We have talked to the committee of Constitution, an existing well-established RPG- (British Roleplaying Society Convention) and SF-convention (Unicon), taking place every 2 years at New Hall College (now renamed "Murray Edwards College"), in Cambridge UK.
Sheila Thomas & I have attended for some years, and it's a good, small (100-200 people) Con.
They are happy for "Grand Tribunal 2009" to form a programme thread as a sort of associated Convention - we join as (equal) members of "Constitution", and they do all the organizing and booking of rooms etc. with the college - we provide warm (paying) bodies and programme items.
Constitution will take place on Friday 31st July - Sunday 2nd August 2009.
Membership is currently £20 but prices will rise closer to the convention.
After the success of 2 splendid years, we hope this will let us offer something like the same as CJ managed, for a 3rd Tribunal!
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