The Salamander Artisano,
Characteristics: Int +2, Per -2, Pre -4, Com -1, Str -10, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik +5
Magic Might: 15
Size: -5
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Natural Qualities: Camouflage, Skilled climber
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Focus power x2, Gift of Speech, Improved powers x1, minor virtue, Personal Power x2, Susceptible to deprivation
Virtues and Flaws: Greater immunity to fire, Arcane lore, Educated*, Tough, Unaffected by the gift, Magical Monster, Baneful circumstances (when cool or wet), Afflicted tongue (hissing), Poor eyesight
* from minor virtue quality
Personality Traits: Curious +2, Lizard +3, Noble +2, Obsessed (crafting flames) +2,
Reputations: None
Dodge*: Init +5, Attack N/A, Defense +12, Damage N/A
Evade: Init +5, Attack N/A, Defense +17, Damage N/A
Teeth: Init +5, Attack +12, Defense +11, Damage -9
*(use dodge score if the evasion optional rule is not in use)
Soak: +5
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5)
Abilities: Andalusian 5 (artistic usage), Artes liberales 2 (geometry), Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (food), Brawl 6 (evasion), Concentration 5 (ignem), Finesse 7 (ignem), Hunt 3 (mice), Latin 5 (artistic usage), Magic Lore 4 (regiones), Penetration 6(ignem), Stealth 3 (shadowing), Survival 3 (lake of fire), Swim 3 (lake of fire)
Crafter of Ignem (Cr/ReIg variable) Init: +3 Artesano can duplicate creo or rego ignem spells of up to level 25. This power has a cost of 1 point per magnitude of the spell duplicated (2 mastery increase level)
Assumption of the fiery mantle (MuAn(Ig)40) 1 pts Init +1, The substance of Artosano's body is transformed into flames. While this effect is active he neither speck not manipulate objects. While in this form he is typically not damaged when hit with objects unless the object is somewhat larger than he is. He can take damage from an amount of water of greater than his size (typically +5 or +10 damage). See page 139 of Realms of Power magic for further details. In this form it is not uncommon for Artesano to cast range personal magics upon himself to improve his ability to move or even to fly. The effect lasts for duration sun but Artesano can cancel it at his will. (base 30 +2 duration sun, Personal power x2 2 mastery from personal power and 1 from improved powers to reduce cost.)
Master of Ignem (Mu/PeIg variable) Init: +3 Artesano can duplicate muto or perdo ignem spells of up to level 25. This power has a cost of 1 point per magnitude of the spell duplicated ( 2 mastery increase level)
Vis: 3 pawns in his tail.
Appearance: Artesano is a reddish-brown lizard approximately eight inches long with darker colored spots on his back. His eyes are a bright orange hue.
The Salamander Artesano is one a a colony of similar magical creatures that live on the shores of a (small) lake of fire which is located deep in a magical regio. Unlike his fellows, he considers himself an artist, he takes pride in crafting and fires both mundane and magical in the same manner as a vocalist or a chef take pride in their work. Artisano speaks fluent Latin as a result of his frequent association with the ghosts of fourth century Monks that share the regio with the salamanders.