Charter Discussion OOC

I would buy in to 3 seasons out of 4 per year for how every long required. The one season is key for my character as you can only upgrade the refinement of labs once per year of occupancy. That is a key objective for my character and I am sure other have similar key needs.

Now you are assuming that you have a lab to refine, which you are not going to have for almost three years with only a season per year to set it up. And even if you have the time, you may not have the silver.

Are you sure you want to spend time refining the lab even if you can only get a -1 size lab to call your own?

But, ok, I won't quibble over one personal season per year. I am going to quibble, however, over fair shares of space and silver to furnish labs. The verditius is probably up for a disappointment unless Anastaj has some hidden resources somewhere.

Silver for items sale in very lucrative and with one legally sellable per year I would be looking at that options as one the covenant council will want to tap in to. I have no aspiration of getting "the best option" lab space but I will be looking to get a lab I can keep at the best option possible as a priority. The fact is that if I get a lab and then won't give it up when asked I will attract shards. That may be a consequence I am willing to accept. Labs are very important to lab rats - lol. Plus after one season you have a "lab of sorts" with a -3 to all lab totals.

This sounds more like a case for individual negotiation, than for chartered rights and obligations. Prime lab space in return for prime lab services. I think you can get what you want under an unlimited fair share charter.

Can you refine a basic lab («lab of sorts»)? I assumed you couldn't. It seems a bit backward to do it.

I was gonna try and claim the size -1 lab!

The active and inactive members is supposed to refer to ability to attend the council meetings. So if a member wants to go on a pilgrimage for two years their vote isn't needed at Emergency Council Meetings or required to expel someone.

I did intend for prime lab space to be offered as a potential payment for prime services.

I do not object to a member being inactive, I object to inactive members claiming an equal share of the covenant surplus. I do not necessarily object to a member being inactive for two years, and then getting his share upon return. I definitely object to a member being incommunicado for 17 years, and then claim his share for every year of absence. There is a case in the Peripheral Code, cannot remember where I read it. Probably Grimoire 4th ed.

I also would object to a member going inactive in a time of crisis, when more than normal service is required for less than normal remuneration, although this may not be a real issue in the long term.

Covenants page 106, middle column, first paragraph.

It does not say anything about refinement, at least not in my edition.

I reckon that reading RAW like the devil reads the bible, you could take one season to build the basic lab, then take a season to increase refinement, while simultaneously removing the basic flaw. It does not feel as if that's the intention, but I have not found a sentence to contradict it. Alternatively, you could take one season to build the basic, one season for refinement, and then in the third season remove the basic flaw. That too feels wrong to me.

I am not suggesting you can refine a lab after one seasons set up as I agree that is just wrong. I was just indicating that you could be in a working lab with -3 lab totals after just one season. That would allow the Verditius to produce items of quality for zero vis and without the -3 penalty affecting the result. Given his Philosophae score of 4 that is a significant increase in the rolled totals for a weapon, piece of armour or other item that can have a effect from the shape and material table brought out.

Hi again,
I have tried to suggest a few changes to resolve a couple of perceived problems.

  1. I have restricted the rights to surplus for inactive members.
  2. I have added a section on crisis and emergency.
  3. I have appended the SG clauses.
    it seems that the covenant is currently in an emergency, in that it cannot afford adequate sancta (size 0 lab and silver to equip it) and it lacks the required guest labs. What I have tried to suggest (my legalese isn't perfect) is that this is an extraordinary situation, which requires extraordinary and unlimited effort from every member. It is not an acceptable situation, and everybody is required to do all they can to resolve it.

A few words on sancta. I think it is fair that the lab rats get the better labs short term, on the assumption that they will also use it in service to the covenant (create items that we need, or lab texts for spells of common interest). Long-term, it must be a priority to secure the same facilities for everyone who wants them. (I.e. the emergency isn't over till everyone who wants it has the lab the size +2.) Arni is quite happy with a -1 lab as sanctum (as long as it is above ground) and the occasional use of a guest lab, for several years yet.

