecherous, -1 Proud
Personality Traits: Lustful +2, Arrogant +3
Reputations: Tramp 1 (local)
Dodge: In +1, Atk n/a, Def +1, Dmg n/a
Soak: +0
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 3 (literacy), Carouse 4 (get drunk quick), Charm 5 (flirt), Etiquette 5 (aristocracy), Flemish 5 (servants), French 5 (elegant speech), Folk Ken 4 (wealthy middle class), Guile 3 (denial), Intrigue 4 (gossip), Latin 4 (classical poetry), Leadership 3 (clique)
Equipment: jewels
Encumbrance: none
Description: Veronica is a spoiled B!, having grown up accustomed to finery. She is a trophy wife from a wealthy family, and cheats on her husband Walter constantly with a French pirate named Reginald, who constantly supplies her with gifts and trinkets.

Rabble & Common Folk
Bob (Pirate)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +0, Com +0, Pre -1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +1, Quik +2
Size: 0
Age: 32
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 0
Virtues: -3 Outlaw, -1 Pessimistic
Flaws: +1 Cautious with Profession-Seaman, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Tough, +1 Well Traveled
Personality Traits: Pessimist +2
Wrestle: In +2, Atk +1, Def +2, Dmg +2
Knife: In +2, Atk +2, Def +2, Dmg +4
Long-Knife: In +1, Atk +4, Def +3, Dmg +7
Soak: +5
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Awareness 2 (alert), Brawl 5 (fistfight), Carouse 4 (games of chance), Channel Area Lore 3 (pirates), Dutch 3 (pirates), English 5 (swearing), French 5 (seamen), Folk Ken 2 (pirates), Leadership 3 (intimidation), Profession-Seaman 4 (galleys), Single weapon 5 (short sword), Stealth 4 (stalk), Survival 2 (at sea), Swim 2 (tread water)
Description: Bob is one of the two pirates Okeanos rescued, just after George confessed his undying love. Bob is a known pirate.

George (pirate)
Characteristics: Int +0, Per +1, Com +1, Pre +0, Str +0, Sta +1, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 32
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Virtues: +1 Affinity with Legerdemain, +1 Cautious with Legerdemain, +1 Gossip, +1 Light Touch, +1 Puissant Legerdemain,
Flaws: -3 Dark Secret (switch hitter), -1 Branded Criminal, -1 Soft Hearted
Personality Traits: Closeted :wink: +2, Soft Heart +2, Chatty +1
Reputations: Gossip +1 (local)
Wrestle: In +1, Atk +7, Def +6, Dmg +0
Knife: In +1, Atk +9, Def +7, Dmg +2
Soak: +1
Fatigue Levels: ok, -0, -1, -3, -5
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Lethal (21+)
Abilities: Awareness 3 (opportunity), Brawl 5 (knife), Carouse 4 (drinking songs), English 5 (innuendo), French 4 (seamen), Folk Ken 3 (read faces), Guile 3 (straight faced lie), Legerdemain*** 6+3 (pickpocket), Profession-Seaman 5 (deck hand), Stealth 3 (sneak), Swim 2 (tread water)
Equipment: knife
Encumbrance: 100
Description: George is one of the two pirates Okeanos rescued, right after he came out of the closet. Gorge is a branded criminal, convicted of thievery and chicanery.

New Abilities
• Navigation (charts, stars, landmarks, particular areas): Navigation is superior to merely using Area Lore. Area Lore is effective in many circumstances, but when you out of a familiar area or you lack landmarks, Area Lore is next to useless. Navigation allows you to gain your bearings, sense of direction, and plot a course in unfamiliar waters using your knowledge of the sea, guidance of the stars, and perhaps a loadstone.
• Profession-Fisher (sea-fishing, net-fishing, hook & line) Sport and solo fishing is covered by the Hunting Ability, and to a lesser extent by Survival. This profession concerns commercial fishing, heading out on a boat and catching mass amounts of fish using traps, nets, and multiple lines. This Ability includes knowing the best areas to fish, operating equipment , and the best methods of collection.
• Profession-Seaman (oars, sails, specific duty, specific position) Often referred to as simply a Sailor, a Professional Seaman knows how to work aboard both sail and oared vessels. This Ability includes knowledge of all general crew functions, general procedures and operations, and knowledge of how to fill one or more duties & positions.
• Profession-Soldier (army, mercenary, marine, specific duty, specific position) Camp life is certainly different that civilian life, and many of the duties of a soldier do not directly involve combat. These include guard duty, patrol, KP, mess, the march, making & breaking camp, organization, and more. Professional armies are popular in Spain, Italy, Greece, and the Levant.
• Strategy (raising troops, maneuvers, logistics, sieges, naval combat) This represents the ability to lead (or advise) a force in battle, making the most of one’s own strengths while exploiting the terrain and the enemies weaknesses.
• War Engines (giant crossbow, springal, catapult) On land this Martial Ability is Siege Engines, but aboard a ship this sounds ridiculous. This involves operating, loading, aiming, and firing the equipment.

New Specializations
Area Lore (sea lanes, ports of call, pirate activities)
Athletics (boarding, climbing)
Folk Ken (seamen, pirates)
Stealth (while swimming, while rowing)
Survival (at sea)
Swim (tread water, carrying burdens, in surf, during storms)