Covenant development discussions

Then I'll do the same - contribute a level 20 summa on either Muto or Vim (troupe's choice), with the rest of points spent infusing the thing, while spending the last season copying lab texts. I'm not yet sure what the texts could be, though.

I'll make a level 20 animal Summa infused with animal vis.

For the last season I'll copy some labtexts.

  • Eyes of the bat InAu 25
  • Cloak of black feathers MuCo(An) 30
  • Gift of the bear's fortitude MuCo 25
  • Summoning the distant Image InIm 25
  • Whisper through the Black gate InCo(Me) 15

My preference would be Vim. But, noting the scarcity in vis, Muto is probably better to start with. Then we can distill Vim vis from the Aura and copy a Vim summa later.

Both would interest me, I probably prefer Muto a bit because It's my affinity and because for the same reason as Callen It's probably hard to find Muto Vis.

Sounds good, then I'll go with Muto summa and dedicate all points toward it, then spend the rest on lab texts. I'm not sure how many total levels of lab texts I can copy with Scribe 1, about 60? In which case I'll either let the troupe decide, or go with Sorcerer's Fork, Wizard's Communion and Shroud Magic, all level 20.

Probably a mix of the two. Let me know what you think.

with scribe 1 : 60 without copy specialty 120 with copy specialty

Good, thank you. Is the spell selection fine?

I'm assuming you want only MuVi Spells from your selection. There are quite a limited selection in core rulebook.

Well If @Arthur allows It Day of communion (sun variant of Wizard communion) would be better than Wizard's communion because they work on ritual it's strong when casting aegis.

I'm not a big fan of Sorcerer's Fork.

I've never used Shroud magic but It can be fun to mislead ennemies.

Also, I wouldn't take too low lvl spells in your specialty, If you can invent them on you own in 1 season there's no point in taking lab texts for them.

Spell selection for copy, comments appreciated.

  • Eyes of the bat InAu 25 : Detecting invisibility

  • Cloak of black feathers MuCo(An) 30 : Transport

  • Gift of the bear's fortitude MuCo 25 : Self Defense, works on grogs (I can spont' doublet already)

  • Summoning the distant Image InIm 25 : See what's happening near the covenant's ressources, see where the grogs are. Depending on Arthur's interpretation could work with my animals (It says person but the targer is room so that's someone in the room I belive this is working) which would be awesome, spy enemies, receive message from allies....

  • Whisper through the Black gate InCo(Me) 15 : quite strong info gatherer.

You edited right as I was asking about what you edited out... Seems pretty good I would think.

On a side note, if you want a combat spell, your Arts are aligned well for The Crystal Dart.

I only edited something I typed twice :slight_smile:

I will indeed probably learn the cristal dart but it's only Lvl 10 and I can invent It in one season already without labtext.


Alright, what level do you want it for? I can invent a level 20 version in one or two seasons, but I'm assuming that in the Sun variant magi would add [level - 10] to the total, so.... I figure level 30 or 40 version would be better? But I don't know what you can cast, too high a level won't be beneficial to us if it's unusable by anyone.

As an alternative I could include the lab text for a high level Aegis and just invent Day of Communion myself.

The issue with high Aegis is it costs more vis, and the penetration must at least match the level. So for a level 30 aegis to be worth It we have to manage a 60 casting total at least.

So I would rather you have a high day of communion spell. I would indeed take at lvl 30 or more because you can already make a labtotal of 36 assuming no bonus from lab and a lvl 3 aura. I don't see the point of getting any lvl20 MuVi spell.

Lvl 30 lets some of us the opportunity to learn it (all existing magus have 25 lab total in MuVi at least)

As a side note : knowing this spell means you'll also get a +6 bonus should you want to make the "normal" wizard's communion.

I was wrong It's range personal, so I would not work on grogs. Still worth it ?

After 1 season with a Muto text Alis should be able to pick up a level-30 version, assuming an Aura of 3. Instead of Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi 40), Alis could bring Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 40). She can learn that in 1 season right now, with a casting total of +28. That's not great, but with 4 level-30 Day of Communion spells (the minimum to double 40 due to the -10 for Sun), that's against a 10. (Also, I'm assuming Life Boost doesn't work.)

Alis won't use it. It's not worth her time in the lab since she can do better right now.

Very well, lvl 30-40 Wizard's Day of Communion it is. Let me know if you'd like me to pick up anything else. The theming of the Communion is already that the crazy parens wanted Basilus to focus on that specific combination, so the rest can be of milder variety (some other lvl 20-30 spell, or two 10's or 15's).

Well, If Callen's going for high level Aegis of hearth, I think it's important that you go specifically lvl 30 for the day of communion.

Do you all want me to grab a level-40 Aegis lab text? Do we want that as a goal? That's 8 pawns of Vim a year!