I think I will rank these in this order from top priority to least.
Lab equipment
Lab texts
Mundane servants
Mundane resources
This is how my character would prioritize but I think we need some mundane servants to help us build the actual covenant. Some carpenters and stonemasons for example. Maybe not as covenfolk but we would need to hire them initally to put up some buildings. Quercus might help magically with his Oak specialty but I guess he doesn't want to put all his time into that if we can get some mundane help. None of us are very good with Terram it seems otherwise we could have excavated the ground and caves to make a living there perhaps.
Quercus will put his initial time to construct the covenant. And for the matter also will the rest of you You have a strength value above -3? No problem! you can move stuff! :mrgreen: Given what arthur has said, the first few seasons will see us moving around doing stuff and not having time to open up a book at all. Except one on "how to build your own cabin".
There might well be, but probably buried deep inside some library gathering dust. After all, no new covenant has been built around here for decades...
I'll almost certainly have Bernhard provide some contacts to hire locals to help in the initial building phase. After all, he is the only who knows where you are going, and it is unlikely that you'll be getting help from established covenants.
Indeed. we are bringing a minimum support staff (8 people, if Bernhard does not bring 2 dudes himself), but far less than necessary to fully staff a covenant, let alone establish one. Even after the initial phase, local laborers are necessary.
Do you think you could mark the deathtree / prospective covenant site?
Also, when / if Quercus gets a fairly solid idea about the extent of the magic aura, that would be nice to have if it isn't too obstructive / labor intensive.
I was doing some more work on the map, adding the scale and marshy area to the east as well as adjusting the coastline slightly near Oberland, so I also added the loction of the oak.
For now I'm not adding the location of auras to it, as the search is still ongoing.