EDIT ... added a purpose section


The covenant of XXXX has been founded on XXXX in order to reclaim the magical sources of Tymfi mountains.


The members of this covenant are governed by the Council of Members,
active members of the covenant. This council shall not declare
action except on behalf of the entire membership of the covenant.
Conversely, the rulings of the council cannot be overturned by an

Any member of the covenant shall have the right and duty to convene
an Emergency Council of Members for consideration of matters justly
grave. A Regular Council of Members shall once each year, one day
prior to the winter solstice, regardless of call from any member,
and all Active Members of the covenant should endeavor to make
themselves present. Should it not be possible to convene the full
Council of Members, any quorum consisting of more than half of its
Active members is considered valid; else the discharge of the
council’s duty must be delayed until such time as a quorum may be

Motions to be decided upon by the Council of Members must be
introduced by a member; debated fully and justly, allowing those who
wish to speak to do so; and then proposed for the vote. Proposals must be
seconded by another member of the covenant, else no vote can take place.

During an Regular Council of Members issues shall be passed by a
majority vote of the members there present; excepting that the at
least three-fourths of the Active Members must vote in favor for
changes to the charter; expulsion of a member; and acceptance of a
new member.

During an Emergency Council of Members issues shall be passed by a
majority vote of the Active Members; excepting that the at least
three-fourths of the Active Members must vote in favor for
changes to the charter; expulsion of a member; and acceptance of a
new member.

The Council of Members shall confer the offce of disceptator to the
representative of the covenant in matters of governance and temporal
concern. The title of disceptator is a duty of every member of the
covenant; this position is cyclical, with the responsibility
rotating in sequence of Hermetic seniority amongst the members of the
council. Each disceptator serves for a period of seven years,
commencing one year following Tribunal. The duties of the disceptator
are: to attend regular meetings of the council; to keep order at meetings;
to determine the yearly surplus of provision and
store; to determine the active membership and to act as a spokesman
for the Council of Members. The disceptator shall not be empowered to
rule on matters on the covenant’s behalf, but instead is charged with
ensuring that the rulings of the Council of Members
are enacted. The role of disceptator may be passed to another Active
Member if the Disceptator and other Active Member agree. A petition
signed by a majority of the active members also transfers the role of
Disceptator. Neither should be considered a judgement on the ability
any members of the covenant. The Disceptator is a role of service and
should be viewed as such.


Resources of this covenant are held in common by the Council of
Members, and it is the responsibility of this council to maintain
and defend them.

This covenant lays claim to all the vis originating from undisputed
and unclaimed sources discovered by members of the council; save for
the first harvest of a new vis source, which belongs to the finder or
finders. This covenant also lays claim to any vis gifted to the Council
of Members as a whole. In all other situations, undisputed and unclaimed
vis belongs to the finder or finders.

This covenant lays claim to the right to scribe a copy of any book
authored by Members of the Council, and lays claim to the copy.
The author otherwise retains all rights to the original. This
covenant also lays claim to any texts gifted to the
Council of Members as a whole.

This council lays claim to all magical items obtained by members of
the council while acting at the behest of the council; and all
magical items made by members of the council where the item was made
using covenant vis. This covenant also lays claim to any
magical items gifted to the Council of Members as a whole.

This council lays claim to all monies generated using the resources of
the covenant. This council also lays claim to all monies obtained by
members of the council while acting at the behest of the council. This
covenant also lays claim to any monies gifted to the Council of Members
as a whole.

This council lays claim to the buildings, defenses, standard Hermetic
labs and chattels of the covenant. This council also lays claim to any
such buildings, defenses, chattels, and inhabitants gifted to the
Council of Members as a whole. The council may set aside a building
or part therefore for a Member's sanctum. With Council Permission a
member may refine or customize a laboratory and claim the equipment
within as there own.

