Covenant Development

That certainly makes sense for them to be long, especially if the tribunal is overcrowded- I also note that many tribunals have rules to be considered members in good standing- I envision a rule in the Roman tribunal where tribunal attendance is mandatory (probably also requires paying a pawn of vis towards the general fund), which was originally passed to try and reduce the number of magi in the tribunal but which in fact had a very different effect.
The major competition I do see in the Roman tribunal is trade routes outside of the redcap network. Especially anything that can bring in vis from sources that do not realize they are paying vis (buying from silk merchants who do not realize that one bolt in 100 has animal vis in it, extracting the vis before making the silk into clothing to be sold...)

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From my reading of the 3e book, it seems unlikely the Tribunal will formally recognize our moving covenant.
I find it interesting.

I don’t remember anything about needing to go through anything special to found a covenant. It was some time ago of course.

It was also 3rd edition, and I expect we will wind up throwing out over half of it, including the African covenant and the idea that Sardinia is inhabited solely by werewolves.

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Wait, solely by werewolves? Like every man jack of them?

Its almost so stupid I wanna keep it

Yes, all werewolves, as in one tribe of werewolves had run of the entire island which was described as being more or less barren rock with no signs of civilization. Because like the rest of the module it was essentially pulled from the posterior of an ignoramus.

who couldn't be bothered to look up the fact that Sardinia had three kingdoms on it.

I was going to say! Sardinia has been important for roughly ever!

But be honest with me, three kingdoms, one of werewolves, one of were bears and one of wearboars. Its darkly tempting in a craptastic way...

Well, the werwolves were infernal because of course 3rd ed Roman tribunal everything was infernal, including the church. But OTOH, infernal werewolves, magic werebears and faerie wereboars... but no...

Can we replace the werewolves with wereducks? Fear their mighty quacks!

On a related side note, there are stories in Sicily about werewolves, and there are neolithic remanants in Sardina supposedly built by giants, so they can both be used, and Siciliy was supposedly, in 3e, the place where Polyphemus's cave was, in a Regio.

See, all of that stuff makes sense.

Speaking of regios, I bet that Italy has a ton of faerie regios based around the areas where the roman and greek gods famously were born or had exploits.

Rome might have one or more, maybe one with Romus and Remulus (sp?)

I expect the church has driven out a lot of the faeries, and unlike magic faerie auras and regios don't generally last without the faeries to support them.

So, to sum up we are currently looking like a traveling group of builders who go to places under interdict to fix their churches while they are closed?

Did we decide about claiming vis away from covenants?

You're the architect, we're your entourage.

We haven't decided on Vis sources, but looks like the majority (2 for, 1 against), prefer there be the option to use vis sources found.

Right. I had better put some more work into my architecture then. Also, I suggest some companions and grogs so I am not spending my entire downtime on our cover.

What can my character do to support you? He is an Intellego specialist

BTW, my idea was to make my Magi with connection to criminal elements, it can be used as both a way to cause the damages you're called for to fix and/or stage distractions to perhaps prolong the interdict.

That works! I take it you are a political boni, not a technical one then?