Imric - Development

This kind of got buried in the first post in apprentices, but the idea is to explore the teaching of virtues to students through the school, too. Eventually, I plan to have a teacher at the school with every major (common) Hermetic virtue, with the exception of magical foci. So, if you want to have FFM, you can, we'll get a teacher into place where you can learn the virtue. You can also choose to have it as an Inherited Virtue.

Learning virtues is discussed in Apprentices, if you don't have that book, I can guide you through it, and it's HR'ed for this saga, in any event. Additionally, Apprentices discusses Inherited Virtues and Flaws, which aren't manifest, immediately. These Inherited Virtues and Flaws manifest at later times that are thematic or appropriate to them manifesting. These can be discussed and a meta-framework for them manifesting can be agreed upon, or we can wing it and implement them as the story evolves.

With regards to Strong Faerie Blood, it's a major supernatural virtue, and in order to open the Arts of a person like this, you need to have Elizabeth open his Arts. I discussed this in detail with qcipher regarding Babette, see that thread for more detail. Babbette, being the first character created with the need for individualized opening got first choice.
Laterala can open with one major supernatural virtue, but with a major and a minor (second sight really does count for this as a minor) it's a bit beyond her reach.

So, if you can identify the virtues and flaws that you want to have, the ones you want to learn and the ones you want to be Inherited, that will be helpful. I'm essentially telling you that you can have a FFM taught to you and you don't have to have to Inherit it.

Virtues are still going to be fixed at 10 points + Free House virtue. However, virtues and flaws do not have the balance, so if you're willing to learn more of your virtues than Inherit them, it can be done.