The council may vote to expend, sell, trade or otherwise dispose of
council resources. The council lays claim to anything that it trades
for or purchases.

Surplus resources of the covenant will be determined at the Winter
meeting of the Council of Members. Resources necessary for the
continued existence of the covenant and the protection of its
members’ rights are accounted for first; this includes payment for
seasons of work performed on behalf of the covenant, and a stipend
of vis for the casting of the Aegis of the Hearth. Contributions to
all debts owed to the covenant are decided by the disceptator, and
set aside. The remaining resources are deemed surplus,
and shall be allocated to the settlement of requests from each
active member of the covenant.


Each and every member of this covenant and protected guests shall
be entitled to the basic rights of the covenant; to whit, full and
unrestricted access to the protection and support of the covenant
within the boundaries of the covenant by all the rights and benefts
accorded by the Code of Hermes, the beneft of a sanctum which shall
remain inviolate and the supply of materials thereof, access to the
library of the covenant, and victuals appropriate to the status of
a magus. These basic rights shall not be abridged except by expulsion
from the Council of Members or a state of emergency.

In furtherance and additional to the basic rights, a full member of
the covenant shall be entitled to the full rights of the covenant;
to whit, the
right to presence and a vote in the Council of Members, which he
exercise dutifully with due prudence. Further, full and unrestricted
access to
the services and skills of the servants and covenfolk. Further, an
equal right
to all surplus provision and store necessary to conduct his studies,
or the
travel demanded by those studies; such rights to include (but be not
to) vis, monies, and diverse magical and mundane resources claimed
by the
covenant. Where a conflict is evident between members of the
council over
the allotment of surplus resource, distribution is drawn by ballot;
that priority claims that have been advanced and agreed by the
are taken into consideration prior to the ballot. These rights shall
not be
abridged except by decision of the council under conditions of grave

Members of this covenant are obligated to obey the Oath of Hermes
and the Peripheral Code, as demanded by the Oath of Covenant; failure
on this account will not be tolerated by the Council of Members, and
covenant reserves the right to censure those members who are
convicted in just
Tribunal of an offense against the Order of Hermes.
The responsibility of the members of this covenant towards its
success is dependent on service to the covenant. The Council of
will declare the duties that need to be performed at the regular
meetings of
the covenant. Such duties include (but are not limited to) the
and harvesting of the covenant’s claimed vis sources, the
safeguarding and
harvesting of the covenant’s income, the wellbeing and discipline
of the covenant’s employees, the maintenance of the covenant’s
resources, the increase
of the covenant’s resources, and the maintenance of good relations
with the
covenant’s allies. Duties that will not entail more than a week of
service at
low personal risk will be assigned by the council to its members,
with no
more than one being assigned to each member in each season, and no
more than two in each year.
Such assigned duties attract no recompense or advantage to the
member who discharges
them, but cannot be refused without reasonable extenuation. These
are known as Minor Duties.
The Disceptator is exempt from minor duties other than executing
the role of Disceptator

Duties which will entail a higher investment of time or personal
will be offered up for service by the covenant. These are known as
Major Duties These services will attract a
remuneration which shall be commensurate with the time, risk, and
beneft to the covenant. This remuneration is decided by the
disceptator, but
maintains a minimum payment which shall be, for a single season of
at low risk with a low gain, two pawns of vis, of the flavor most
in the stores at the time. The disceptator may increase the
remuneration to
increase the attractiveness of a particular urgent task, for the
Council of

Members is only empowered to require one of these duties if the
risk is low, not more than one season of time is required,
the member has not performed any other Major Duties in the past
year, and
each other member has performed a Major Duty in the past year, or
is performing one this year.
All members should strive to avoid Major Duties becoming mandatory,
however it is understood this may become unavoidable in some

All payments will be made in the Regular meeting of the Council. If
there is more than one claimant for the
service, and each claimant refuses to share the duty, then the
disceptator will
assign the duty by ballot. If there is insuffcient vis to meet the
demands of
the council, the disceptator may withhold payment for one or more
Covenant work may be declared such retroactively.

