Faking Magus Status

I like the idea of an non-mage mundane, posing as a wandering mage. and visit covenants for a good living. I will use such an npc for my round an see what happens.
He will be a failed apprentice (he failed very early an was kicked out of the covenant of his master in another tribunal - so nobody remember him). As ex-apprentice he knows enough stuff about the order, magic, rules, behaviour, etc. to blend in.


I like that.
It is worth reading the discussion in Antagonists under the papal legate out to make an alliance with OoH. Your story hook is excellent if the Order is fairly open about its existence. Some sagas will have the Order so secretive that they would never kick a failed apprentice out, but rather forbid him to leave for fear of leaking secrets.

Good Input, txs.
Luckely we don't play ars magica the masquerade. Especially not the players, they always leek to much informations to others. I would say, even if the order try to hide, they will be known - maybe not as an order, but that "there are strange peoples living, dont mess with them ..." and over such rumors you can find convenants - just listen to the local gossip.
Anyway - the apprentice was young and the first years still living in the covenant. but had really nothing to do, he miss his apprentice status and never found a new way. the mages of the covenant simply forgot about him (looking at my players this has a 100% probability). Then he simply sneaked out, was not really missed, and try to live a mundan life. But he never found his way in the mundane world.
First he try to talked to others about the mages, but nobody believed a young unknown person (or don't want to believe him) - hmm, i should give him the flaw magical air.
So he moved away.
Later he thought, "if i can nobody tell about the order with getting something for it, then let this knowledge give me inside the order a good life" - the culprit was born.


Sadly, I have also observed that there are a lot of players who leak some game information and I think that is really sad. It just ruins the experience for new players and spoils everything.