Forum Ads

So, no doubt you've noticed the new ads at the top and bottom of our Forum. We've spent a lot of time setting up and maintaining the forums, as a service to our fans. We're hoping these ads will help us recoup a little bit of that expense. It also gives us the opportunity to, in future, add banner ads for our own products, or take ads from the games industry that might be of interest to you. We've tried to make them as un-annoying as possible, but still obvious enough to get a few views now and then.

It's currently set up to use Google's AdSense, so it's more-general kinds of ads for now, though I notice a lot of video gaming spots coming up, too. I personally am really enjoying the "Dove Men+Care Deodorant" ads Google is sending our way. That's some kind of pinpoint targeting! LOL

Anyway, if you'd like to support Atlas Games and show your appreciation of the forums, give an ad a click once in a while!

I just removed the ad in the footer ... though it made sense when you had a long page and couldn't see the header anymore, it was just too annoying for log-ins and other pages with very little content, where you'd get two ads right next to each other ... all the flashing made me dizzy. :wink:

If you have other constructive suggestions for improvements, let me know.