Covenant Discussions (OOC)

I prepared a map for the small valley where the covenant is located. The jumble of buildings represents the chaotic nature of the covenant's structures.

Covenant Valley Map

Any idea for the name of the covenant?

Although your magi may not have had a say in selecting it, I'd like the input of the troupe.

l would say that it better be something harmless and disarming.


Like "Papilio convallis" (Valley of Butterflies)?


Works for me. Even better if it's honeybees. :wink:

Sounds cool. Are there actually lots of butterflies?

In the real world? I have no ideas. But if we want them to be there and numerous, we can make it so.

Honeybees have stings, callen, so they may not sound harmless enough! :laughing:

Another possibility would be "Quercu pedes" (Oak's Feet) which can be merged into a single word ("Quercupedes").

Something about the several streams in the little valley? "Pacificis Fluminum" (Peaceful Streams)

Poetic? "Angulo Paradisi" (A Corner of Paradise)

Artistic? "Laeta Columnas" (Joyful Pillars)

Joyful Pillars or A Corner of Paradise is my pick.
Can't decide between those two.

I think Valley of the Butterfly would be something like Covalles Papilionis (not sure about the co-, I think I've only ever seen valles, but I'm away from my dictionary). I can't remember the plural genitive of the third declension for papilio right now.

Otherwise I think the only thing I'd nitpick would be that streams is flumina. I think fluminum a singular form.

Google Translate gives me Valles when a single valley is used alone, but Convallis when used as part of the expression. (I corrected my initial post on this as it is "Con-", not "Co-".)

From French "Vallée des papillons" I get "papilio convallis".
From English "Butterfly valley" I also get "papilio convallis".
From English "Valley of butterflies" I get the slightly different "convallis papiliones".

But my Latin is very basic. I mainly use Goggle, though I do own a French-Latin and Latin-French dictionnaries. Convallis is described as "a steep valley or a plain surrounded by mountains". Meanwhile, Valles (or Vallis) is decribed as a "valley, hollow or small valley".

So any of Papilio Vallis, Papilio Valles or Papilio Convallis would seem acceptable translations for Butterfly Valley.

or to allude to what we are doing,

"Balancing Act" - Conpensatione Actum

"Eye of the Storm" - Oculus Tempestatis

"Scales of Equilibrium" - Squamae Aequilibrii

"The Way of Calm" - Via Tranquilla

Lots of good names here. I'll think on them.

I note it should be a name that sounds good in English, because to our characters that's pretty much how it will sound.

Always a stumbling block for me naming things in Ars.

I'm fine with whatever, but I think "Leonardus' Folly" could be a fun name, too. Though if he had a shorter nickname that would be better.

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If we want something simple:

  • The Sanctuary (Sanctuarium in Latin)
  • The Refuge (Tugurium)
  • The Hinge (Cardine or Cardo)

I like simple...and something that sounds good in Latin and English.

I really like Tugurium


I also like Tugurium, so I'll put my vote there as well unless I come upon something I like more.

I also have had like 9 years of Latin, so if anyone is interested in knowing some term or something, feel free to let me know.

Can I get a clarification on the BP post gauntlet?

Anything we begin the game with needs to be "purchased" with these BP...with justification based on the story...or are these resources we have at the beginning of the process, or in addition to, with any "earned" resources paid for by the story?

For example: if I spend a season distilling vis, does that come out of the BP?

I will clarify that as part of the advancement guidelines today.

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