All Duties shall be performed using Council Resources.

Furthermore, upon joining the covenant each new member is obligated
to perform two seasons of service at low risk for the covenant without

[size=120]Expulsion and Censure[/size]

It is a failing of the covenant if it comes to this.

If a member should contravene the decisions of the council, by vote
by charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by a vote
of the
Council of Members. Censure requires the passing of a motion at a
of the Council of Members.

Expulsion is enacted by a Three Fourth vote of the Active Members.
Expulsion is the only means through which a member of the
covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former
ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full
moon after
expulsion was enacted.
Should a magus be cast out from the Order, he is automatically
expelled from the covenant, and all rights are lost immediately.
An expelled member's personal resources should be set aside until
such time as they have the ability to relocate them, except in the case
of expulsion from the Order.

[size=120]Inactive Members[/size]

Any Member that is not an Inactive Member is an Active Member. Any
Member that is known to be in Twilight is an Inactive Member. Any
Active Member that misses three consecutive Regular Council Meetings
while an Active Member becomes an Inactive Member upon missing the
third meeting. Any Active Member may become an Inactive Member by
informing the disceptator that they do not expect to be able to attend
Council Meetings and wish to become an Inactive Member. Any Inactive
Member may become an Active Member by informing the disceptator that
they expect to be able to attend Council Meetings. Any Inactive Member
that attends an Emergency Council Meeting becomes an Active Member
should the Emergency reach quorum. Any Inactive Member that attends a
Regular Council Meeting becomes an Active Member. There is no shame in
being an Inactive Member.

Inactive members cannot claim a share in covenant surplus for
the years inactive.

[size=120]Crisis and emergency[/size]

Each and every member is equally responsible for the security,
prosperity, and obligations of the covenant.

It may happen that the covenant does not have the resources to meet
the rights of the members or its obligation to external parties, or
it is under threat from enemies. Such situations shall be called a
state of emergency. The disceptator can declare a state of crisis, in
which case an Emergency Council Meeting is convened at the earliest

During a state of emergency, every member is obliged to take all time
necessary in service of the covenant, in order to resolve the emergency.
Furthermore, no member can claim any rights that the covenant cannot
afford to meet.

As soon as the covenant can afford it, it shall aim to compensate
the members for their additional service and loss during the emergency.

[size=120]Obligations to the Tribunal[/size]

-''In the spirit of good will, and in reciprocal charity of the years
Christoforos of Meteora and Anastaj the Vlach have spent guests in the
Tribunal's care, the Covenant of Meru Mudi is required to fully host,
nurture and succour magi members of the Theban Tribunal, as befitting
their station. Thus the covenant is required at any time to provide for
no more than one (a) guest Magus for every two Magi in their Charter,
including shelter, food and magical assistance in the form of standard
laboratory and upkeep for them, any apprentice and/or familiar. This
cannot extend more than a year, four (δ) seasons, unless the parties
come to a deal with recompense, nor can the individual guest take
advantage of this clause more than once (a) every three years (unless
ordered by the Board of Magistrates and in their direct employ). Any
disputes brought by any side will be resolved by the Conciliatory Board.
This clause concerns Magi, including Redcaps in their capacity as
messengers or adjutants to the arche, Logothetes or Polemarch. It
excludes mundane retinue, beasts of burden and affiliates. Magical
assistance in form of laboratory is of paramount importance and will be
accommodated when requested over the needs of individual charted Magi,
and inside the Aegis and Aura. However due to the inconvenience, the
guest Magus is required to present a token to the inconvenienced Host
(or the Archon, Logothetes or Polemarch for their adjutants).''

