At this time, the magi have only identified a single source of vis:
- The Misshapen Oak: Described in this post, produces Perdo vis in the form of poisonous moss growing on its limbs. The magi are still unsure of how much vis it can produce every year, but have successfully harvested 5 pawns in a year. As per their contract with Bernhard, every fifth pawn harvested from this sources belongs to the redcap.
- There may be other vis sources on the island, although the magi have not located any at this time. As per their contract with Bernhard, every tenth pawn harvested from other sources on the island belongs to the redcap.
At this time, the covenant has the following vis stocks:
- 2 pawns of Creo (contributed by Japik)
- 2 pawns of Vim (contributed by Prochorus)
- 2 pawns of Perdo (harvested from the oak) -- note that the next pawn harvested will be owed to Bernhard as per the contract