Covenant development


I love how you've organized the spells in grimoires and books :smiley:

Vis sites,
While we are pressing Max over the vis sites perhaps we should design some totalling about 25 pawns of Vis between them, based on the politics of the Tribunal I think they should all be within a day's foot travel of the covenant.

As a start
On the 1st full moon after midsummer a great shoal of small fish gather and spawn on the harbour of the covenant by gathering the materials which come to the surface the covenant is able to gather 4 pawns of Animal vis

In the Roman temple and public laboratory there manifest a number of tiny crystals each Roman new year that gives eight pawns of Vim vis.

A site where fire fell from heaven, leaving a rock behind. Most of the year, it just seems to be a piece of strangely heavy stone, but on the anniversary of its fall, the rock ignites with supernatural flame that can be harvested for Ignem Vis.
The locals think this is the leftovers of a fallen angel, and fear the place accordingly.

(I left the quantities vague on design, to leave space for people to design more sources)