Grand Tribunal 2009 - Cambridge UK

We have talked to the committee of Constitution, an existing well-established RPG- (British Roleplaying Society Convention) and SF-convention (Unicon), taking place every 2 years at New Hall College (now renamed "Murray Edwards College"), in Cambridge UK.
Sheila Thomas & I have attended for some years, and it's a good, small (100-200 people) Con.

They are happy for "Grand Tribunal 2009" to form a programme thread as a sort of associated Convention - we join as (equal) members of "Constitution", and they do all the organizing and booking of rooms etc. with the college - we provide warm (paying) bodies and programme items.
Constitution will take place on Friday 31st July - Sunday 2nd August 2009.
Membership is currently £20 but prices will rise closer to the convention.

After the success of 2 splendid years, we hope this will let us offer something like the same as CJ managed, for a 3rd Tribunal!

Post comments here, or join the GrandTrib Yahoo Mailing list, or visit the GT2008 Wiki

It would be worth going just for the REAL ALE. Now if we could only get back to the days of low airfairs.