Anybody could give me some info about Karabossa and Fanserlüsch in English? (More things than I found in Wiki.)
Maybe if you told the rest of us precisely what Karabossa and Fanserlusch were we might be able to help. As is I find nothing in English with just those two words (names?) to go on.
Gute und böse Feen
Spensers Feen sind im Ganzen noch die der alten Romantik, später aber tritt eine Scheidung derselben in Bezug auf ihren Charakter hervor. Während die guten Feen, als welche namentlich Esterelle, Maliure und Melusine genannt werden, ewig schön und jung, aller weiblichen Künste Meister, gut und edel waren und ihre Zauberkräfte immer zum Guten anwendeten, zeigten die bösen, zu denen besonders Karabossa und Fanserlüsch gehörten, von allem das Gegenteil, und ihre Macht war nicht selten größer. Indes konnte keine Fee das aufheben, was eine andere gewirkt hatte, sondern ihm nur entgegenwirken.
LOL> Considering that you wanted information in English, my thinking was that you would provide at least some idea of what Karabossa und Fanserlusch refers to in English.
Having run that through Babelfish, I understand (minimally) that the passage refers to good and bad Fairies, but are Karabossa und Fanserlusch the names of German authors who wrote about Fairies, or the names of two types of Fairies?
There doesn't seem to be much that is readily available from simple searches. The term Karabossa turns up one reference which seems slightly helpful (from a description of a German boardgame actually) which suggests that Karabossa was a Witch Queen. I can find no results when trying to search for Fanserlusch (apart from the Wiki article you already cited).
My immediate thought is that these are references from Wagners "Die Niebelung" but without having much of a grasp on German or German Folklore, I could be wayyyyy off base in that regard.
Might it not be useful to hop on down to your local library and ask a librarian if there are any crossover references from German to Hungarian perhaps? Otherwise maybe you could chase down a Professor of German at a major university and see what he/she might be able to tell you.
Sorry I really want infos from Germans because of their cultural background.
I suppose these are two fairies and not fairie types.
EDIT: Niebelung? Sounds interesting.
In fact I also didint found any references to the two names after my german search... perhaps a study of one or two good university books might help a lot more.
I found Karabossa in a game where she was a which queen and another place where Karabossa was mentioned as a robber.
For fanserlüsch I found this but I don't understand it.
Some further digging on the web has turned up this tidbit (for what little it is worth)...
Having found that, I am even more frustrated at what little concrete reference there is to the exact source origins for this Fairy character. You think such historic literature would be more easily researched.
I'll keep digging...[/url]
I mentioned the Witch Queen-game reference in my earlier post above and the robber reference is for Karabasso, not Karabossa, different characters altogether.
Aaaah!!! La fée carabosse!!!! I remember this from my childhood! This was the evil crone from sleeping beauty, in charles perraut's tales.
Ahhh stupid me. The spelling WOULD be different in French, doh! That;s why I found nothing when I searched for Karabossa in Perrault's works lol.
Now who is Fanserluesch?
edited to add: You never did tell us why exactly you want this information, Birbin. I for one am curious!
That's the million dollar question.
Where did you get this name, birbin?
From the wikipedia article in German...
Of course!!! It all becomes clear now!!! We must use Daedric's research on a translating spell to figure out the meaning of this text, thus gaining precious info on this mysterious Fanserlüsch.
Just wait a few score years, I'll hole up in my lab, make a breakthrough, and come through with this
Are we suggesting that German is a Fairy language?
ducks a hastily thrown Bratwurst
I wanted some malicious fairie types from the original German folklore. These are names and not types so I don't get success with them.
Some result may happen if someone could translate that German text but I don't hope much.
The Fairies is badly structured and therefore it isn't a good source.
Well why didnt you ask that in the first place?!!
I turned up a bunch of information on differing types of fairies from classic folklore (German and others) but didnt save it because I didnt know that's what you were looking for.
I shall go back and seek out the sites I found in my earlier searches and post some for you tomorrow.
If you don't mind doing some reading here are some links for you to pursue:
(deals with differing notions of fairies and their types based on Eastern European/Russian conceptualisations) ... 7/id51.htm
(Comprehensive Fae dictionary of types from around the world, including some Germanic references) ... ames.shtml
(another fairly comprehensive collection, likely crossovers with link above)
(link dealing with Fairy Magick and other details about the Fae)
(yet another compendium of types from numerous countries)
(scroll down to the section on German elves)
(another Wiki article from a Slavic perspective)
(another lengthy read but possibly useful in a general way)
(not immediately relevant to this discussion but an excellent source to bookmark for starting references especially re: mythic beasts)