Lokking for Players [Again]

We require a few more players for an online-tabletop Ars Magica game. We have played a few sessions, but the secession of two players (one for work, the other for internet connectivity issues) means we are now short on players and need more to have regular sessions. The sessions would be held every two to three weeks, in evening Thursday or Friday (18:00 GMTish).

The synopsis of the first three sessions can be seen at groups.google.com/group/virtusag ... ssion-logs.

The "Wendish Campaign" tells the tale of the covenant of Rethra in the 12th century, as winds of change blow through the lands of the pagan Wends. Christianity is on the rise, with its peaceful preachers and violent crusaders, and the primeval forests of Germany face growing mundane encroachment. Rethra, an ancient but nearly forgotten pagan temple, will play a key role in future events, and the actions of its members may determine the future course of the entire Rhine Tribunal, and shape the form of Mythic Europe.

You will play young magi joining the winter covenant of Rethra in 1140 AD. Together you will have to choose how to respond to the rising power of the Church and the impending conquest and crusades. The first story will revolve around mundane encroachment into the primeval Magical forest, and the first arc around various solutions to this issue.

The game will be played at regular times, as we'll decide, every second Thursday or Friday, on 18:00 to 22:00 GMT. We use the virtual tabletop program OpenRPG to roll dice, chat, and share a common desktop for images as needed, plus Skype to actually talk to each other.

Information on the covenant and the tribunal can be obtained on the website http://lonedm.googlepages.com/virtusaga. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, post here or on the Google Group http://groups.google.com/group/virtusaga. Please read the etiquette page http://lonedm.googlepages.com/etiquette before you do, though, as it would probably answer technical questions.

...well, I was about to jump all over you to join, but then I saw the House Rules for Weaker Magic, and went 'whoa, wait a sec.'

Before I pass judgement, though, I have to ask how well it's working in practice.

Also, I'm not sure what the Volition bit means. If you're controlling a limb, why can't you use it to strike someone? It's just moving it into a space that happens to intersect a person. Unless I missed something.

It's working well in my experience. That of my players too, I think. See for example, from my player's feedback:
" I loved the Low level of Arts that we have, made
the Low level spells become really nice spels, and was much better see
that On, during the game, each point in the Roll was important."

"What I most appreciate is the complementarity of our characters, and
our resourfullness given the low arts."

If you'll read the first adventure, you'll see they did a LOT with magic: cursing children, spying, scaring people, telekinesis, changing shape, detecting auras, ascertaining people's health, short-range teleportation, and more.

Volition means the ability to move on its own initiative. You can direct the limb to strike someone, but you have to direct it. You can't order it to strike someone if it doesn't have the intelligence and sensations that allow it to understand and follow those orders, that's all.