Learned Magicians: Marco (HM, p. 100)

Salvete Sodales!

While creating my own learned magician, I am afraid I spotted another inconsistency in that chapter: The example character 'Marco the Student' has the Flaw 'Incompatible Arts: VuSa' but he does not even have his Vulnero technique opened. Probably this should be errataed.

Alexios ex Miscellanea

Is this official?

He has salutem, not vulnero but... if he would have opened it, the flaw would be in play.

Salvete Sodales!

John Post answered this in another thread and said that it was quite ok as written in the book, as the character is planning to get all of his arts opened rather soon. As GM I am not sure whether I would allow it, perhaps if the initiation was really in the first years odf the campaign.

Alexios ex Miscellanea