Journey to Mdina (fall 1220)

Euthymios responds to this by motioning for Maggie to move to stand with Hakima, before speaking in Arabic, "She was informing me of her ability to read and write Latin, and her previous experience as a nurse. For the purposes of establishing our Hospital, that would indeed make her 'better than a man.' I intend that every member of our Hospital eventually be taught Latin and Arabic, and it would certainly save me a great deal of time if I do not have to do all the teaching myself." Euthymios switches to polite Latin to speak to Maggie, "I had not realized there was quite such animosity for my countrymen here. Given the length of my likely stay in Malta, we shall have to arrange to do something to alleviate these feelings. Have you any thoughts? And may I have your name? I am known as Euthymios. Those within our Hospital would also call me Euthymios ex Jerbiton."

Euthymios is waiting for word from others sent recruiting and to the bookseller to finalize any hiring, but will probably hear out Pepe and Oderisi when they speak up.

Not certain as to our total needs for fighting grogs, and that's not really Euthymios' expertise.

Maggie does start walking over when motioned, "Thank you, sirs. I don't think most people are quite that bad. Hiring at least a few Arabs would help too. Probably making everyone learn Arabic will help. That will mean that either Latin or Arabic becomes the common tongue at your hospital. That will help cut the connection to the invaders. I only know some Arabic. Buy books from the Arabic physicians and scholars. Lots of good works that can't be found in Latin. There is the obvious benefit of more knowledge, but when someone is speaking your language and reading from your best scholars it can becomes a lot harder to see them as alien. I don't think you'll change everyone's mind but... oh right! I'm Maggie Magdilin "

Hakima adds to the end, in Arabic "And rescuing young woman from evil uncles! Really rescuing people in general makes them like you."

Another man in the tavern speaks up, in Arabic "please, kind sirs, do not let your image of all Muslims be tarnished by this loud mouthed lout. He is but a single voice amongst the quiet reverence of our community. You have chosen to recruit from the more disadvantaged elements of society, and this always raises the chance you will find dark thoughts dwelling in the darkness of desperation. And now having endeavored to provide you with a better image of our moral structure I'm afraid my sense of duty compels me to shatter it by offering to take this loud man outside and beat him soundly."

Pepe and Oderisi see the commotion forming and predict a brawl if nothing is done. All over a women, no less! They may not be doctors, or even give a rotten fig about some hospital, but they need SOMEONE to pay their bar bills, and this seems like an opportunity from the heavens dropped in their lap. The two approach the man hiring and stand between him and the loud mouth, flanking him to either side. Protection, but still allowing business to get done.

Oderisi's size is especially imposing in the small taven. He begins his spiel in Arabic "We may not be trained doctors, or speak Latin," Pepe interrupts, in Italian, "But we d-d-d-o speak I-I-Italian". Oderisi continues smoothly (the interruption was planned to show both languages and conveniently cover the fact that Pepe ONLY spaks Italian), "However, you shall have peace this day, safeguarded by our fists. Oderisi glares at the loud mouth, daring him to make a move. He continues, "I am Oderisi, and my partner is Pepe di Lombarde, swords for hire. It seems you perhaps need more than just nurses at your hospital, hmmmm?

OOC - I just seemed appropriate to write an intro for the two, sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes.

The man who had been harassing Maggie looks over the three men looking to impress those hiring by teaching him a lesson, nods his head and says "How about we take this outside?"

Oderisi and Pepe will glance at their prospective employer to see if he is encouraging the match outside, or if he wants them to stay (which will likely lead to a brawl inside).

The other two men (loudmouth and the Muslim who offered to thrash him) head outside without waiting to see what the potential employers say.

Orphan Mary watches the men leave before whispering, in Italian of course, "I recommend against hiring any of those folks."

"I suspect the proprietor of this establishment would not appreciate any damage, and while we are hiring I am not in the habit of wasting coin on unnecessary expense. Please, take any fighting outside. I would also request that damage to persons be limited to sorts less permanent, as the Hospital will have enough business as it stands without creating any of it ourselves. We can discuss the employment of fighting men when tempers have cooled, perhaps?"

Oderisi glances at the pair moving outside. It is clear that he would like to join, but sees his duty to remain inside. "I'm not here to get in a fight just because some loudmouth wants to cause trouble. Let's see if that other guy can convince him he no longer wants to cause a ruckus. If so, then my job will be accomplished as well. As I said earlier, we will keep your peace while you talk to these people."

With that, Pepe and Oderisi will continue their self appointed task of looking intimidating, and will keep an eye and ear on the scuffle outside. If the loudmouth wins, and wants a second round, Oderisi will he happy to oblige him.

Oderisi notices something amiss with the brawl- the loudmouth is most certainly losing, but they both seem to be avoiding hitting places that would cause serious damage and instead are hitting in ways that cause lots of blood, bruises, and cosmetic damage.

Oderisi will notice Maffeo wincing at an especially dramatic crash, followed by a moan. "Lord, or whatever you call yourself, I see you are unable to distract yourself from the fine theater going on outside. I am an expert on brawling as my gentle and petite exterior might suggest (Oderisi is huge, and bears the scars of countless fistfights). While you asked to avoid permanent damage, observe how both are careful to land strikes that look dramatic, but do no damage. In short what is happening out there is staged, probably with the goal of getting Mr. Reasonable to hold your coin.

Please think on that when choosing who to hire."

Another horrendous sounding crash happens, but it is clear both combatants are still up, despite surviving hits that sound like they would fell an elephant.

Oderisi will glance at Pepe who nods back. If Mr Reasonable and the Loudmouth don't get what they want, a real brawl is exceedingly likely. The two will subtly rearrange the tables and chairs to their advantage and be sure plenty of heavy tankards are within reach for use as missiles.

To Maffeo while making heir defensive preparations: "I do not know how long you intended to be here, but I think it's best to leave while those two are distracted. This could get bigger.

What language is the above taking place in (Tomas' languages are rather limited, and he almost certainly has no idea what was said just now. The Latin in the room he understood.)
(If casting a silent spontaneous spell, is the penalty for silence subtracted before or after the division by 2? I presume after, but wanted to make sure.)

modifier is to the casting score, which is before being divided by two.

Oderisi is speaking in Italian, I believe the Loudmouth and Mr Reasonable were speaking in Arabic.

Tomas wil look at the fight, then look at Euthymios, wondering if we should do something subtle to change the situation, or just leave?

Both Euthymios and Tomas may notice that the serving wench at the tavern has been giving them exceptional service with just the perfect balance between personal attentiveness without being cloying. She takes their orders in fluent Italian and personalizes each round with a small joke or coquettish smile to Euthymios. She seems alarmed at the conflict, but continues to discharge her duties, uneasy though she may be. Her service has a polish to it that is completely lacking by the half trained and rough service currently provided in the caravan. She is also remarkably easy on the eyes and both magi find that whenever they are not consciously thinking of something else, their eyes tend to follow her.

Paola's entrance. She needs do nothing at all beyond just being herself, I think.


This is still an active scene, although it could be resolved by hiring Paola, Pepe and Oderisi, then making a quick exit while Loudmouth and Mr. Reasonable are otherwise "engaged".

OOC: That's what I vote we do along with a handful of other people. Just walk away from the two idiots fighting. Hakima didn't really want to comment.

5 xp
Paphos 2 confidence
Euthymios 3 confidence