Elena ex Mercere (development)

Lucas doesn't mess around! That's a pretty doting schedule. Not that I'm complaining :mrgreen:

I don't think she needs that much Latin though. She's already got Latin 3, and (with Apt Student) should be able to get 4 with less than three seasons of tutoring. She does need at least a season of Artes Liberales though.

(do we have an IRC channel or similar anywhere by the way? I have a feeling this sort of stuff might be better served with a more immediate back and forth)

Technically you can't take Academic skills (like Latin) with your later life points, absent a Virtue like Educated.

And you're right. I need to give you some Artes Liberales. Maybe I'll drop MT down to 4 and give you Artes Liberales 2.

There's a chat bar on the magi planning sheet of you want to talk there.

Well, that was a very productive conversation! Elena came into Lucas' care in the Winter of 1240, and he took immediate charge of her education. He opened her arts in the Winter of 1241, where Elena officially becomes Lucas' apprentice. She'll be 12 years old by the time 1242 rolls around.

Quick thought: Lucas has Elena learning Magic Theory from Horus in the Spring of 1241. I might suggest shunting that down to one of the empty seasons in 1242 (Spring or Summer), and have Elena accompany Lucas on his travels through Iberia in that Spring. Could be a good experience for her (we could make an adventure out of it?).

I'd have no trouble taking Elena along on a trip through the Iberian Tribunal. It would be good for preparing her for the time when she has to spend a season doing Redcap duty.

Aye, that was my thinking, yes. She'll need to get used to traveling and things of that nature.

Just to make sure this is out there, Lucas will make a formal and witnessed offer to teach Elena the Hermetic Arts in Winter of 1240.

Ah, ok, so this is a major virtue problem... :confused:
What about deficient Creo then? There may be another one, but I'm close to brain overload now :laughing:

No worries! Already swapped for Curse of Venus. The sheet should be legal, and Lucas is happy with it.

So I see that Elena is learning from Bashir in Autumn of 1240. Did you factor in the -3 penalty to the source quality due to the Gift?

Yes, we did. Bashir is a very good teacher.

Wow, Bashir is a badass 8)

I made him up when I didn't really know the rules all that well. By happenstance I gave him Good Teacher and a Com +2. He also has a good Teaching skill.

I'd envisioned him as being an instructor in Medicine and Chirurgery. But there's more of a need sometimes for people to learn Latin.

It helps that Elena is a very good student! Her memory is pretty decent.

That's right Elena has Apt Student as well.

Elena's current Magic Theory specialisation, by the way, is 'assisting in the laboratory'. I don't intend for it to stay that way really. I just figure that any and all training she's likely to receive for the foreseeable future will be focused on that first. As her apprenticeship rolls on, and she has a chance to spread her wings a bit, she'll likely find her own specialty.