[tab][/tab][size=150]Fiona ex Miscellanea, after 30years[/size]
Year: 1224
Age: 54
Size: +2
Confidence: 1(3)
Decrepitude: 0(0)
Warping: 2(6)
Apothecary 2
Area Lore: Scottish Highlands (geography) 2
Artes Liberales (logic) 2
Athletics (dancing) 2
Awareness (searching) 4
Bargain (service for service) 3
Charm (flirting) 2
Chirurgy 2
Code of Hermes 3
Concentration 1
Distilling (whisky) 2
Folk Ken (boys) 3
Gaelic (Scots Highland) 5 (native)
Gardening 1
Guile (hiding true feelings) 2
Intrigue 2
Latin (plants and herbs) 5
Leadership 3
Magic Lore 2
Magic Theory (transformation) 7
Medicine 3
Music (singing) 2
Mythic Herbalism (creating potions) 3
Order of Hermes Lore 4
Parma Magica (Corpus) 4
Penetration (transformation) 3
Scribe 3
Sewing 2
Stealth (natural areas) 1
Survival (mountainous terrain) 3
Teaching 2
Weaving 2
Creo: 7
Intellego: 5
Muto: 13
Perdo: 5
Rego: 10
Animal: 8
Aquam: 5
Auram: 5
Corpus: 12
Herbam: 9
Ignem: 5
Imaginem: 5
Mentem: 5
Terram: 5
Vim: 6
Spell List
[table][tr][th]Spell Name[/th]
[th]Casting Total[/th]
[th]Spell Level[/th]
[tr][td]Aura of Ennobled Presence[/td]
[td]MuIm 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Beast of Outlandish Size*[/td]
[td]MuAn 15[/td]
[td]The animal turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]The Beast Remade*[/td]
[td]MuAn 25[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The animal’s hair turns white while in human form .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cloak of the Duck's Feathers[/td]
[td]ReAq 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The water is milky white when it's in contact with the protected object.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Curse of Circe*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 30[/td]
[td]The target becomes a white pig .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Disguise of the New Visage*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Disguised Casting[/td]
[td]Target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Eyes of the Cat*[/td]
[td]MuCo 10**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The target's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Herb of Virtue*[/td]
[td]MuHe 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The herb turn white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Hunt for the Wild Herbs[/td]
[td]InHe 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The sample that Fiona uses in the spell turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intuition of the Forest[/td]
[td]InHe 10[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Preternatural Growth and Shrinking*[/td]
[td]MuCo 15[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target's hair turns white during the casting.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Probe Nature's Hidden Lore[/td]
[td]InHe 4[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The subject flashes white momentarily. .[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Purification of the Festering Wounds[/td]
[td]CrCo 25**[/td]
[td]The target’s hair becomes white while he’s under the effects of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Giant Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 15**[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh[/td]
[td]InCo 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The area in question turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Robes of Impenetrable Linen[/td]
[td]MuHe 10[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The clothing turns white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Shape of the Woodland Prowler*[/td]
[td]MuCo(An) 15[/td]
[td]The wolf’s fur is white[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Sight of the True Form[/td]
[td]InCo 15[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]Fiona's eyes turn white for the duration of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Taste of the Spices and Herbs[/td]
[td]MuIm 5[/td]
[td]Still Casting[/td]
[td]The food turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Touch of the Pearls[/td]
[td]InAq 5[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]The target turns white during the casting of the spell.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wizards' Communion[/td]
[td]MuVi 20[/td]
[td]Learn from Mistakes[/td]
[td]Fiona’s hair turns white while Wizard’s Communion and the accompanying spell are cast.[/td][/tr][/table]
- Spell is a part of her Minor Magical Focus.
** Spell includes +1 Magnitude for Target Size.