Hi everyone! We're coming up fast on the end of May, when the registration cost for this year's Grand Tribunal America increases. I encourage all Ars Magica fans to check out the details and consider becoming a part of it. Tahoe is just beautiful, truly a mythic place, and this is your opportunity to see it alongside three days of Ars games, Ars fun, Ars people and Ars prizes. Simply point your browser to eriktdahl@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!
You know, I really wanted to get out there this year but I'm just not going to make it.
But for those of you who might be closer, I heartily recommend the US Grand Tribunal. I had a fantastic time last year and I'm sorry to be missing out on the whole Tahoe experience this year.
We'll miss you, Mark! It sounds like we will arrange a live feed with the folks at the original Grand Tribunal in the U.K., like we have done before, as both cons are the same weekend. So if you can make it to Cheltenham, we might get to see you again that way.
I'll definitely try to get to Cheltenham!
By the way, this year we're awarding additional raffle tickets ("sigils") to attendees who prepare and run games, also to those who bring food and drink or donate swag, and also as prizes in the various contests that take place over the weekend. We're amassing a pretty large selection of raffle items; I have a large stack of books, including a rare misprinted copy of City & Guild that has part of Ancient Magic stuck in the center, and several other fun medieval-themed surprises.
For those players coming from beyond driving distance, you can plan to fly into either Reno or Sacramento; our Redcaps will happily meet you at the airport and escort you to the site. We might also be able to arrange something for you if you plan to fly into San Francisco or Oakland, just let us know what you are doing and we'll work it out.
Oh, no, it's June and now the registration price is going up. However, since the last day of May was a holiday, it's possible that the chairperson will let you get in on the early rate if you register TODAY. It's worth considering...
I was looking at airfares from the midwest and the east coast to California that weekend, and Expedia is consistently giving me around $350 round-trip to Sacramento or Reno from New York and Chicago. Not too bad a price if you're thinking you'd like to try and join us.
Greetings everyone,
As of this morning, late registration has begun.
We will be putting out the game-grid and sign up pretty soon on the website... if you have not registered yet, be sure to get your name in the hat so you can sign up for the games you want to play in.
If anyone is interested in running a game, contact Verticius or myself, here on the forums.
We can't wait to see everyone again!
AKA: Aoife ex Merinita, Isabeal ex Bjornaer, Toshi