
I think we'd have to censor the rest of the poem.

The mouse ran up the clock? What's wrong with that?

Okidoki, I was already doubting what I learned during my bachelor forestry :wink:

He practiced animal husbandry, until they caught him at it one night. 8)

He'd PeIm some consonant I am sure.

"We apologise for the tangents in this thread.

Those responsible have been sacked."

Thank you!

Then maybe we can finally get around to sacking Carthago too?

I've cut a høle in this sack I was handed and I'm wearing it as a røbe...

Okay I'm stopping the silliness now.

[size=50]...I think I'm turning Merinita/I think I'm turning Merinita/I really think so...[/size]

No, seriously, I am.

Yes, I noticed, too.
I give you a personal permission to use flint instead of hickory. :wink: