Covenant Development: General Discussion

I've always hated dealing with charters. Any way that gets us to the end quickly seems good to me. I've seen games get bogged down and fizzle out just in the drafting of a charter.

According to A&A it's both of those and a Divine Lore summa, depending on which volumes you're reading. Unless they've changed that?

A fair point, I'll have to give it some thought! It would speed up lower level advancement, but would necessitate the acquisition of a set of mid-range books for most of the arts. Whether we would then want to start with them, or be forced to acquire them would also be something we'd want to discuss.

Agreed. I'm totally fine hammering it out in broad brush strokes without ever writing it up per se. Think the Spark Notes version of a charter, hit the main points and call it a day.

I like the library and it being uneven gives us a little verisimilitude (we have gaps and inconsistency now) and things to strive for ... while also essentially covering the general groundwork we need to not be immediately stalled for advancement in general.

Specific to the Covenant I think we still need Grogs, Charter, and Vis Sources.

We can communally work on Grogs and Vis Sources (so no one is overburdened) to whatever extent we like.

I both agree with the fear of a Charter being a enthusiasm/momentum killer and yet also I think it has a lot of potential for being one of the things that individually shapes a Covenant and makes it unique. @Nithyn and I have discussed this a bit and have a few ideas but haven't taken the time to hammer it out yet.

Let me rephrase my question, then. Is this actually a copy of The City of God, or is it only a copy of a fraction of the books from The City of God? For example, if I say I have the 1990 edition of Encyclopaedia Brittanica, the implication is that I have everyone of the many books that make it up; but if I say I have only the first three books of the 1990 edition, it gives a very different impression.

If it is the whole set in theory it would be usable (at separate times) for all of these purposes.

I have no charter template to suggest (except for the one in Covenants).
+1 vote for broad brush strokes

I think it could also be interesting if we were required to drop the parma and swear the charter in front of the Oath Stone when joining Inchmore, specially if the charter is not super precise legalese and essentially amounts to "we will be nice to each other".

I like writting up grogs, but this has potential to be time consuming if everyone is going to write 2~3 of them (for example). Our companions (and a few magi) are not even fleshed out yet.

This is the moment where I'd grab a handful of dice and a random table of virtues/flaws (or ask chat GPT for a few prompts) and put together a handful of guys, broad enough for basic play, leaving some blank space to add other grogs in the future. I can tackle that, if desired.

Make a lot more sense now, thanks! And yeah, we can assume the full set, so I'll add everything over to the final draft. Good catch!

@Vortigern dug up one that I had blatantly stolen from somewhere (probably here on the boards) and begun modifying. Let me chat with him today and see what we wanted to do on that front!

I do believe that's something we had discussed actually! So great minds?

Totally fair! Not gonna lie, grogs are very low on my to do list (as you say, focused on magi/companions at present), so we can cross this bridge when we get to it? But will very likely take you up on that offer!

Working with @Vortigern to figure out the charter situation, and I'm hoping to have an answer on that front here in the next day or two. That just leaves vis sources I think? At least in terms of what needs to be finished up as a group.

That said, folks, I would very much like to see your proposals for books and lab texts that you want to personally bring to the covenant. Think a book or two, and a handful of texts.

We're getting real close to the finish line, thank you everyone for your patience!

Cleansing the Unclean: The Shepperd's Choice
A text written by Simon ex Tytalus, a leper magus specialized on healing rituals. The summa explores not only the most common pitfalls on the art of Corpus, but also doubles as a theological analysis on the condition of leprosy (and of why it can't be healed by hermetic magic). It also collects the texts of a few basic healing spells.

  • L20Q11 Corpus summa
  • Q11 Theology tractatus
  • Spells:
    • The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch
    • Gentle Touch of the Purified Body
    • Restoration of the Defiled Body
    • Other healing spells proposed by the troupe.