Covenant Discussion

(Moving the discussion here from another thread.)

Indeed, we should. However, I think part of it requires that each player fanilize their magus, since what they'll desire as covenant resource depends on their character. For example, Jonathan has indicated that we'll be able to add the lab text of spells we know to the covenant library for free (no BP), having scribed those before the saga starts.

That is not to say that we can't summarize what we want as general categories. For example, I've already indicated here a detailed list of what Petronius would bring. This will be updated and finalized before saga starts, but a summary of it would be:

  • Vis sources (40 bp): 8 pawns/year in a combination of Rego, Corpus, Terram and Vim.
  • Laboratories (10 bp): Minor Virtue "Extensive Stores" (+2 Safety) on the shared lab.
  • Library (119 bp): Vim summa (L12Q9), Intellego summa (L9Q11), Rego tractatus (Q10), Magic Lore summa (L5Q8), Order of Hermes Lore tractatus (Q8), Lab texts for 195 levels of spells
  • Specialists (6 bp): A mundane scribe.
  • Private resources (45 bp): Terram summa (L18Q8), Lab texts for 95 levels of spells