EVEN MORE Ars Magica Avatars

I just realized that I had all of the Arts/Forms, Founders, and House icons conveniently on my computer already, and it only took me a couple minutes to convert them all to avatars. So, now if you go to ucp.php?i=profile&mode=avatar (that's the User Control Panel>Profile>Edit Avatar) then click on the Display Gallery button at the bottom, you'll see a pull-down menu with these options: ArMArtsForms, ArMCovers, ArMFounders, ArMHouses.

Note that this may mess up anybody who already chose one of Erik Dahl's cover avatars, since they're in a different folder now for organization's sake, so you may need to re-select your avatar. Sorry about that!

This is great stuff! Thanks.

Any chance of getting another segment from the cover of Grogs on the avatar choices? With the dude with his foot stuck in a bucket? I have a particular fondness for that poor guy. :slight_smile:

You're welcome to send me any Atlas-owned art you like to go up in the gallery ... it just needs to be 80px x 80px max, 6 kb max. You can grab images from our website for this purpose, with our permission (that's what Erik did for the rest of the cover avatars).