Funky Cold Mdina

Sorry, Skorba is under the control of a Sicilian family, one of them is in Mdina currently, though he doesn't have an address or contact information.

Paphos will return to the square and collect the others. Unless anyone else has something to add, I think this thread is done?

Unless someone is going to follow up with what Zoltan found out...

Yes i would like to follow up, i will post something sometime today

Nicolae spent most of the day sitting near a fountain in the square, watching people an animals come and go. As the sun nearing its highest point in the sky, the familiar turban of Zoltan finally appeared in the square. As he approached, the horses started feeling uneasy, and Nicolae went to calm them. Nicolae was suspicious of the man; since that one evening where he, Zoltan and a few others were gathered around a campfire near some Loch in Scotland, dringing ale and telling stories. The hungarian was particularly inhebrieted, and told the story of how he had gotten branded by a hot iron as a punishement.

He had been part of a band of outlaw, and after his gang had decided to attacked a woman, he turned on them and slaughtered them all. After he was done, the mood around the campfire had soured, and nobody spoke for a long time. So far, Zoltan had shown himself loyal to his fellow grogs, but Nicolae wondered if he would betray us if given the opportunity. Zoltan was reckless, and his actions endangered not only him but a few other more than a couple of times. That, and his effect on animals, was why the Rom distrusted him.

As Zoltan, came close, Niclolae saluted him. Zoltan's breath had the distinctive smell of alcohol; he had found information about the ruler of Mggar. It might be a good idea to investivagate the tavern where the noble spent most of his time; if he wasnt there, people would know more about him and maybe where to found him. The duo spend about half an hour in the square, when Paphos and David showed up. Together, the walked to the tavern indicated by Zoltan, asking locals for direction a few times along the way.

Arriving at the tavern the leader's presence is quickly ascertained, as he rowdy and a bit intoxicated himself, making people uncomfortable with the large wagers he is placing in the game of cards he is playing, more suited to the refinement of a more upper class establishment than what he was currently frequenting. When someone saw his outlandish bets they won more often than not, but what the man made as a side wager could probably bankrupt most people here if they lost without the backing of others, preferably someone who had just won a wager with the young lord.

(OOC: Which attribute is used with carouse / gambling?)
David matters quietly to the others "Should I join the game to at least get to know him? I ought to be able to hold down my losses."

Paphos considers for second, then replies, "I think losing a few hands to him could be very valuable, if you have enough of a stake?"

(OCC: I would say maybe Int + carouse (gambling) if you are trying to cut your losses, sta+carouse for staying sober, etc)

-Yes, but try not to hold them down too much Nicolae grin. I would join you, but I know more about Tarot cards than game of chances. A noble of his stature probably has a horse somewhere, I'll go and try to gather information about the character of this young lad. I will probably be able to convince him to talk with a few apples. Good luck David !
*Nicolae give a friendly slap on the shoulder of David and head outside, looking for a stable close to the tarven for the horse of the ruler of Mgarr.

David will get an ale (I presume that is the common drink, and join the game with the local lord. While I don't mind winning, My goal is to play, be friendly, and not lose too much. I won't bother bringing up books, since I doubt this guy has any interest, but will try to talk about whatever he is interested in.

"Given that state of this tavern, I would expect his tastes to be on the vulgar side. I think David may just end up with a new special friend!"

Playing a few hands with the man soon has the bar in a form of awed silence watching two men play for stakes that are probably a years income for anyone else here. It soon becomes apparent the nobleman really isn't worried about the money, and appears to be gambling mostly from boredom. You also notice that when you take his money on a couple of early hands his game improves and he rises to the apparent challenge of someone who won't fold after a bit if uncertainty. Around the 5th hand everything is tied up and the stakes have gotten higher than what the tavern has ever seen before- 5 pounds of silver lies on the table. Given the nobleman's attitude towards the game he may just be trying to see how high you will raise regardless of what his cards are, or he may actually have a good hand. You do know that your own hand is better than decent- you know you have him in a good mood and you think you could beat him on this hand.

Nicolae meanwhile has been chatting away with the horse, drawing only a few looks from passers by who apparently assume he is drunk. The horse is apparently cared for by a stablemaster whom he holds in high regard, in terms of the man who rides upon his back there is little he can tell you, he goes somewhere where the other horses are also dressed in livery, and he spends hours here, leaving the horse tied up outside, and about one night in three will have some women upon the horses back with him as he heads home, never the same woman. He doesn't seem like a bad man, but he does seem a bit unhappy.

Five pounds is a bit too much to just lose to the man for fun, and anyway he almost seems to prefer someone who actually plays. So do my (David's) best. (Whether it will be good enough remains to be seen.) Either way, once this hand is over, I will comment that that is quite enough for one night. I will also comment that I will look for my friend when I am in town.

5 pounds was the total, and when the hand is over you (or the covenant) are 2.5 lbs richer. The nobleman laughs "Come, you may be tired of playing cards, but surely your night does not end so early! Barkeep, a bottle of whatever passes for your finest for my friend and I, a celebration of the best card player I have yet seen upon this isle!" He then picks up his cards and places them in a leather pouch.

David happily sits back down. "Agreed, no need to end the night so early." I will not try to keep up with him drink for drink, but I will not stint either, as I am quite sure that would bother him. I need to stay sober enough not to say something stupid.

Over the course of drinks you discover both the location of his "modest" townhome in the city, and that he is considering returning to Sicily because he is so bored with Malta. In fact he would have returned to Sicily already if it weren't the fact it means leaving "The Muslim" Whom he clearly does not care for, in charge.

After a while, Nicolae will wish a good day to the young lord's horse and wanders in Mdina, discovering the city street by street.

(OOC: Speaking italian would have been useful haha, well, now I know the first thing Nicolae will learn :slight_smile:

Well, I see three ways we could go with this. First, use the beginnings of our rapport to deal directly with him. He does not seem to be the responsible type, so we'll likely get inconsistent results, either he gives us the farm or shuts us down. We could, for example, win the property in a rigged game of chance. Second, we wait for him to go home and deal with the "Muslim" who is likely a responsible but seriously under appreciated autocrat who we could deal with in a forthright manner. Lastly, we could try to coopt him by playing on his jaded boredom; offer him never ending wonder, like participating in an undersea expedition or similar fantastic "tourist" experience.

At this point I think the quartet would return back to the caravan to report and decide on a plan of action.

Yes, reporting back is clearly appropriate. I don't think a deal with him would last long, so one of the other choices seems better. I suspect in the long run we want to deal with the Muslim, because the kid's patience will run out sooner or later.

Though short this adventure has been quite signifigant- I'm giving 7xp to all who participated.
Regarding confidence points:
David: 2
Nicholae: 3
Paphos: 3