Topic: Butterfly knights, an elite flying knight squad in the netherworld, the close combat champions of Huan Ken
Name: " Squad Purple Rose, 1st squadron of the 3rd crimson legion in the army of his Holyness, the Pope of Europe and the King of Thunder"
Visual/Acoustic: 8 shining medieval heavily armored knight, a yellow tabard with a lighting symbol, several heraldic markings, trophies, signs etc (think warhammer space marine style). Both the captain and the leutnant have fancy feathers on their steel helmet. On their backs are 2 large buzzing butterfly wings, lots of air push when they close in, lots of dust if hovering over the ground. A definite "BZZZZZZZZZZ" is in the air when they charge in.
Difficulty (for starting characters): high - they are elite combatants and as veteran inner warriors well educated in fighting strange and different enemies and not easily frightened.
Named enemy: Captain Diomedes, Thunder Champion: MA 15, Guns/Intimidation/Leadership 12, other skills 9 to 12, 35 woundpoints, damage resistance 10, Body 8, Chi 0, Mind 7, Reflex 8, Pep -1 if in vehicle combat, weapon: heavy 2h 16 dmg, 3x javelin 10 dmg (thrown), schticks: Signature Weapon, Diving Charge (can be used every 2 rounds if airborne and charging for at least 10 meters, uses same rule as flying sword fu stick), items: magic butterfly armor 2/2, weapon
Named enemy: Leutnant Apollo: MA 13, Guns/Intimidation/Leadership 10, other skills 9 to 10, 35 woundpoints, damage resistance 8, Body 7, Chi 0, Mind 6, Reflex 7, Pep -3 if in vehicle combat, weapon: heavy 2h 15 dmg, 3x javelin 9 dmg (thrown), schticks: Signature Weapon, Diving Charge (can be used every 2 rounds if airborne and charging for at least 10 meters, uses same rule as flying sword fu stick), items: magic butterfly armor 1/1, weapon
6x Mook: MA 10, Guns/Intimidation 10, other skills 9 to 10, AR 15 needed to overcome, Body 7, Chi 0, Mind 6, Reflex 7, Pep -3 if in vehicle combat, weapon: heavy 2h 12 dmg, 3x javelin 9 dmg (thrown), items: magic butterfly armor 1/1, weapon
Fighting style:
=> Charge in from above
=> Captain is picking the the strongest/most combat ready looking enemy,
=> The rest hit hard and tries to scatter the rest of the group
=> Fly away and charge again after 2 rounds or stay in close combat if it looks good
=> repeat.
=> They are veteran soldiers, try to concentrate on their mission objective, if possible they try to avoid civilian casualties (but have no problems declaring civilians "collateral damage" if they stand in the way of their mission objective)
Special: Honor & Death: depending on the situation the captain can be challenged to a fair duel, depending on the circumstances to the first blood or to life and death. The latter is a true test of honor, something all the butterfly knights takes extremely seriously (and to their graves). If one of their fighters would loose such a duel the rest would honor the duel and the results. Honorable foes are treated honorably, murderers, demons etc are heretical scum which need to be burned. Human sorcerer who are not dealing with demons/undead etc are treated with utmost respect (the sorceress power of Huan Ken is concentrated in the thunder clergy and all butterfly knights grew up under this ruling class).