The Magi can teleport...PLAN on it. Put their destinations inside regios...The magi won't be able to teleport in and out, to go back to their labs...
The grogs/companions travel without the Magi... Give them problems they can't deal with without the magi...If the magi stays in the lab..kill them, or worse...
-Arcane connections: most of our group just take a chip off the wall/tree or whatever. Have your apprentice fix it, and you are set. We all have long list of AC's on our sheets
If you are worried about the magi using Magic (to get where they are going), you are playing the wrong game... That's the whole point
Hmm....After looking at the section on Rego Craft Magic in Covenants, I don't think Finesse rolls are required for Creo effects, so that makes that a bit easier.
Yes, that is the case in Covenants, but not in HoH:S. I think it's not so clear in Covenants but is clear in HoH:S. Myself, I try to reconcile both with the C&G rule for Excellent items. I don't let the bonus exceed Craft/3, rounded up. Basically, I feel the Finesse roll substitutes for the workshop total to determine if you're able to make something. Magic still makes reaching the necessary total a lot easier, but it helps retain value to Craft: X. It also makes more sense vis-a-vis Verditius magi.
As I said, your inference directly contradicts Sturdy Mantle of the Traveller and Clothe the Naked Form. Yes, HoH:S p60 uses the same Finesse for Cr and Re, but for some reason Julia's spells don't.
Such as I do not agree. If you want to HR that Regios provide a barrier, go ahead if that's what works for you. But that is never explicitly stated in RAW.
I also don't like these other ideas people suggest to nerf teleportation. I mean seriously. Why not just take away the ability to cast spells or use magic at all. That way you can predict and plan for each and everything the players will do.
Except you can't.
No matter how high or low the power level is, you can never predict with 100% accuracy what will happen.
I agree (with you Marko). It is pretty clear from the RAW that some regios might be a barrier to teleportation --- some regios can only be entered in very precise ways. However, other regios can be entered multiple ways. There seems no reason why in general, if you have an Arcane Connection to inside the regio, you cannot teleport there using Leap of Homecoming.
On the other hand, using distance based teleportation (aka Seven League) probably shouldn't work through a regio; because precisely how far away a regio is is undefined.
I agree. I think that for consistency there should be Casting Requisites for bringing non-Corpus things with you; but that doesn't nerf teleportation. It's still (once you are powerful enough) quite easily done. And if Casting Requisites are a huge problem for an individual magus, he can always go in his birthday suit.
Problem is that it's never stated not to be a barrier either, and (some) regii have rather strict limitations on how to (otherwise) enter and leave.
This makes sense to me actaully. Would also mean that I could scry on someone (not on a member of the Order, obviously ) inside a region, but I'd need R: Arcane to do so in all cases. Could work.
Teleportation is annoying. But so are taxes. I'm just as powerless in both cases.
In a spate of being wise after the event, one of our players is really keen to have his magus in on the action... At. All. Times. Fair enough. That's the play style. But I thought I'd run a bit of a murder mystery for the companions and grogs while the magi were all away travelling to somewhere very important (I forget where). But this magus could teleport back, at will. And did. Every night. Why not?
But this meant that he was able to keep playing the magus within both branches of the story at the same time. What I should have done was start accumulating fatigue penalties through burning the candle at both ends. But I didn't thing of it at the time.
I don't think it's a case of preventing the player from making a given choice but rather applying a little logic to the situation.
But hey, this is the same player that starts and ends every combat encounter by opening an eight-foot pit under the enemy combatants and then filling it in again. If I can live with that At. Every. Combat. (except those in which all enemy combatants are turned in mice of course), then I live with anything.
How about not arranging fights on dirt ground? A copper dancefloor (or is that too anachronistic and disco-like?)? A hardwood floor? Dressed stone? Surely there must be some weakness in the Perdo Terram spell I assume he is using.