I made a second draft, just edited the original post.
Ah, didn't know. Changed.
I combined or switched tractatus to summae, checking character sheets to make sure the summae were all sufficient level that they would get more mileage out of the summa than the tractatus they replaced. Will PM later if you think no one's paying attention to this thread.
Changed total (there's leftover points now).
Yep, you were right.
Which arts are you most interested in for your magus, and I'll fiddle with it?
Lab texts tend to be much easier to trade for than summae/tractatus, and cheaper. The build point system is much more favourable to buying up vis and vis sources and then purchasing lab texts later in gameplay. Maybe this is min-maxy of me, but I sort of assumed that was the intention when they set the bp cost of lab texts at level/5 instead of level/10.
I didn't notice until I cut some of them down, and then totaled up what I had and ended up with more bps than your subtotal. Thought I was going crazy there for a minute, until I realized what happened