Here is hoping that the third time's the charm
Draganna Tesla:
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1, Com +0, Pre +3, Str -2, Sta -1, Dex 0, Quik 0
Size: -1
Age: 44 (30)
Season: Summer 1235
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +3 Entrancement, +1 Minor Essential Virtue-Good Language Instructor, +1 Good Teacher, +1 Book Learner, +1 Linguist, +1 Piercing Gaze, +1 Privileged Upbringing, +1 Second Sight; Scholomance Training (+1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Hermetic Experience)
Flaws: -3 Driven (excellence), -3 Lycanthrope, -1 Close Family Ties, -1 Continence, -1 Temperate, -1 Small Frame
Personality Traits: Driven +5, Temperate +3, Loyal +1, *Good Instructor +3 (bonus when teaching by instruction)
Reputations: Talented Instructor 2 (Hermetic), Werewolf 1 (Hermetic)
Dodge: Init 0, Def +2
Catfight: Init 0, Atk +2, Def +2, Dmg -2
Dagger: Init 0, Atk +4, Def +2, Dmg +1
Soak: +0
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-4), -3 Med (5-8), -5 Hvy (9-12), Incap (13-16), Dead (17+)
Abilities: South Slavonic 5 (Serbian, sharp words), Transylvanian Tribunal Area Lore 2; Artes Liberales[sup]1[/sup] 4 (literacy), Awareness 2 (details), Brawl 2 (dagger), Concentration 2 (Study), Dominion Lore 1 (auras), Entrancement 4 (questioning), Faerie Lore 2 (vampires), Folk Ken 3 (women), Guile 2 (straight face), Infernal Lore 1 (dragons), Intrigue 3 (gossip), Leadership 3 (intimidation), Legerdemain 2 (sleight of hand), Magic Lore 3 (regios), Magic Theory 3 (teaching), Mythic Europe Lore 3 (sequence of history), Order of Hermes Lore 4 (Tremere dogma), Penetration 3 (entrancement), Philosophiae 3 (metaphysics), Profession-Scribe 4 (composition), Second Sight 4 (spirits), Stealth 2 (hide), Teaching 6 (languages), Arabic 4 (classical), Aramaic 4 (Assyrian), French 5 (Norman), Greek 6 (Romaic, Classical), Hebrew 3 (written), Latin 6 (classical, Hermetic)
[sub]1 alphabets include Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic[/sub]
Equipment: ivory crucifix on a silver chain, silver dagger, knife, bloodstone ring, moonstone ring, gold apothecary ring, hair pin, writing materials, journal, intimidating good looks and a chaste temperment
[tab][/tab]Dragana Tesla is the daughter of Rajko Tesla and Illiyanna Ivororvich. Her uncle is Dragor Ivorovich and the Ivorovich family has a long history of service with House Tremere. They also have a family history of lycanthropy and vampirism. She is a werewolf, but not a vampire (uncle Dragor is a damphir though). She started being taught the family trade by uncle Dragor when she was seven, developing her abilities in Entrancement and Second Sight. When she was 23, her uncle got her into the Scholomance. She learned much in her time at the school, demonstrating a proficiency for languages and aptitude for teaching others. After graduation, her uncle migrated to serve as a Tremere agent in Normandy. Dragana was given a position as a language teacher for the next fourteen years, valued for being able to teach Tremere magi and agents to speak new languages fluently in a mere two seasons (base 3, Com +2, Teaching 5 (languages), +6 single student, +5 Good Teacher, +3 Good Instructor; equals 25xp per season to a single student, 22xp to a pair of students, or 19xp to a class of up to 30 students). In 1234, she as recruited by Vocis along with her colleague Maris to serve teaching positions at the prestigious and ancient Covenant of Andorra.
Specialized Classroom (Teaching Lab)
Characteristics: Size 0, Refinement 3, General Quality -1, Upkeep -3, Safety 0, Warping 0, Health 0, Aesthetics +1
Virtues & Flaws: +0 Magical Heating & Lighting, +1 Gallery, +1 Living Quarters, +1 Opulent, -3 Elementary (only Teaching),
Specializations: Teaching +2
Notes: Upkeep cost is less than a third-pound-silver per year. Teaching bonus equals +1. Cost as a Purchased Lab equals 15q.p. for three Minor Virtues).
Chronology & Development: Born 1190, taught family ways starting at age 7 in 1197, began Scholamance training at age 22 in 1213, gained three minor virtues over the course of that time (costing 60xp, as per Advancment for Companions), finished training in 1220 at age 30 and started on Longevity level 40 costing 50xp, taught for ten years at the school before transferring to Andorra under the authority of Vocis in 1234 at age 37; the seven years of training and fourteen years of teaching each count as three "cycles" in which Book Learner is applied three times for a total of +105xp.