-''The Covenant of Meru Mudi is required to harvest an amount of vis
annually for the Tribunal, from Tribunal awarded sites that are in
their 'sphere of influence'. This requirement can exceed no more than
half the declared vis harvested by the Covenant. The Magi may procure
substitute vis provided they come into agreement with the Treasury
Board. Naturally a token will be awarded for this service, per site,
while an ostrakon will be awarded for neglecting this duty.''
''Addendum: The Covenant is required to harvest five (ε) intellego vis
from the Dodone Oracle site per year.''

-''The Covenant of Meru Mudi (and by extension its polites will be held
partially responsible for the conduct and actions of any charted
metoikoi. In particular, the polites are requested and urged as to the
acclimation and teaching of their metoikoi Sodales on the customs and
laws of the Tribunal, as well as the system of governance and the
rights and obligations of its members. Therefore polites of this
covenant will be except from the arche lottery of 1221, and at the same
Tribunal the metoikoi may be sponsored for citizenship. This does not
except any charted magi, polites or metoikoi, from any
responsibilities, duties, requests or assignments from the arche, the
Archon, Logothetes or Polemarch.''

I like the thing about emergencies.

It occurred to me we should be able to assign duties even if not all inactive members have performed one recently or are assigned one. This only entails adding one word. (I added it in purple.) I also tweaked the formatting and broke one sentence up into two in that same area. And deleted a word. It only really changes the flow
For the purpose I vote for something like "Retention, distribution and creation of knowledge valuable to the Order of Hermes. Including the performance of original research." This doesn't explicitly include anything about scribery, but scribery would contribute to the purpose, while simply letting guests make their own copies would suffice as well.


The covenant of XXXX has been founded on XXXX in order to reclaim the magical sources of Tymfi mountains.


The members of this covenant are governed by the Council of Members,
active members of the covenant. This council shall not declare
action except on behalf of the entire membership of the covenant.
Conversely, the rulings of the council cannot be overturned by an

Any member of the covenant shall have the right and duty to convene
an Emergency Council of Members for consideration of matters justly
grave. A Regular Council of Members shall once each year, one day
prior to the winter solstice, regardless of call from any member,
and all Active Members of the covenant should endeavor to make
themselves present. Should it not be possible to convene the full
Council of Members, any quorum consisting of more than half of its
Active members is considered valid; else the discharge of the
council’s duty must be delayed until such time as a quorum may be

Motions to be decided upon by the Council of Members must be
introduced by a member; debated fully and justly, allowing those who
wish to speak to do so; and then proposed for the vote. Proposals must be
seconded by another member of the covenant, else no vote can take place.

During an Regular Council of Members issues shall be passed by a
majority vote of the members there present; excepting that the at
least three-fourths of the Active Members must vote in favor for
changes to the charter; expulsion of a member; and acceptance of a
new member.

During an Emergency Council of Members issues shall be passed by a
majority vote of the Active Members; excepting that the at least
three-fourths of the Active Members must vote in favor for
changes to the charter; expulsion of a member; and acceptance of a
new member.

The Council of Members shall confer the offce of disceptator to the
representative of the covenant in matters of governance and temporal
concern. The title of disceptator is a duty of every member of the
covenant; this position is cyclical, with the responsibility
rotating in sequence of Hermetic seniority amongst the members of the
council. Each disceptator serves for a period of seven years,
commencing one year following Tribunal. The duties of the disceptator
are: to attend regular meetings of the council; to keep order at meetings;
to determine the yearly surplus of provision and
store; to determine the active membership and to act as a spokesman
for the Council of Members. The disceptator shall not be empowered to
rule on matters on the covenant’s behalf, but instead is charged with
ensuring that the rulings of the Council of Members
are enacted. The role of disceptator may be passed to another Active
Member if the Disceptator and other Active Member agree. A petition
signed by a majority of the active members also transfers the role of
Disceptator. Neither should be considered a judgement on the ability
any members of the covenant. The Disceptator is a role of service and
should be viewed as such.


Resources of this covenant are held in common by the Council of
Members, and it is the responsibility of this council to maintain
and defend them.

