To provide a definitive answer to this, we discussed this issue privately with Christian. For those concerned, it may be useful to know that the scope of the project is now set and all of Caepernum's activity will be taking place in the currently extant threads. We think this footprint on the forum is not overwhelming (it's not pushing other content off the first page at an alarming rate, for example). Furthermore, as the goal of the project is to engage with the forum at large and have wide participation in the threads (as opposed to the limited interaction with a set group of people you'd expect from a PBM), the main forum is the most logical place for this project to exist.
Those interested in this material might also want to check out the old Anulus Connectens project which ran along similar lines on the forums here back in 2016 and created a lot of cool content.
If you have additional concerns that you feel I haven't addressed here, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Until then: Game on!