
Look at RoP:M 39 and 40 you can pick both via Magic Qualities and RoP:M 36 say

so unless you spend all you qualities from might already you can pick them. And even if you did you still can take Inferiorities to get more Qualities.

How are handling familiars that have special movements like flying (all kind of birds) or have hands that can use tools (Ape/monkey)?
Are we assuming that the basic movements a animal can do are already covered without any special virtues / qualities?
Special for animal that have hands do they have to buy off the no Hands major flaw that RoP:M suggest comes with Magical Animal?

(If you wonder I plan to go with a Mentem warped Chimpanze with might 20 and size 0 as it great fit Creo Mentem)

  1. Magical versions of any creature have all the movement powers of the base creature. Beasts of Virtue are always exemplars of their species.
  2. If you want the animal to use tools you'd need to create some sort of Muto Animal effect into the bond. Or you could take some sort of Quality that allows it. Poenitens' familar can turn into a human.

I agree with thompsja.

good then I probably use a Major General Virtue Have 2 Hands to offset the Major flaw have no Hands gained via Magical Animal as it sound the most logic version to go with this for a Ape to me. (Aka pay 3 Virtue points to offset a flaw worth 3 flaw points)

Do I need extra space in the lab for a size 0 familiar already or is this only for even larger animals? I personal think extra lab size is only needed for Size 2 and larger.

My thought is that since a Size 0 Servant virtue and a Size 0 Person virtue don;t take space, that a Size 0 Familiar virtue should also also take no space.

Is the familiar a cat?
I jest, sort of, but the fact s that the space an animal needs is not always a function of size alone. Of course your cat familiar is not confined to the lab any more than you or a servant is, but on he other hand I would expect a size 0 cat to need a lot more space than a human...

No I talk about a chimpanzee that is on the upper limit of a normal chimpanzee size and weight. (1.70m is the upper limit in height for a chimpanzee according the wikipedia)
Where did your idea come from that I would take a cat as familiar?

I don't know if I'd call a Sizo 0 feline a "cat." That's more panther size. But you do make a good point. A panther would probably require extra space -though how much of that extra space would need to be in the lab, I don't know.

How do we want to handle familiar advancement after being bound? Should they also get 10xp/season?

Adauli had suggested that we treat them like a companion and give them 15 xp/year.

unless, I assume, we take lab time to teach them... and how does that interact with their advancement? Also can their advancement be used for transformation?

Unclear. We'll have to decide that. Do you have a suggestion?

That was not discussed.

However, at 15 xp/year, using the Transformation rules would allow that every two years a familiar could get three Minor Qualities or one Major Quality. That seems a bit extreme to me.

I just noticed that the xp you spend on Transformations "can be experience points gained from practice, adventure, or a teacher who possesses the desired Quality." That adds another complexity if we were to consider allowing Transformations. How do you determine what, if any, of the 15 xp/year are experience points gained from practice, adventure, or a teacher who possesses the desired Quality?

in Grogs, it suggests that for a typical 15xp/yr advancement this breaks down into 2 seasons at 2xp (work exposure) one at 4 and one at 7, where the SQ:7 season should be replaced with training or education first, followed by the 4, then the 2xp seasons.
Alternately we could use a variation on the rules for magi advancement, where each season replaces 5xp, with the 4th season being free...

I avoided the issue with my familiar in that I put the only teaching activity at the year I bound him and so assumed that the teaching is the only exp. he got for that year.
(For Holy Magic I absolut had to teach him the first point as it is a mixture of supernatural and hermetic)

I'm assuming no xp the year he's bound, and then 15 xp/year after that.

Exact, that is what I assume as well and why I avoided any complications when using a timeslot from my mage to teach the familiar at the year he was bound. (So he got the exp. from the teaching but nothing else at this year)