This covenant lays claim to all the vis originating from undisputed
and unclaimed sources discovered by members of the council; save for
the first harvest of a new vis source, which belongs to the finder or
finders. This covenant also lays claim to any vis gifted to the Council
of Members as a whole. In all other situations, undisputed and unclaimed
vis belongs to the finder or finders.

This covenant lays claim to the right to scribe a copy of any book
authored by Members of the Council, and lays claim to the copy.
The author otherwise retains all rights to the original. This
covenant also lays claim to any texts gifted to the
Council of Members as a whole.

This council lays claim to all magical items obtained by members of
the council while acting at the behest of the council; and all
magical items made by members of the council where the item was made
using covenant vis. This covenant also lays claim to any
magical items gifted to the Council of Members as a whole.

This council lays claim to all monies generated using the resources of
the covenant. This council also lays claim to all monies obtained by
members of the council while acting at the behest of the council. This
covenant also lays claim to any monies gifted to the Council of Members
as a whole.

This council lays claim to the buildings, defenses, standard Hermetic
labs and chattels of the covenant. This council also lays claim to any
such buildings, defenses, chattels, and inhabitants gifted to the
Council of Members as a whole. The council may set aside a building
or part therefore for a Member's sanctum. With Council Permission a
member may refine or customize a laboratory and claim the equipment
within as there own.

The council may vote to expend, sell, trade or otherwise dispose of
council resources. The council lays claim to anything that it trades
for or purchases.

Surplus resources of the covenant will be determined at the Winter
meeting of the Council of Members. Resources necessary for the
continued existence of the covenant and the protection of its
members’ rights are accounted for first; this includes payment for
seasons of work performed on behalf of the covenant, and a stipend
of vis for the casting of the Aegis of the Hearth. Contributions to
all debts owed to the covenant are decided by the disceptator, and
set aside. The remaining resources are deemed surplus,
and shall be allocated to the settlement of requests from each
active member of the covenant.


Each and every member of this covenant and protected guests shall
be entitled to the basic rights of the covenant; to whit, full and
unrestricted access to the protection and support of the covenant
within the boundaries of the covenant by all the rights and benefts
accorded by the Code of Hermes, the beneft of a sanctum which shall
remain inviolate and the supply of materials thereof, access to the
library of the covenant, and victuals appropriate to the status of
a magus. These basic rights shall not be abridged except by expulsion
from the Council of Members or a state of emergency.

In furtherance and additional to the basic rights, a full member of
the covenant shall be entitled to the full rights of the covenant;
to whit, the
right to presence and a vote in the Council of Members, which he
exercise dutifully with due prudence. Further, full and unrestricted
access to
the services and skills of the servants and covenfolk. Further, an
equal right
to all surplus provision and store necessary to conduct his studies,
or the
travel demanded by those studies; such rights to include (but be not
to) vis, monies, and diverse magical and mundane resources claimed
by the
covenant. Where a conflict is evident between members of the
council over
the allotment of surplus resource, distribution is drawn by ballot;
that priority claims that have been advanced and agreed by the
are taken into consideration prior to the ballot. These rights shall
not be
abridged except by decision of the council under conditions of grave

Members of this covenant are obligated to obey the Oath of Hermes
and the Peripheral Code, as demanded by the Oath of Covenant; failure
on this account will not be tolerated by the Council of Members, and
covenant reserves the right to censure those members who are
convicted in just
Tribunal of an offense against the Order of Hermes.
The responsibility of the members of this covenant towards its
success is dependent on service to the covenant. The Council of
will declare the duties that need to be performed at the regular
meetings of
the covenant. Such duties include (but are not limited to) the
and harvesting of the covenant’s claimed vis sources, the
safeguarding and
harvesting of the covenant’s income, the wellbeing and discipline
of the covenant’s employees, the maintenance of the covenant’s
resources, the increase
of the covenant’s resources, and the maintenance of good relations
with the
covenant’s allies. Duties that will not entail more than a week of
service at
low personal risk will be assigned by the council to its members,
with no
more than one being assigned to each member in each season, and no
more than two in each year.
Such assigned duties attract no recompense or advantage to the
member who discharges
them, but cannot be refused without reasonable extenuation. These
are known as Minor Duties.
The Disceptator is exempt from minor duties other than executing
the role of Disceptator

