Community Projects?

Magi of Tom is about as much a community project as the ironboundtome is - a personal blog for all the resources that demand writing up but aren't expecting outside contribution - examples of the "just do it" school of contributing to fandom.

We have had several threads about collaborative writing projects on this forum, such as "the things to write thread" - [url]] few have come to fruition (which is why Vanilla Covenants vol 1 is worthy of praise). I had hopes the Rome Tribunal project would create nice things.

I suppose the "A a day for November" threads (30 items of game writing for National Gaming Demonstration or NaGaDemon, the RPG equivalent of NaNoWriMo) could count - CJ's done saints and tribunal cases, we have done magic items, I did Solomonic naranj with a couple submitted by other people.

EDIT: eg
[url]] A book a day for November.
[url]] "30 solomonic suggestions" became 21 Naranj in the end, with Ramidel chipping in a couple.