Duties which will entail a higher investment of time or personal
will be offered up for service by the covenant. These are known as
Major Duties These services will attract a
remuneration which shall be commensurate with the time, risk, and
beneft to the covenant. This remuneration is decided by the
disceptator, but
maintains a minimum payment which shall be, for a single season of
at low risk with a low gain, two pawns of vis, of the flavor most
in the stores at the time. The disceptator may increase the
remuneration to
increase the attractiveness of a particular urgent task. [color=#*000FF][strike]for[/strike]

The Council of Members is only empowered to require one of these duties if the
risk is low, not more than one season of time is required,
the member has not performed any other Major Duties in the past
year, and
each other Active member has performed a Major Duty in the past year, or
is performing one this year.
All members should strive to avoid Major Duties becoming mandatory,
however it is understood this may become unavoidable in some

All payments will be made in the Regular meeting of the Council. If
there is more than one claimant for the
service, and each claimant refuses to share the duty, then the
disceptator will
assign the duty by ballot. If there is insuffcient vis to meet the
demands of
the council, the disceptator may withhold payment for one or more
Covenant work may be declared such retroactively.

All Duties shall be performed using Council Resources.

Furthermore, upon joining the covenant each new member is obligated
to perform two seasons of service at low risk for the covenant without

[size=120]Expulsion and Censure[/size]

It is a failing of the covenant if it comes to this.

If a member should contravene the decisions of the council, by vote
by charter, then the member may be censured or expelled by a vote
of the
Council of Members. Censure requires the passing of a motion at a
of the Council of Members.

Expulsion is enacted by a Three Fourth vote of the Active Members.
Expulsion is the only means through which a member of the
covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former
ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full
moon after
expulsion was enacted.
Should a magus be cast out from the Order, he is automatically
expelled from the covenant, and all rights are lost immediately.
An expelled member's personal resources should be set aside until
such time as they have the ability to relocate them, except in the case
of expulsion from the Order.

[size=120]Inactive Members[/size]

Any Member that is not an Inactive Member is an Active Member. Any
Member that is known to be in Twilight is an Inactive Member. Any
Active Member that misses three consecutive Regular Council Meetings
while an Active Member becomes an Inactive Member upon missing the
third meeting. Any Active Member may become an Inactive Member by
informing the disceptator that they do not expect to be able to attend
Council Meetings and wish to become an Inactive Member. Any Inactive
Member may become an Active Member by informing the disceptator that
they expect to be able to attend Council Meetings. Any Inactive Member
that attends an Emergency Council Meeting becomes an Active Member
should the Emergency reach quorum. Any Inactive Member that attends a
Regular Council Meeting becomes an Active Member. There is no shame in
being an Inactive Member.

Inactive members cannot claim a share in covenant surplus for
the years inactive.

[size=120]Crisis and emergency[/size]

Each and every member is equally responsible for the security,
prosperity, and obligations of the covenant.

It may happen that the covenant does not have the resources to meet
the rights of the members or its obligation to external parties, or
it is under threat from enemies. Such situations shall be called a
state of emergency. The disceptator can declare a state of crisis, in
which case an Emergency Council Meeting is convened at the earliest

During a state of emergency, every member is obliged to take all time
necessary in service of the covenant, in order to resolve the emergency.
Furthermore, no member can claim any rights that the covenant cannot
afford to meet.

As soon as the covenant can afford it, it shall aim to compensate
the members for their additional service and loss during the emergency.

[size=120]Obligations to the Tribunal[/size]

-''In the spirit of good will, and in reciprocal charity of the years
Christoforos of Meteora and Anastaj the Vlach have spent guests in the
Tribunal's care, the Covenant of Meru Mudi is required to fully host,
nurture and succour magi members of the Theban Tribunal, as befitting
their station. Thus the covenant is required at any time to provide for
no more than one (a) guest Magus for every two Magi in their Charter,
including shelter, food and magical assistance in the form of standard
laboratory and upkeep for them, any apprentice and/or familiar. This
cannot extend more than a year, four (δ) seasons, unless the parties
come to a deal with recompense, nor can the individual guest take
advantage of this clause more than once (a) every three years (unless
ordered by the Board of Magistrates and in their direct employ). Any
disputes brought by any side will be resolved by the Conciliatory Board.
This clause concerns Magi, including Redcaps in their capacity as
messengers or adjutants to the arche, Logothetes or Polemarch. It
excludes mundane retinue, beasts of burden and affiliates. Magical
assistance in form of laboratory is of paramount importance and will be
accommodated when requested over the needs of individual charted Magi,
and inside the Aegis and Aura. However due to the inconvenience, the
guest Magus is required to present a token to the inconvenienced Host
(or the Archon, Logothetes or Polemarch for their adjutants).''

-''The Covenant of Meru Mudi is required to harvest an amount of vis
annually for the Tribunal, from Tribunal awarded sites that are in
their 'sphere of influence'. This requirement can exceed no more than
half the declared vis harvested by the Covenant. The Magi may procure
substitute vis provided they come into agreement with the Treasury
Board. Naturally a token will be awarded for this service, per site,
while an ostrakon will be awarded for neglecting this duty.''
''Addendum: The Covenant is required to harvest five (ε) intellego vis
from the Dodone Oracle site per year.''

-''The Covenant of Meru Mudi (and by extension its polites will be held
partially responsible for the conduct and actions of any charted
metoikoi. In particular, the polites are requested and urged as to the
acclimation and teaching of their metoikoi Sodales on the customs and
laws of the Tribunal, as well as the system of governance and the
rights and obligations of its members. Therefore polites of this
covenant will be except from the arche lottery of 1221, and at the same
Tribunal the metoikoi may be sponsored for citizenship. This does not
except any charted magi, polites or metoikoi, from any
responsibilities, duties, requests or assignments from the arche, the
Archon, Logothetes or Polemarch.''

Yeah. Right. For Bonisagus, sharing the secret is as important as finding it :slight_smile:

I share your interest in knowledge, but I think it is a little limiting, and especially when you view knowledge as something to be created. I would prefer to «uncover the secrets of the world». rather than «create knowledge». That should cover your original research too, but also other kinds of discoveries.

Arni has a problem with the «distribution» word. Some secrets should simply be guarded by the insightful few.

Question, IonianD.
The guest obligation in the charter specifies a token payment from the guest. Is that one token per stay, up to four seasons? Or should it be a token per season?

Question, rest of you.
Is it only Cat and I who want to have an opinion about the covenant's purpose?

I am happy to have no opinion to the covenant purpose. My Verditius will make items whatever you decide.

[tab][/tab] No the guest obligation works like this: You are required to put up and provide x magi as guests if required ( where x is a percentage of your charted magi). These magi can stay for 1 year. IF they inconvenience a maga (ie she needs to more her lab and living quarters) that guest must give one Token to that mage. After the one year, you aren't required to do anything, but some kind of normal arrangement can still be made. That Token is not payment, its restitution if a maga is inconvenienced.
[tab][/tab] Don't fret about the others. Some people just don't like complicated legalities :slight_smile:

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. The threshold for inconvenience was not clear from the wording.

If it came across at fretting, I apologise. The intention was exactly what it said on the tin. A question. Should we wait for more input, or should move on to conclude?
I am happy with not everybody having an opinion, but I do not want to push forward if somebody just needs more time to voice their opinion.